Chapter 8: Ryan / Fynn

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When Ryan reached his home, he saw horrible scenario. His entire hometown has been burned to asses. With most dead people, only few survivors have left with heavy injuries. He started helping people and looking for his parents. His parents caste very heavy magic that saved there clan from attack but it costs them heavily as they used their whole life force. His mother died at instant. His father was taking his last breathes and few witches are trying to save him.

Ryan ran towards his father. He used his water capabilities to heal his father. It worked and his fathers condition stabilized. His father nodded acknowledging Ryan finally got control of his core magic of water. One of the witch(fynn) who looked quite similar to his mother told Ryan to help others so his father can rest and it will help him heal faster. Ryan nodded and left.

Next day
Father: Ryan you came. 
Ryan sobbing: Yes father. I am sorry. I am here.
Father: It's okay son. You saved my life. 
Ryan: If I was here I could have saved mom and others.
Father: You can't change what has happened.
Ryan: But who did this?
Father: Humans. They are trying to take witches under their control so they can use our magic for their usage.
Ryan: But for that they could attack any clan. Why us? Who attacks king directly?
Father: Well they think wipe the strong ones. Weak will surrender without fight. So they choose to attack us. 
Ryan: But how can they damage us this much? We have some of the most powerful witches in world.
Father: Fynn please answer that.
Fynn: They surprised us with the attack while we were busy in something else. Moreover they have some kind of equipment which somehow nullified our magical capabilities. They also seems to know about how many people we have here. Also they know which witches to target first. They took down powerful ones first and captured them. Then they started killing others just to make a point. They thought King and Queen would be devastated by losing you. As King and Queen were absent from Kingdom since you left. Except few people no one knew your parents weren't devastated because they kicked you out because they found that's only way to make you realize your mistake and manage your strength. They have full faith in you and knew you would come out of it just fine. So they place their attention on something else. Anyways when King and queen came attackers were surprised of their arrival. Before they can react your parents used their whole life force to create magical shield which throw them out far from our borders and created sphere so no one can come inside this magic costed them.
Ryan was confused who this guy is and how come he have never seen him before but that was not important for now so he nodded slowly analyzing situation: how come I can come inside? 

Fynn: Because your parents created it their blood is immune to shield so you can come inside  without any problem.

Ryan nodded and looked towards her mothers dead body and started crying again.

King: My boy it's not time to get weak. It's your responsibility that your mothers sacrifice won't go in vain.
Ryan confused: What do you mean?
King: I lost love of my life and I am old. I am weak now to handle any war. you have to play your part in protecting every witches you can.
Ryan with teary eyes: Father, I will do anything.
King told a witch two bring two boxes. King opened one box and returned Ryan's magical powers that he took away from him as punishment.  

Ryan started feeling his powers increasing tenfold. Now he has powers that he got from ancient black magic with his core water magical powers. 

King:  Ryan you need to understand your powers are not enough to win this war as they have weapon to nullify our magical abilities. We don't know what more they have. So we need to get allies and more information on what they have and who is helping them. Strategic plan, having stronger allies on our side, knowing enemies strength and weaknesses will increase our chances of win. 

Ryan just nodded still trying to understand his fathers statement.

King then asked a witch to summon few people.

Ones they arrived king told Fynn to handle each of them a scroll from the box. Ryan noticed all faces were covered with masks.

King: I want you all to open it ones you are alone. It says your new mission details. The current attack on our clan is proof that war is hanging on our head. You have to go their and find out every single information you can about this attackers. Who are they? What equipment they have? How they got it? How they got our confidential information? Who are helping them? What is their ultimate goal? This mission is very dangerous if any of you wants to opt out just give scroll back now.

No one put it back so king had grin on his face: As thought. Now each of you pour blood in this bowl. It is binding blood oath. So disloyalty will cost you with your life. In current circumstances
I can not take any chances. 

Everyone nodded in understanding and pour their blood on bowl. Then they all left. 

Now King looked at Ryan.
King: Ryan your mission will be explained to you by Fynn. He will be with you on this mission.
Ryan: But I don't want to leave you here.

King: You have to fulfill your duty which requires your presence somewhere else. Don't worry I will be fine and I will be in contact. Trust Fynn with everything.

Ryan: I don't want babysitter. I can handle myself pretty well. Moreover who is this guy? I am sure I have never seen him before. And I know almost everyone in our clan. and above all why does he look like mom?

King heavily sighed: Sorry I should have introduced him. He is your little twin brother Ryan. I and your mother had twins both you were born dead. We performed different rituals and prayed multiple entities but nothing worked. Your grandparents started working with black magic to dig on ancestor's knowledge to help us. They figured our ancestors helped angels in defeating and capturing unholy soul of demon angle hybrid in our hidden family box. If we can open it and split the soul into two then that can merge with your bodies and you can be saved. There was if this soul gets free it will destroy everyone of us to seek revenge. But we took our chance. The soul was indeed very  powerful. Although it was captured for ages and weak still it was giving tough fight Hundred powerful pure blood witches including us. At the end some fifty witches with your grandparents performed soul magic which converted their bodies into water sword which cut the soul into two half. So there sacrifices bought you back. But there was now new problem. Half demon's soul gave you life. That is why you have more demonic tendencies and can perform high level black magic without a problem. Also the water sword somehow dissolved in your body so you have water powers. But your brother got half angelic soul. As witches have demonic blood. This ritual made him unholy hybrid. We never thought about this until we realize it. If people would have found out about him they would have done same thing they did with hybrid. We can't afford to start fight against angels or demons. Also your brother was just vulnerable little kid. So we kept him hidden from everyone and he grew up with my very good friend and fallen angel. He gave him training on his angelic powers and how to keep them hidden. Fynn understand our reasons and forgive us for keeping him secret. I summoned him along with you during war only. 

Ryan with heavy tears in eyes just nodded and hugged fynn tightly. Fynn just melted in the hug with happy tears in his eyes. King hugged his both son.

Ryan with determined look: Father I promise I will take care of fynn and I will complete this mission successfully. Fynn I promise you I will listen your every suggestion and will protect you till my last breath.

Fynn just nodded with teary eyes. And then we left our father. 

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