Chapter 9: Ryan / Fynn

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Fynn and Ryan reached at Fallen angel's (Alex) house who was taking care of Fynn all these years.

Alex: Welcome Ryan. It's good to see you after all this years. I am Alex.
Ryan: Hi Alex. Thank you for taking care of my brother.
Alex: It's my pleasure. He is very good kid and given me no troubles.
Fynn blushed. 
Alex: Fynn show Ryan his room. You guys fresh up and then will talk in living room.
Fynn and Ryan nodded. Then they left for their rooms.

Ryan was being impatient and bit worried as fynn still haven't told him about mission.

Ryan: So Fynn when are you gonna tell me about mission.
Fynn: Lets go downstairs. Alex will explain you. Even I don't know all details of it.
Then they reach to living room.
Alex: Ryan your father called me and explained situation. I will tell you about your mission and details. When you were not in Kingdom your parents called a secret meeting to figure out the power surge that caused panic in magical spheres. Before going further let me ask Did you felt it? 
Ryan nodded.
Fynn: Is this the thing what kept them inside palace which everyone misunderstood as their hiding?
Alex nodded: Your parents figured something big is going to happen so they called us all to start researching things. After researching lots of history and with the help of few devil we found out reason. Do you guys know Fiona?
Fynn shake his head to indicate no
Ryan: The oldest and most powerful witch who masters black magic. It is believed she is first generation witch which has power of more than 100 powerful pure blood witches.
Also some says she is immortal since she lived from ages.
Alex: True information. She got killed by Wolfking. We don't know how but that was the reason of that power fluctuation.
Ryan and Fynn both gasped with shock.

Ryan: But how does a shifter can kill such a powerful witch. Moreover what does that have to do with our mission? Neither Fiona nor this wolfking has to do anything with our kingdom or hunters.
Alex: Yes Both of them have no direct connection to us. We went to inspect the sight where fiona was killed it's been completely destroyed and power we felt there was marvelous. Anyways now think of possibilities if hunters can somehow find a way to control him or being ally with him we would be wiped out and if it goes other way we would find a powerful ally in war. Not only him but also many werewolves as from the latest information he has all states pack under command.
Finn: Our mission is to make him our ally.
Ryan understood.
Ryan: So what do you suggest we should do?
Alex: I am not sure yet but one thing is for sure that we need him more than he needs us. 
Fynn: What about we send him message of alliance?
Alex: Well your father tried but he said he has lots of things on his plate right now. Moreover he thinks as your father is prime target now if he joins hands werewolves will be dragged in this war. He doesn't want to start a war by making first move.
Fynn: Seems intelligent point as he has to think of his species first. And the fact that trusting unknown witches is out of the question for most supernatural species doesn't help. What about mate? Werewolves have mate what if we find his mate. We can try forge friendship with him/her to get to king or we can capture him/her and give our condition to King.
Alex: Capturing mate is out of question as that will be considered red flag for any werewolf. We will create foe instead of ally. As per Wereking's history and knowledge of our sources he is most likely lone wolf.
Ryan: What if we perform Alhuncion ritual?
Fynn looks confused.
Alex with wide eyes: How do you know about it? That's forbidden black magic.
Ryan looked on the floor: I know many things and that's part of reason my parents punished me.
Fynn: what is this ritual?
Alex: It's ancient black magic. Caster of this magic can make his subject believe that he/she is subject's true mate/lover.
Fynn: So kind of love potion?
Alex: Yes. But it's not temporary or for limited period.
Fynn: How it's that bad that they have to forbidden it?
Ryan: In past many witches used it to lure their prey. Once they get what they wanted they kill their prey. Witches used this magic as weapon. Only way to break the magic is arrival of subject's true mate or caster's death. Other supernatural species and humans found out about this magic and announced war on witches for manipulating their feelings and killing their kinds. It costed heavily to witches. Witches were burned to death in many parts around the world. To save remaining witches a virgin royal witch princess sacrificed herself to goddess. So goddess stopped the war or hunting of witches. But she punished all witches with curse that any witch can use this magic once in life time. Moreover if he/she uses this magic then his mate bond would be broken forever with his/her true mate. This magic works like creating new bond something like second chance at mate. After that witches went into hiding and forbidden this spell. 
Fynn: I guess that's only way to gain his trust in shortest amount of time. There is no alternative option.
Alex: Ok but who will perform this. The caster must have experience with black magic since there aren't many people in our kingdom familiar with Black magic. Moreover we can't trust any witch with such important task. Also don't forget we are talking about a person who killed Fiona so caster has to have that much amount of power to affect him.

Fynn and Ryan nodded.
Alex: So do you guys have any suggestion? Except your family and few light witches I don't have any trust worthy candidate for this.
Fynn: I can do it. I have powerful enough.
Alex: Are you mad? You can't. You never performed Black magic moreover if someone from wolfking's side find out your angelic half there would be another bigger war on our gate.
Ryan: He is right. You can't do it, But I can. I have knowledge and experience with dark magic.
Fynn: But you hate gays. Moreover you will loose your true mate.
Ryan: Well I can handle my emotions. Right now my responsibility is towards our kingdom. Sometimes as a prince we have to sacrifice our own emotions. I have made my decision.

With that Ryan turn to leave for his room. 

Alex: Wait Ryan there is something more. You do know sometimes twins has common mate. 
Ryan: yes but I don't think we have it as I don't see his aura matches mine.
Alex: Well I hope you are correct but in most cases twins will only know about it ones they both see their common mate. That's way all mates have fair starting. So there is possibility.
Fynn: What you are trying to say?
Alex: I am saying if you have common mate then by performing this ritual Ryan will cut down his mate bond with you as well. 
Ryan with fake smile: I love fynn but as brother only. So it's okay i guess. Moreover in that case Fynn doesn't have to share.
With that Ryan left for his room. Fynn had tears in his eyes.
Alex just nodded he doesn't have words how to comfort fynn.

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