Chapter 14 : Ryan/ Jacob

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One day in royal court the news came that hunter attacked mermaids and nearly wiped out them. Some one suggested Jacob to talk with all other sifters and start forming alliance. The more powerful we will be the less chances of attack there will be.

Ryan: I think that's good idea. But what if he/she is with hunters. We could end up in the trap.
A witch advisor of court: We can ask blood oath as precondition of alliance.
Jacob: I guess then no one will agree to such alliance. I am sure I would not. It is like giving life long promise.
A witch advisor of court: I believe everyone knows now hunters are after all supernatural spices. The blood spell is specifically bound to not each other's enemy. So even if they don't fight with us, they can't fight against us. They can't give any information to our enemy which can be used against us as leverage.
Jacob: That sounds reasonable. Any suggestion from where to start.
A wolf from council: We will look for information on existing queens / Kings / leaders from our sources and with help of some magic. Once we have all information, we will give it to you.  
Jacob nodded.
Ryan: Once we have list we will send a powerful witch & werewolf as our representative with our proposal. 
Jacob: well then let's get started we have lots of work to do.
& then court dismissed.


Alice: time has come for Edward to wake up.

Edwards was still unconscious for couple of months. Everyone was waiting for him to wake up.
As Edward wake up he looks totally different.

Everyone back down a bit when they show murderous eyes and the dangerous aura coming from Edward.

Edward read everyone's mind. He felt his powers.
Alice move forward: Are you ok?
Edward: We will be attacking Volturis tomorrow morning. Inform everyone to be ready.

Next morning Edward launched full swing attack on volturis.

Edwards first target was Jane as she is the strongest weapon in Aro's Army.

As soon as Edward see Jane he used his fire power to burn her into ashes. Then Edward run towards Alec and removed his head from body within a second. This whole thing happened in 10 second time frame. This shocked every volturies. They just realize they don't stand a chance in this war against Dracula.

Aro: We prefer peace not war. We surrender.

Edward: We have given you enough chance for peace not anymore. Everyone this is your chance at revenge and take down volturies. Aro is mine, rest is yours.

Marcus: you can't do that.

Edward: I can kill you all together in a second but I want everyone to get their revenge. You should be punished what you did to people for your selfish motives.
Aro: Run away from here.
Edward laughed and made border of fire: There is no way to escape dear Aro.

Everyone started attacking, one by one they killed every volturies.

Edward: Now Aro as every single of your friend is killed, i guess it's your turn.
with that Edward removed Aro's hand from his body.

Aro with painful screams: just kill me already.
Edward: What's so hurry. Take him in prison.
Aro has plain horror in eyes.

Edward: Inform every vampire on earth about return of Dracula's heir. I am claiming my right as King of all vampires. Whoever has problem with it can place his objection and challenge me within one month duration.

For the next few days Edward tortured Aro in every possible way. Then finally he killed Aro. Few people challenged Edward but Edward fought them in combat and captivated them in prison.

Everyone realized powers of heir and refrained from challenging or disobeying him.

Edward is now corrupted by power and violence. Royal vampire court uses these weakness of their king to establish fear of Dracula in world. For them it's time get back to older time when Vampires were ruler of World. Edward's favorite pass time is to torture the prisoners. The painful shouts of prisons is like everyday music of palace. Alice and other Collins just had it enough of seeing all these on daily bases. They tried to change Edward but nothing worked as Edward become stone wall of hatred. Finally when they can't take it anymore they left palace. After that Edward became more aggressive and now he just doesn't give a fuck about anyone.

Meanwhile, WolfKing's empire started forming alliance with many shifters and other supernatural species. They never expected things will go this easy. But once they started sending message of alliance, most of them return with positive reply. Even when news spread they got message from many more to join this alliance to put united front whenever hunter tries to take any of them down.

Three powerful empires are still not part of alliance.
1) Vampire nation: As they were busy in their own chaos in establishing Dracula rules and violence. Jacob didn't send invitation of alliance to them due to their bad reputation and also their species doesn't go along with werewolves.

2) Hybrid nation: They rejected Jacob's offer as they think they are prone to any attack. Their powers are unmatched so no one can touch them. Also in their eyes everyone is below them. So it's disgrace to form any alliance with anyone.

3) Red nation that is formed by Lion and Dragon shifters: They had their own agenda to establish their rule. They didn't care about common threat (hunters). All they care is power and dominance. Jacob didn't send invitation to them knowing their true nature. They felt this as insult to their nation so they challenged the alliance for war. It simply states if they win they will be King of all alliance member. This was not treaty but clear indication of power grab by force.

Jacob discussed the circumstance with alliance, to his surprise most of them were ready for war. They had enough of Red nation's interference in their lands every now & then. They believed it's better to face him instead of living in fear forever. Also this war experience will help them in real War against Hunters. 

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