Chapter 6: Jacob

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When Jacob woke up he feels lots of energy within him. He can sense things a lot better and from lots of distance. It was like his senses are hundred time more powerful than his wolf form even when he was still in his human form. When he goes near the window, he can see as far as more than few miles as if it was broad daylight. He sees his hands and see some well built muscles. He goes near mirror got surprised to see his own reflection. He has well built muscular body. He no longer looks like chocolate boy but looks like one of those demon sex god who is irresistible. It was like he evolved (just like pokemon does).

He went outside to stretch a bit and then he shifted into his wolf form. His wolf form also now become very powerful and much bigger. His brown fur is much silkier and shiny. He also got black strips all over the body and star mark as royal sign on his head. With one loud haul he made his presence known to everyone. As he thinks about his gifts he focused on one tree and exhale sharply. The air become sharp weapon which cut tree in fraction of seconds. Then he concentrate on land and there was minor earth quack to break ground. He now changed back his human form and tried same thing and it worked. He started working on his power and on how different ways he can use it. After few months of training and reading a book from witch's collection about earth and air power he mastered it.

He started his journey from his original pack. He decides to take some revenge of the beating he got. He decided not to use his elemental power until it's completely necessary as it will help him in long term if this remains secret. Moreover his strength is now more than enough to take down few alpha's together. As he reached his old pack's border. He gave one of the warrior to pass the message to Alpha. His aura was clearly giving wolfs signal to submit, so they just nodded instead of fighting or arguing. As the warrior reached to pack. He gave the message to Sam that Jacob says either submit to him or accept his challenge. As Alpha Sam can't back down from challenge without fight. So Sam accepted the Challenge. There was one more later Jacob send for Seth. It says he is challenging Sam, but before the fight he wants to see who is on his side so he asked Seth who is willing to take risk to stand against Sam. Except the warrior wolves no one has seen or felt Jacob's power yet so Sam or Seth were clueless. As expected Leah, Embry and Seth joined Jacob's side rest were on Sam's side as they were afraid that if Sam wins he will torture them or kick them out of pack. When the pack reached border land everyone show Jacob and felt his power, they knew Sam can't win this fight. But Sam was blind by his ego to see it. Fight completed as soon as started. Jacob defeated Sam's wolf form with his human form. Jacob didn't even require to shift. Now defeated Sam has submitted against Jacob. Jacob announced Leah will be new Alpha of this pack and Seth will be his representative. Sam is not allowed to phase until Jacob permits him. Sam will help Leah in handling things so transition goes smoothly. He announced his plan to claim whole werewolf world as King or Alpha of Alpha's. Then he called two wolfs who tortured him and also tortured several wolves of pack. He challenged them he gives them a minute heads up if they reach pack house before him he will spare them. As minute completed Jacob shifted and in next few seconds he was in front of those two who hasn't reached half way. He cut their throat and everyone gasp. He then shift back and said any disrespect of him or his appointed people will result in death penalty. However if someone has any objection with appointees he can always write it to council with proper reasoning and council will look for the validation of reason. No harm will be done to any pack member for complaining or suggesting their thoughts. Then he choose Embry as council member who is known for his cool temper and unbiased views. 

He left the pack after resting for a night in his room. He asked Sam for list of big packs and name of their Alpha's. Small packs normally have treaties / alliance with nearby big pack so if he takes down Alpha of big pack small pack's Alpha will automatically submit to him. He started his journey few submitted to him without fight and few did challenge but lost to Jacob's strength.. He almost concurred every pack of United States in past couple of months.

He was tired of long journeys and he has no idea what next he should do to be King of whole werewolf world. So he decided to asked pack Alpha where he was currently in.
The Alpha: King you asked for my my service.
Jacob: Hi Alpha. I want to discuss something important with you and your beta.
The Alpha & beta said in unison: how may we help?
Jacob: As you know I have establish my rule over all packs of states.
Beta: Yes my King.
Jacob: Do you know why I did this?
Both shake their heads to indicate no. They clearly can't say anything that offend King. Moreover after living with Jacob they knew Jacob really doesn't care much about power grab or unnecessary Bloodshed. 
Jacob: I was informed by previous wolf King that war is coming upon our Kind. I don't know who exactly we will be up against but if we are united we stand more chances of win then scattered. 
So I started my journey with a goal to unite whole werewolf world under one Kingdom.
Alpha and Beta nodded in understanding.
Jacob: The problem is only Journey of states took lots of time. Still there is whole world. I don't know with how much time is left till the war come upon our door as you might aware that witches have already been targeted. So I was wondering how to do it without literally traveling every pack boundaries. 

Alpha's small daughter came from door who was hearing this conversation silently.
Daughter: Can't you challenge them from here by sending a letter or something. Instead of going there you can decide a common place which is convenient to both.
Alpha: sorry my king. Lilly go back to your room this is for elder's conversation.
Jacob chuckled: It's fine Alpha. She needs to learn all this. We can't do that because as per pack laws that will be seen as declaration of war. War means we have to fight thousand of wolfs not just one Alpha.
Lily: Are you afraid? I can fight with you to defeat army.
King laughed: well thank you dear for your offer. But no I am not afraid. I am just trying to avoid unnecessary bloodshed of our own Kind.
Beta: So the only option we have is to reach near pack boundary and challenge the Alpha.
King with frown: Exactly my point. 
The Alpha: Since my pack more secluded and traditional I am seriously not aware of international affairs. I am sorry. think why don't we call each pack Alpha for their inputs.
Lily: Why don't you call general Alpha gathering for dinner to celebrate establishment of Kingdom?
Jacob with curiosity: What are you trying to say my dear?
Lily: All alphas from state will come to this celebration. You can take everyone's input regarding this. I am sure someone will have some ideas. 
Alpha: Also you can inform them that you want to discuss some very important thing so  each alpha should bring a person who they think can be helpful to King's next move. The person can be werewolf / human / any other supernatural. (It was open knowledge that many werewolves pack have alliance with other species in form of boundary sharing or peace treaty or through mates)
Jacob nodded: What do you think Beta?
Beta: I think it should work. As Alpha's like to boast their ego they will bring best possible person to get praise from their King. And we can discuss all good ideas and come up with some solution to this problem. But I have a concern.
Beta looked hesitant to state it.
Jacob: What is it?
Beta: I believe involving other species is risky as they might be spies or something. Revealing all Alpha's identity or King's identity or our plan will be threat. Since you mentioned war we never know who's on whose side.
Lily: For the identity we can ask everyone to cover their faces with masks. We can mention this to Alphas as this might be their concern as well. We can set rules like only remove it if they are alone or King ask them to do so. By this way no one can force other to remove it. And for the plan conquering world is every king's dream so that won't surprise any one. Alpha's will be just happy that they will be part of united kingdom without sending any of their warrior. Moreover after hearing each ideas King can have personal conversation with each person who came up with good ideas to go through it. Also King doesn't need to reveal to anyone anything about what he will do so it will be secret only.

Jacob gave wide grin for the statement.

Jacob: Well that sounds like very good plan. But there is one more problem where to host them. I don't want to put your pack at risk by revealing the pack location to so many people.
Alpha with joyful eyes: Thank you for considering it my King. I was worried about same thing. 
Beta: What about your cousin lee's mention on the mountains?
Alpha with wide eyes: That's very good suggestion. It's on no pack land. and it's big enough to host more than thousand people. Since it's protected by old spells there is almost guaranteed safety from outside attacks. 
King: Okay Beta I want you to give me location coordinates so I will inform all Alphas about the meeting on next full moon through link.
(The Wolfking Jacob has created a mind link  between him and all alphas who submitted to him by biting them on wrist. This link works just as pack link only difference is Alphas can not communicate with each other through this link. Jacob created it so he can pass on any important message to all Alpha and can easily attend any distress call this alphas give in case of attack on their territory)
Beta: Here my King. I will send few people to start preparing for meeting and hosting.
King: Thank you for your help.
They nodded and started walking out of King's office.
King: Alpha 
Alpha stopped and turned: yes my king
King: You have very bright daughter their. You should be proud of her. 
Lily blushed.
Alpha with prideful look: Yes I am my king.

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