Chapter 1: Edward / Bella

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It's Bella and Edward first marriage anniversary. Bella is now vampire who loves to show off her new powers and put her opinions strongly in every matter. She is not same girl as she used to be before turning into vampire. Her nature from being very conscious, shy, soft spoken, introvert girl has changed into demanding, confident and quite aggressive woman. There is celebration going on. Many vampires were present in this anniversary fest. But the star couple of night didn't look that happy. To there closed ones Bella and Edwards fake smile was clearly visible. Jacob also left them after Bella was turned into vampire, as now there was no point in being hopeful.

 Edward sometimes feel did he rush things. But he can't show anyone this doubts as he is the one who wanted to marry this human girl and he turned her into vampire. The most attractive thing of Bella "Defensive Mind shield" is now part of Edward's frustration. As a mind reader he kind of have this obsession to know what a person thinks. But when his powers didn't work with Bella, he just got attracted to this sudden block on his territory. This is main reason he got attracted towards Bella. But sometimes he just wonder what his wife might be thinking of. Edward thinks "I can read whole world's mind to know their feelings for me, but not of my other half, What if she is hiding something from me or what if she thinks sexy stuff with other guys". Man this is really frustrating.

On the other hand Bella also felt stuck in relation. She thinks "well he is good caring and all, but he doesn't even come near to how romantic her ex boyfriends were. Moreover she is also vampire now, she doesn't need Edward's constant protection and treating her like small baby." Bella thinks "I wish I could tell him that stop being my father and in fact if I look around there are quite hotties out there.. hmm why I end up with this looser over protective skinny guy, even Jacob is still head over heels for her". But then she winked thinking it's for the best she didn't chose jacob, as who want to be pathetic dog. As Bella was thinking all this someone dropped juice on her dress. She got so angry that she created scene. Everyone calmed her down and send to change dress. 

After party, Bella and Edward's family member called both to know why they were acting weird through out party. Edward can read everyone's mind so he got idea of there doubts. He played defensive you guys know that i am not party person. 
Bella's father asked to Bella: Why you got so angry? I was looking at you it was your mistake.
Bella can't hide her frustration anymore.
Bella: Well because I think it's not working between us.
Everyone was shocked including Edward.
Bella's father: What do you mean by that? 
Bella: I love Edward but something is missing between us.
Bella's father: did you guys talk about it?? It's normal to have arguments after marriage.
Bella: We don't argue at all.. I don't know how to explain..
Bella's father: Edward son what is it? If you can explain.
Edward: She changed a lot. It's like she is not what she used to be.
Bella: Oh please.. Did you ever tried to know real me? Just because I never said it before doesn't mean I will never say things.
Edward's mother: Why don't you guys take a break and go somewhere for some time to sort things out.
Bella: That won't help.. As it will be.. 
She stopped noticing her father wants to say something..
Bella: what do you suggest Dad?
Bella's father: Why don't start again with your studies?
(Bella's father was against her dropping out)
Bella thought this will give her chance to live her life without Edward's constant baby seating..
Bella: Yes I think it will be helpful.
Edward's mother: I don't think that's good idea. Bella still doesn't have good control over her hunger. If she is hungry and by chance she sees blood it would create seen.
Everyone nodded.
Bella: But I want to study please...
Someone came out from door said: Why don't you send her to vampire academy at castle?
Everyone looked in direction of voice.
This young handsome vampire: sorry to interrupt in your internal matter. I came back to take my coat which I forgot when I left party. I heard you are talking about Bella's studies.

Edward thinks who the hell he thinks he is. He read his mind but he find that this guy has genuine interest in liberating everyone.. Oh god this geek & his bookish world he thought.. 

Edward's father: Indeed that's good idea. Thank you young man. I will send your coat to your home. If you can just..
That man nodded and left..
Bella thinks he is hot..  she might get to meet some hotty vampires at academy... She grins..
Bella: I think I will join that. I can also know things about vampires over there. It would be good experience.
Bella's father: What kind of course do they teach there?
Edward's father: It is very nice university. Since vampires learns things easily they have 4 to 10 week session for each important streams. 
Edward's mother: But Edward and other Collins already graduated from this university ages ago. so they cant's join.. Moreover castle rules apply on university. Once you are inside you can't leave it until graduation and visitors aren't allowed. Will you guys be okay to stay away for this long?
Bella nodded thinking that's just cherry on cake.. Can't think of anything better.
Edward was bit hesitant by this idea..
Bella's father: Is there any problem Edward?? I am sure you can manage some time without my girl & studies are important.
Edward: It's not that.. It just that there is one problem.. since Volturis lives in castle and they actually controls the school.. Moreover as Bella knows Aro has this weird obsession for my family..
Bella: I can handle him like last time.. Moreover with my defensive powers he can hardly find out things from me.. I don't think he can force me into things..
Edward's father: Bella is right. After all now Bella is one of us, so he won't harm her at least for the dignity of school and castle as she will be student there. If he does anything, it would spread wrong message, that he can't really afford.
Everyone nodded.
Bella's father: So it's decided then. 

After few days Bella left for the university, everyone was just pampering Edward so that he won't miss Bella. One day Edward inform his family that he is going for small vacation to change the air. He then left towards north side for few days travel.

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