Chapter 3: Bella

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It's been months since Bella left Cullens. First few weeks were great new place, new friends and new life but then she started having hard time at university. Cunning Aro tried to get her by his side by hook or crook. He offered directly first when it went in vain, he send army of students to torture Bella to change her mind. He wanted to figure out things about cullens family like their powers, weaknesses, allies, foes apart from usual things. Bella has her issues with cullens but can't sell them to someone as cunning as Aro. She doesn't trust Aro or in fact on any one for that matter to say a word. Bella noticed a powerful vampire is saving her from things by either alerting her or indirectly sending teachers to location. She wondered if someone knows all this before hand, he/she must be part of volturi. 

She started keeping eye on each of them and it didn't take her long to figure out that it was Alec, psycho bitch Jane's hottie twin, who was helping her. But why? She needs to figure it out.

She tried to approach Alec but her efforts went in vain every time as he ignores her as decease. Finally she had it enough so she made a plan. She had made some good friends in academy, she took their help to lay trap to catch Alec.  Although she didn't tell them who she is luring for the trap. If she would have, no one have helped her. As you can't fight a lion in his own cave. She just told her friends she has big crush on someone and he doesn't give a shit about it, so she just need to trap him for an hour or so to talk with him,

Her plan worked as she thought. Now she has Alec trapped in room for one good hour.
Alec: Who did this?? You must have death wish.. 
Bella: well well.. seems like you actually got caught..
Alec: What the hell.. Bella just let me go.
Bella: Not until you give me some answers..
Alec: I am not going to answer anything to you.
Bella: Well I have my ways.. 
Alec: Seriously like what .. killing me ,,
Bella: Oh you think killing or violence is only way to get the truth out..
Alec: Huh..
Bella removed her coat and came close to Alec.. She forced him to drink something.. 

Alec: What was that??
Bella: truth syrup made by most powerful witch of century.. If you will lie first your blood bond or loved one will suffer.. 
Alec: There is no such thing.. Even if there is sufferings are for the drinker not for others..
Bella: Oh that's old thing.. This is new and Since I don't think you have partner so Jane will suffer which I would love to see..
Alec: I still don't believe it...
Bella: Try it.. What's your name?
Alec: Aro
Bella showed him image of Jane suffering.. It was actually from time when some students played prank on her but she can't reveal that as it would hamper her plan..
Bella can see Alec's eyes are widening.. It means he falls for it..

Bella: So should we continue this suffering game with more lies.. or you gonna answer me.. I can watch Jane suffering until end..
Alec: Ok ok shoot.
Bella: Now that's what I like.. So I won't go round and round .. Direct question why are you helping me?? And don't lie unless you want Jane to go insane this time..
Alec gulped and said in low voice: Because I find you quite attractive so trying to keep you out of trouble.  
Bella got shocked : What you mean by that?
Alec frown : Well you remind me of myself when I joined academy with naive, powerful and popular duo we were that made us center of every conversation.. I can see Aro is playing same game with you that he played with me and jane years ago to get us on his side..
Bella narrowed her eyes: Is that all?? I guess I heard attractive word.. you didn't explain it..
Alec turned his face to avoid eye contact: fine I think I like you.. Well it's hard to not to get attracted for beautiful lady like you..
Bella blushed at last statement.. The hottest volturi meat has eye on her..
Bella: Then why were you avoiding me all these time I asked?
Alec: You think it's easy to confess your crush.. Moreover I can't take risk as Aro or others might figure this out..

Bella helped him out of the trap and started walking towards door. Neither Alec nor Bella spoke a word.

After that two started getting closer. They started there secret little romance. Alec was way too expressive and romantic when they are alone which was the two things that Edward was not good at. Moreover Alec was powerful companion to be with. But to take this relation further there remains three massive problems Collins (Edward mostly) , her father & Volturis (Jane and Aro mostly). But that can be dealt with when time comes of graduating. Till the time they decide to keep it secret and figure out how this relation goes and are they really want to take the risk.

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