Chapter 10: Bella

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It's been couple of months since Alec and I started dating. I am getting tired of faking it up but at least now Volturies are not targeting me. I have agreed to this dating only to figure out what is so special about cullins that Aro is personally taking so much interest in them and also if I am with Alec they won't follow me everywhere. So it was good way to go of their radar. Also Bella found out Alec is just faking it up to get information from her. So she will turn the table by getting information from her.

Through my friends and Alec I have figured who are most powerful students available in school by their individual strength or by their noble family strength, he thinks that I will convince them to join volturies but I have my own agenda. I want all powerful ones as my ally. So when time comes I can be most powerful. I believe instead of following anyone I want everyone to follow me. So far I have been succesful in making some powerful friends in School. 

Today I have heard Alec and Jane talking something about meeting regarding cullens with Aro. I guess I have to take risk to eavesdrop this meeting. 

The room had only four people in it Aro, Jane, Marcus and Alec.
Alec: Aro now school year is about to end. What do you want me do with Bella? She is being total brat and bitch.
Aro: Well it's your fault that you didn't get anything out of her.
Jane: It's not my brother's fault that bitch is dumb bimbo. She doesn't know anything and we also don't know what exactly it is that we should bring out of her mouth.
Marcus: Aro I think you should tell them.
Aro: Well you see my dear Jane. One of the cullins has dracula's blood in him which makes him heir to the throne.
Jane: But none of them has that kind of power to claim it.
Aro: True but we never know it may be kept hidden that's why my suspicion is Edward and Alice since they have extraordinary gifts unlike others.

Bells was thinking from her hidden place that how come she never noticed such powers at cullins. Just as she was thinking she fall from the place and Aro felt her presence.

They captured her.
Aro: well well we have rat here.
Bella: Let me go.
Aro: What's so rush my dear? Now since you came here uninvited I think you have your decision for my proposition to join volturies.
Bella: Yes I don't want to join it.
Aro: Oh you broke my heart darling. Anyways as you heard our conversation would you like to say something in that matter.
Bella: I don't know what are you talking about.
Aro: give me your hand. 
Bella used her powers so Aro's power didn't work.
Aro: Excellent way of using shield. But it can't save you from physical torture. Take her to the cage, she will be good play toy for us to try older ways of interrogation. 

It's been month since Bella was in Cage, she was repeatedly beaten and raped. She was now completely broken she kept saying that she doesn't know which cullen have that power but now no one believed it. 

Bella's friends has been informed she ran away with Alec so no one searched for her. School completion is in a week now. Esme wanted to talk to Bella that if now she has made some decision. She doesn't want Bella to pressurize anything.

She was on her way to school when she saw Emily who was Bella's best friend. She had seen her many times with Bella during video chat and in pics. 
Esme: Hi Emily how are you?
Emily: I am fine Mrs. Cullins. What are you doing here?
Esme: I am just going to meet Bella at school since we haven't talked in past month.
Emily: OMG you don't know!!
Esme: What you mean
Emily: Bella ran away with Alec.

Esme: Wait when why how?

Emily: Bella and Alec were in relationship from couple of months and few weeks ago school was informed they ran away. I am sorry.
Esme was still in shock.
Emily: I have to go. See you later.

Esme was thinking how can Bella do such a thing. Yes things with Edward were not good. But at least she should have talked with her. She always treated her like her own daughter and supported her. But among all she choose a volturi? There is something wrong here and she has to find it out. So Esme secretly started for looking things.

It didn't take her long to reach to Bella in Bella's cage.

 Bella's condition was miserable.
Esme: Oh my god Bella what did they do to you?
Bella slightly opened her eyes.
Bella: Esme is that you?
Esme gave her some blood for strength and nodded.
Bella broke down: Please kill me Esme I don't want to live anymore.
Esme: I can't do that. I will get us out of here.
Bella: No I can't. I don't want to. I am beyond repair.

Suddenly Esme heard someone coming towards cell. she hides. It was two of the guards.
Guard: Bitch open your eyes. It's our turn today.
As they started touching bella esme attacked them. Esme managed to knock one down but other guard fled and locked them in cage.

Bella: Esme now they are going to do same to you. Please go. You have to.
Esme: I am not leaving you. Tell me everything.

Bella used her powers to show Esme what she found about cullins and aftermath.

Esme: I am so sorry you have to go through this all. 
Esme unlocked Bella's cuffs. 
Bella with sad eyes: Esme it's ok.
Then Bella showed her what friends she made in school in case Cullens need them in future.
At last Bella turn toward blade: Please tell I am sorry to Edward.
Then Bella cut her head with blade.

Esme shouted Bella.
Aro & Jane come to cage and opened the door.
Aro: Such a pity we lost our favorite toy. We quite started enjoying old ways.
Esme: You are a monster.
Aro looked towards Jane. Jane used her powers on Esme.
Aro: Now she had shield to protect her but you don't so would you like to answer my questions.

Esme understood that now there was no escape for her. She knew Carslisle has some hidden powers that only she and Carslisle know so it was him Aro seeks. She would prefer to die instead of revealing this. 

Esme: ok give me half our to grieve over Bella than I will answer whatever you want to ask.
Aro: Very well I will see you after half an hour. But Jane will be just outside so don't try anything stupid.
Esme just nodded and went our Bella's dead body.

Esme now started shouting carslisle name in mind in hope carslisle feels the panic call. Since Esme knew Carslie have many telepathic powers apart from other thing which generally he never uses.
Carslisle did. They started talking through mind link.
Carslisle: Esme where are you? I have been looking for you.

Esme: I am at school. Bella has been tortured, raped and killed by Volturies. They are after cullen who has dracula blood in his system. Aro beleives it's either Edward or Alice but we both know it's you. Aro is going to question me in few minutes. I cannot hide truth from his powers. 
Then she gave that long pause which sent shivers in Carslisle's body..
Carslisle: What... What are you thinking of?

Esme: I am sorry but it's only way to save you from Volturies.
Carslisle: NoNo no... I will save you don't do it.. Tell them about me.
Esme: So that Bella's sacrifice goes waste. No you have to stay strong and you have to take revenge from volturies. They will never leave us alone. 

Then Esme mentioned some names that Bella given her as Allies.
Esme: This were Bella's friends. She told me they would be useful allys. Good bye Caeslisle. Say Kids I love them all & Edward that Bella was sorry for everything.

With that Esme cut her throat with same blade Bella did. 

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