
185 22 32

5th July, 2013

Thank god that today was my last day of college until September, I had the summer holiday's to look forward to. Unfortunately I'm a fücking idiot and I've left most of my assignments to do at the last minute and I'm stuck in college all day to meet my last deadline.
Fück my life.

I walked into the computer room, sighing in relief to find that it was completely empty. Peace and quiet.
I took a seat infront of a computer by the open window, beaming in satisfaction that it was a warm sunny day, perfect to catch the rays from this position in the room. I took my phone out of my pocket and plugged my earphones in and selected a random playlist on my spotify account.

Slipknot - Duality

I chuckled to myself silently, thinking about Ashton as the song started to play in my ears making memories flood back to me of us both chanting the lyrics over FaceTime.

Satisfied with my music choice, I began to type out my assignments before abruptly hearing footsteps leading towards the room, taking my gaze away from the computer I looked over to the door to see who was going to enter.

Sadie appeared in the doorway and I smiled and motioned her over to sit next to me in the spare seat.

Sadie and I have only talked a few times since she joined our class at the start of the year and I haven't really had a proper conversation with her and to be honest I'd like to get to know her a bit more.

"Hey." She huffed while taking a seat next to me with a loud thud on the plastic chair.

"Hey, you got some assignments to finish?" I asked.

"Yeah. I have seven left to do." She sighed loudly while flicking through her notebook.

"I have six to complete." I sighed, understanding her frustration.

"Looks like we're going to be here a long time." she laughed while quickly typing out the date on a blank word document.

"Yeah." I sighed. "But at least I have you here to keep me company."

"But don't distract me, I want to get my work done." she laughed playfully.

I laughed and turned around to face my computer, putting one earphone back into my ear as I kept one ear free from music incase she decided to keep the conversation going.


5 and a half hours later I was on the last assignment and on my last paragraph. Thank The Lord.
Sadie and I talked occasionally, not wanting to make much conversation since we wanted to crack on with our work. We briefly helped each other with the assignments and Sadie talked about how different the weather in England was in comparison to the weather in Australia. Whenever she talked about Australia it just made me think of Ashton.

As I worked to meet the end of my assignment I saw Sadie's phone light up in the corner of my eye, she quickly picked it up and huffed to herself muttering something under her breath.

"Who's that?" I asked in curiosity as she seemed pretty annoyed at whatever message she had received.

"Oh just this guy." She moaned. "I don't like him but he keeps talking to me and apparently he likes me."

"What's his name?"

"Marc." She sighed.

What the fuck.

"W-what?" I stuttered, panicking to myself.

Sadie turned to face me in confusion, knitting her eyebrows together. "Huh?"

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