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Three months later...
4th July 2013

It has been three months since the breakup with Marc. The past three months have involved a lot of crying, junk food and netflix.
I'm slowly getting over what happened even though the image of Lindsay and Marc making out right infront of my eyes will stay in my mind forever.
Marc has tried to contact me these past few months, he texted me and tried to ring me the day after we broke up but I just blocked his number straight away.

No matter what Marc had to say to me, I would never get back with him. How could I trust him after all that?
I'm not looking into dating anyone for a while now, I have a lot of trust issues.
The only boy I talk to is Ashton, and I can trust him 100%, he knows everything about me and I know I can tell him anything.
Ever since break-up, Ashton and I have talked on the phone nearly every night and to be honest, he's the reason why I'm getting over Marc so quickly.
Talking to Ashton over the phone is the one thing that I look forward to everyday.

It was 5pm and I was sat in my room watching an old episode of Orange Is The New Black on netflix while texting Ashton.

ashton: i've saved $297 so far to come visit you

emma: seriously oh my god ashton

ashton: yeah but how much does a plane ticket cost to england

emma: no idea :/

ashton: oh well ill just continue saving my money lol

emma: hey guess what it's a year today until i fly out to turkey

ashton: OMG i wish i could come with you :(

emma: then come!!

ashton: but work commitments and money :(

emma: ugh true :/ this sucks

ashton: why does my bestfriend have to live so far away from me sovualgoshcwksohajd

emma: and why does my bestfriend have to live so far away from me :(

ashton: :(((((

emma: ive just realised we've never actually talked to eachother on video call we always said we would and all we've been doing is talking on the phone

ashton: want to facetime now?

emma: now?

ashton: yeah that's if you're not doing anything at the minute

emma: yeah of course one min i'll call you

I switched my laptop off and took a deep breath in. I know the first time having a phone call with Ashton was nerve racking but actually talking to him face-to-face on video chat really made me anxious.
I mentally prayed to myself that I wouldn't freeze and go all awkward when I saw his face.

I adjusted my makeup in the mirror and combed my hair through and clicked on Ashton's name to FaceTime him.

The front camera was on my face as I sat and waited patiently for Ashton to pick up.
Suddenly after waiting for about a minute or so it said 'connecting' on my phone and Ashton's smiley face appeared on my phone, making my stomach do summersaults.

I smiled and waved into the camera, studying Ashton's face as he sat there smiling back at me. His hair was pushed back by a black bandana and he looked to be wearing a ripped up Slipknot band t-shirt showing his muscles. God, I've seen pictures of him before but I've never actually realised how attractive he is.

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