Chapter 18: Fynn / Edward / Jacob

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As the days passed Edward told Fynn how he lost his humanity and how he lost his wife. Fynn has told Edward that he is Edward's second mate and that is why Edward's humanity came back. Fynn didn't mention anything about Ryan being first mate as it can lead to many questions which he doesn't want to answer. But Fynn have asked time from Edward before deciding anything, which Edward happily agreed as he himself is mess right now. 

Jacob is also healthy now. Jacob knows that Fynn and Edward is mate. Also he can see both of them getting closer as days pass. He now starts feeling like third wheel. Jacob decided to talk about it before making any rash decision. 

Edward talked with Jacob about how he became Dracula and what happened to Bella when Jacob asked him about Bella. 

Jacob asked Fynn he wants to talk to him in private. 
Fynn: Hi Jake, you wanted to talk with me?
Jacob: yes fynn, there is something bothering me from many days.
Fynn: you can tell me anything jake.
Jacob: I know. Please promise me you won't be mad at me for saying this. I would accept whatever you decide without any argument.
Fynn: Why are you saying like this? I can never be angry at you.
Jacob: I don't know how to say it. But I have to.
Fynn just pressed Jacob's hand to encourage him to continue.
Jacob: I want you to know that how much you matter to me. Seeing you first thing in the morning is one of the reasons that I actually wish to wake up. Because of your smile, I feel like living. Being with you feels like I can fly careless. I am so grateful for that. 
Fynn: Jake I..
Jacob: Fynn wait let me complete.
Fynn nodded.
Jacob: I felt for you first time when you left me in school. I had this feeling of something in me died that day, I was not mature enough too understand that feeling at that time. I thought being straight and having feelings for best friend is so wrong so I started focusing on other things. And it helped at that time but then when you came back the hole started feeling up and I enjoyed each moment with you so much that I started craving for that moments. Sometimes I thought it was wrong to feel it like that when Ryan was my mate, but I can't help it. Ryan noticed my behavior changed and started feeling jealous. When you left, we had big fight. But then I thought Ryan was right, I can't keep ignore his feelings. So we patch up and things improve slowly. After Ryan's death I was devastated, I didn't want to live anymore. But you came back. You showed me I can live again after Ryan. It was you that kept me going. It is at that moment that I realized I love you. I wanted to confess my feelings to you before war, but I don't have courage to loose you. 
Jacob stopped for a moment.
Jacob: I know you told me that you see me as friend now, also that you have your true mate. I am not going to come in between you but this is something I can't keep within me. I will be happy with your choice and will leave you guys alone so you don't feel bad for me. 

Fynn was still silent and shocked from hearing all this.
Edward now came in the door after hearing whole conversation from door.

Jacob looked at Edward.
Jacob with fake smile: It's funny isn't it Ed. First I loose my crush Bella to you and now I am loosing my best friend to you. I guess I am lone wolf for a reason. I just don't have destiny to have companion. First Bella then Ryan and now Fynn. I guess I am destined to be virgin.
Edward: Jacob I don't know what to say.
Jacob: It's ok Ed. I don't blame you for a thing this time. Take care of Fynn. He is great guy. I will leave the palace tomorrow morning.
With that Jacob started walking towards door.

Fynn: Wait Jake. I love you too. I have always loved you from day one we met. But Edward is my mate, I can't reject him and make him killing machine again.
Jacob: What are you trying to say.
Fynn: I don't know Jake. Can't you give me some time to think.
Jacob just nodded.

Edward with devil smile: What's there to think?
Fynn with confused eye: meaning?
Edward: Well why can't we three be together? In this way no one has to sacrifice anything. I like you both and I don't mind.
Jacob with wide eyes: Are you out of your mind blood sucker? 
Fynn thought about it.
Fynn: Jack calm down. What Ed is suggesting is not bad solution. See I love you. I also started liking him as he is my mate and mate pule is working. I don't want any of you to suffer. My heart desires you Jack, while my soul desires him. Also you two know each other from long so it won't be that difficult to get along. I think we should give it a try. Please keep open mind towards it.

Jacob just nodded as he doesn't have any counter argument at a moment. 

After few days of reluctant efforts thing went smooth. The trio actually got along together. They noticed their trio actually compliment each other's quality. While Fynn is shy and introvert, Edward understand signs easily and good with flirty words. Jacob is bit expressive and touchy. It took time for edward to get used to warm hugs of Jacob. But ones he accepted it, he usually craves for it. Who would have thought that blood sucker can be really sucker for warm hugs. As both Fynn and Edward loves Jacob's warm body too much Jacob has to sleep in between them so both of his lovers have access to there own heater for cuddling. Both of them absolutely love it and Jacob can't wish for anything more. Also one thing that shocked all three of them as Jacob's cuddling somehow put the Vampire to sleep. Edward never thought it is possible for him to have night long sleep but he wasn't complaining it.

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