Chapter 2: Edward/ Jacob

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After travelling for few days Edward reached at dark forest. It was so dark but peaceful. Suddenly he heard wolf growl, he immediately got alerted and climb up to tree.

He noticed one large wolf growling due to pain. Edward can see lots of blood on his body from far. From his size and smell Jacob figured it's werewolf not a normal wolf. Out of curiosity, he went in direction of wolf too have a close look while keeping his guards on. His eyes got wide open when he sees the wolf from closer.

Edward: Oh my god.. Jacob is that you? 
Jacob converted into his human form (naked).. 
Edward turned and give him a piece of cloth to cover.
Jacob: Well you can turn around.. It's not like you have never seen a naked man before..
Edward blushed a little: Well I don't know what you are talking about.
Jacob: ok what are you doing here?
Edward: That's not important.. Look at your injuries man..
Jacob: It's just wolf fights.. Nothing serious.. 
Then he fainted..
Edward carried him to nearest empty house.. Put some ointments and leaves on wounds to stop blood.

When Jacob wake up he found himself on a bed. He tried to get up but pain was too much from his wounds and broken skull.

Edward: Oh good you are awake.
Jacob: Edward cullins.. Is that really you? I thought I was day dreaming.. 
Edward pinched him..
Jacob: That hurts you blood sucker..
Edward chuckled & then asked what happened..
Jacob: How many times you will ask me same question.. Moreover I am pretty sure that you have read my mind by now.
Edward: I am asking why are you here? This place is quite far from your pack..
Jacob: My pack.. yeah right..
Then jack thinks about how he fight with Sam for siding Bella and cullins and kicked out of pack.
Edward: Oh I am sorry..
Jacob: Out of my head.. Will you?
Edward nodded.
Jacob: ok so why you are helping me? We are not even friends? 
Edward: Well I was just passing by when I noticed you &  Moreover I don't want Bella to fight with me that I left his friend Dying (He lied)..
Jacob: Wait don't lie.. I know Bella doesn't give a shit about me.. Don't you remember after turning how she kicked me out of your house saying my smell is unbearable for her senses. goddess knows how many times I tried to talk with her..
Edward got tense with sudden reminder: sorry about it. I will talk to her about it ones she will be back. I am sure she still see you as her best friend..
Jacob: Oh piss off.. I already know the truth,, don't need anyone's sympathy for that matter.. I just ..
Edward understood what Jacob tried to say by reading his mind.
Jacob: Anyways Where is she?
Edward: huh..
Jacob: You said ones she come back so where is she?
Edward: It's none of your business. But she is pursing her further studies.
Jacob: You got to be kidding me. She never liked studies. Why she want to study more after being blood sucker?
Edward gave him a look but inside he knew Jacob was saying truth.
Edward: Ok if your questions are complete than drink this.
Jacob was shocked: What's it?
Edward: Poison.
Jacob: Come up with something new you old preak.
Edward: Just drink it.
Jacob looked straight in Edward's red eyes, He can see genuine concern.
Jacob gulped & drank it.
Jacob: Yuck.. what was that? 
Edward: A cure for healing faster.. I have learned it from Carlisle.
Jacob: Btw where are we? Is this your house?
Edward: Nah it's just empty house I guess as I haven't seen anyone around here from ages. Moreover I can't smell any trace of human around..
Jacob: yeah so do I.

Jacob was still confuse why the hell Ed is helping him.. Wait did he just gave a blood sucker nick name.. He must have spiked the drink..

Edward can read all that thoughts. He laughed a bit.

Jacob understood from laugh: Out of my head now or else I will give you bite.
Edward: Ok ok sorry.. I won't do it again.. Just take some rest.. Once you start healing I will leave.

Next few days they talked random things. Sometimes they awkwardly talk about Bella.

They developed some weird awkward bond during those couple of days. Jacob sometimes just wonder why he never gave Edward or himself a chance to get to know each other. May be he could have avoided all those hateful arguments and jealousy. He can now see why Bella choose Edward over him as Edward is way mature, calm and compose over him. 

Jacob: I guess I am well now. You should go back to your family. It's been days.
Edward can see reason behind this sudden statement. He also started liking Jacob's friendship. He now understand why Bella cared for their friendship so much.
Edward: Yes you are right. Hope to see you some day.
Jacob nodded and then Edward left with his vampire speed. Jacob thought of having some rest before leaving the house. 

As soon as he woke up he sees an old lady standing next to him.


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