Chapter 13: Ryan / Jacob / Fynn

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After forming alliance Ryan informed Jacob about Fynn.

Jacob: Why don't you ask Fynn to live with us?
Ryan with confused look: huh..
Jacob: Look all our guards and palace people are very trustworthy as you know. He will be safe here. Moreover we both are here to keep an eye. 
Ryan: Yes but he can create problems as unholy..
Jacob: Well I am sure together we can handle problems if it arises. He will be safely hidden here. I know you miss your family. Moreover you never got chance to stay with your twin. So you can work on that if he is here. 
Ryan with smile: ok I will ask.

Ryan called Fynn.
Ryan: Hi Fynn.
Fynn: Hey Ryan what's up?
Ryan: I was wondering if you would like to stay with us?
Fynn: I would love to, But I can't. 
Ryan: Why?
Fynn: You know the reason.
Ryan: well the palace is safe and of the radar. Moreover I can put some magic barriers. 
Fynn: Hmm..
Ryan: Fynn just come for few days. You can bring Alex to inspect things. 
Fynn: ok

Ryan informed jacob that Fynn agreed.


Fynn arrived at Palace.
Fynn can't believe who he saw. 

The wolfking Jacob was no other but his Jack.
(Jacob and Fynn were school mates and best friends. Fynn had huge crush on Jacob, but he never told him as Fynn was aware of Jacob is straight. It was painful all those years when Jacob constantly talks about girls but Fynn didn't mind as Jacob didn't have girlfriend. But as Bella entered in their life, Fynn understood he can't have jacob so he left school without good bye)

Jacob ran towards Fynn.
Jacob: oh my god is that really you Fynn?
Fynn awkwardly nodded: Hi Jake.
Jacob just hugged him with tears in his eyes. Fynn also has tears in his eyes. By seeing his best friend & his crush after long time his hidden emotions resurfaced.

Ryan got surprised and bit jealous. 
Ryan awkwardly cough: You two know each other?
Jacob: Yes we were in school together. We were best friends and then he suddenly left, now I know why he left.
Fynn with shocked eyes: Why?
Jacob: the powers of unholy & stuff.
Fynn awkwardly laugh: yes so you are werewolf?
Jacob nodded.

Jacob: We have lot to talk but you rest today. Ryan show your brother and Alex their rooms. I need to go for meeting.
Ryan hugged Jacob and whispered thank you my king in his ears. 

Ryan knew about the reaction so he smirked when Jacob froze.

At night Jacob came late, Ryan was waiting for him.
Jacob: Hi dear, sorry it took long than expected.
Ryan: It's fine.
Jacob: So why are you still awake?
It was sincere question as Ryan generally don't wait after certain hours. He loves his beauty sleep. But he can't sleep today.
Ryan: Can't I wait for my mate?
Jacob with blush: wow what's gotten into you? 

Ryan didn't answer just walk towards jacob and stops at just few inches away from Jacob's face.
Jacob: Ryan what are you doing?
Ryan: what does it look like?
Jacob: Please .. I can't resist if you are too close.
Ryan didn't say anything instead just put his lips on Jacob. Jacob froze for a second but then kissed back. It was not rough kiss but slow soft romantic kiss.

Jacob: Wow that's..
Ryan just winked and left for bathroom.

Ryan locked the door and calmed his self. He can't believe he crossed boundary he set himself. He has kissed many women in life but never ones he felt what he felt with the kiss, is he really straight?

When Ryan came out Jacob was still standing at the place thinking. Ryan started walking towards bed. Jacob noticed Ryan is trying to avoid him.

Jacob: Thank you.
Ryan: for what?
Jacob: for everything.
Ryan: good night my king.
Jacob: Good night dear.

Ryan and Jacob started getting closer after that. They started kissing every now and then but nothing more as Ryan wants to take thing slow and wasn't ready for it. Jacob is fine with it. He never expected that his mate will ever reciprocate his feeling, so these is good enough for him. Now he has confidence that one day he will make his mate his own.

Fynn is happy that finally after all this years he gets to spend time with his twin brother and his best friend. Fynn is happy for Ryan and Jacob but at the same time he felt pain in his heart every time he saw Jacob in love. It's just hard to see love of your life is in love with your own brother. He can't help the way he is feeling. It's fucked up for him. He never had any feelings/ likes towards any girl/boy except Jacob.

Every time he spends time with Jacob, his heart skips a bit. Jacob noticed this behavior but he is just so happy to have his best friend in his life with his mate, so he just didn't think it as big of a deal. For Jacob Fynn is most pure and innocent soul.

Ryan also start noticing it. He becomes extremely jealous whenever he sees how Fynn makes Jacob laugh in fraction of seconds which he can't do. He is jealous that how they understand everything about each other. Ryan never shared any of his things with anyone so sharing his king' attention with his brother is out of question. He knew Jacob only loves him but he just can't keep doubts out of mind so one day he harshly lashed out on Fynn and asked him to go out of their lives.

Fynn and Alex are at safe place where no one can trace them. Fynn was crying non stop. 

Alex: Fynn when are you going to tell me what happened? please stop crying. I can't see you like this anymore.
Fynn: I am sorry to make you feel like that. But I don't know what else to do.
Alex: Just tell me what happened. May be I can help.
Fynn: No one can help me
Alex: Let me decide that. 
Fynn took a deep breath: Fine.. Wolfking Jacob is Jake.
Alex confused: Huh.
Fynn just gave him look.
Then it strikes Alex.
Alex with wide eyes: You mean your high school crush Jake?
Fynn with sad eyes nodded.
Alex: OMG I am so sorry. But it's been years Fynn. Did he figured about your one side love for him?
Fynn with questioning look: Hell No. It's just hard to see him like that with someone else.
Alex: Come on Fynn. You grown up in front of me, you can't fool me. I know you are not that kind of person to let your sadness wash other's happiness. Tell me real reason.
Fynn with sad eyes: I think Ryan knows. That's why he told me to go away.
Alex: That piece of shit. Who the hell he thinks he is to order you anything.
Fynn with small smile: Hey calm down. You can't talk like that about my twin in front of me. Moreover I don't think he done anything wrong.
Alex: huh.
Fynn: Jacob is his mate. So he just feels insecure that's natural. Moreover it's good that I am away I can move on in my life.
Alex: If you say so, but no more tears ok?
Fynn just nodded.

Ryan felt bad once he realized what he had done but it was too late Fynn already left. He tried to trace Fynn or Alex but nothing worked. He just gave up after few attempts of finding. Fynn's sudden disappearance affected Jacob as well. But he don't know where Fynn left, moreover Ryan doesn't tell him anything. Also Jacob noticed Ryan's getting bit pale. So he paid attention on cheering Ryan instead of finding Fynn or talking about Fynn. 

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