twenty four

192 13 2

My crying began to stop as I still clung onto Ashton. He rubbed small circles in my back, making me feel more relaxed and making my breathing return back to normal.

I was still in shock if I'm completely honest. Everything happened in the space of 10 minutes even though I feel like I've been hugging him for hours and hours, never wanting to let go.
I feel safe in his arms, It's kind of the feeling I've imagined while I was in England, daydreaming about the day when we would finally meet...which happily enough is now.

I finally let go of Ashton and smiled at him. He was actually in front of me, why is this so hard to understand?

"Hi, my names Ashton." He laughed, holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you."

I quirked a brow and giggled, taking my hand in his and shaking it gently. "Hi Ashton, I'm Emma. Nice to meet you too."

"I told you we had to do that when we met in person!" Ashton chuckled making my heart flutter.

"You're an idiot." I laughed, shaking my head.

"C'mon let me introduce you to my friends." he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards them.

We both walked towards his friends, still hand in hand. I looked down at our hands intertwined and smiled, it felt right doing this and I hope Ashton didn't feel too awkward about holding hands even when we've only just properly met.

"Emma, this is-"

"-Luke, Calum and Michael." I smiled at them all. "We've all talked on FaceTime, I remember."

I walked up to Luke, hugging him. "Hey." I giggled. "Nice to meet you hemmo1996."

Luke hugged me back quickly before facing me with a smile, "Nice to meet you finally!"

I turned to face Michael with his newly dyed green hair, giving him a quick devious smile as he knew my secret about liking Ashton. "Hey, Mikey."

Michael returned a cheeky smile and gave me a quick hug, "Hey, Emma. Good to finally meet you."

I lastly turned to face Calum who was Ashton's roommate, I probably talked to him the most on FaceTime as he lived with Ashton so most of the time he'd join in with our conversation.
"Hey, Cal."

"Hi, Emma. Good to meet you finally in person." He chuckled before hugging me.

After formally meeting Ashton and his friends it was now time for everyone to meet. I hope my friends like Ashton as much as I do.

Honestly, the feeling is still there. I know for a fact now that I love Ashton and now that he's here with me it's probably the right time to tell him my feelings. It's going to be nerve wracking telling him in person but it has to be done.

Ashton unexpectedly pulled me into another hug and whispered in my ear, "We need to talk alone tonight."

"About what?" I asked.

"You'll see." He smirked, making my stomach churn. "Don't worry about it though."


After getting over the shock of Ashton and his friends being in Turkey we all crammed inside two taxis to head to some bars and nightclubs in the main Marmaris area.
It was 11pm, we were going out a little later than usual but it means we could party until 5am if we wanted, we were in a huge group now with no parents to tell us what to do.

Beforehand we all spent a few hours at the bar in our hotel, my friends seemed to get along with Ashton and his friends which was a huge relief. I know that this trip is going to be amazing, I just don't want it to end even though it's only the first day.

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