Chapter 5: Jacob

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Jacob hears child crying. When he went in direction he sees a tiger is trying to reach to the child to eat him.

Jacob thinks his wolf won't be able to fight it so he should leave. But can he? No matter what he won't let a child die in front of him. He looked at his wolf and his wolf nodded. They both runs in direction. Wolf attacks tiger, while jacob hold the child & put him behind to protect. His wolf was no match to tiger's strength so the fight ended in tigers favor.

Now tiger is moving in Jacob's direction. Jacob sees to stones so he take them and ignited fire. He started showing fire to tiger to say back off but tiger cautiously started walking in rounds to find spot to attack. Jacob sees towards his whimpering & bleeding wolf form. And he filled with rage throws fire towards tiger tale.. Tiger's tale got fire so tiger ran away. The kid said thank you and apply some medicine on Jacob's wolf to heal wound. It works magically and wolf is full in his health. Child says thank you for saving his life. But he shouldn't. Jacob is shocked by hearing why a child wants to die. Child understood the confusion and says my village people says I am cursed child so they throw me in woods.

Jacob thought for a moment then: Let's go to village I will talk with them to see why they believe so.
Child looked quite frightened to going back but he has no other option to stick with the man who saved his life so he just nodded. 

& so the journey started. Jacob and his wolf passed his all tastes that were presented to them in form of situation. Jacob even didn't realize that he was giving taste all along, he thought he was just helping the child as there was no other person there for him.  

When he passed all the taste he reached at the same place from where he started journey and the three figure appeared.

Lion King: Finally someone made it after years. I am so happy that you will go back.
Jacob: I don't understand what was the taste were.
Bunny: Taste was to check caliber of your soul, heart and mind. You were calm,hardworking and centered. You were being decisive and having personal integrity through out your journey. You also acknowledged others effort which is very rare to do. This two who passed this exam had this qualities in them as they are Kings but you not even being alpha showed something remarkable.
Jacob: So how will I go back?
Bunny: Just go in the direction of that light and your souls will go back to your body.
Jacob hesitated a bit: Before I go I want to know why you are both here even when you passed the taste.
Lion King: My whole kingdom got trapped in this realm, I was the only one who made it back. So the guilt of not able to save them is what stopped me from leaving the circle and I came back.
Wolf King: Well the witch hold my mate with knife and told me if I leave circle she will kill my mate so i agreed but she killed her just when i was getting consumed in circle again. She won't let you cross circle by either torturing you physically or mentally. 

My wolf got bit disturbed by hearing wolf King's story.
So he looked at me: Take the royal with you instead of me
Jacob got confused as everyone else: What are you talking about 

Wolf: Look we are two souls that come through the circle so as per rules two souls can go back. You know how much mate is important to us and seeing someone killing your mate in front of your own eyes is something beyond hell. His highness can kill the witch to get his revenge.

Everyone got tears in their eyes.

Jacob: No I don't want to leave you

Wolf: I know. But please understand. Moreover the silver chains will suppress my strength but it won't affect a pure royal soul.
Jacob: Ok I got the point but I am also staying no matter what. I can't leave you behind for anything. So instead of me you can go Bunny with Wolf King.

Bunny is confused by sudden turn of events: Why me?
Jacob: Look Two souls can go back. I am staying with my wolf and Lion King won't go so this is your chance to get out of this place.

Lion King: You don't have much time go fast now.  

Wolf King and Bunny go through light. 

when they reached in Jacob's body, bunny used his high jumping skill to get out of circle. Once they were out of circle WolfKing used his strength to break silver chains and ripped witch's body. She was completely taken by shock didn't get a chance to defend.

Suddenly the light started coming from circle. All the souls trapped in realm got free from it. All started going in the sky following light. WolfKing rushed towards light so his and bunny soul can also get free from body.

Jacob and his wolf returned in Jacob's body.
Lion King: Thanks to you I and my people can now rest in peace. To show you my gratitude, I am giving you my power to control element earth.

Wolf King: Thanks to you I finally got chance to avenge my mate's death. Now I can go and finally be at peace with her. I am giving you my strength and super senses. You will be most powerful wolf in the whole world. 

Bunny: I have never seen a selfless man like you Jacob. I come from family of hybrid and dragons. My soul got trapped in bunny form due to mistake I made. I was last heir of my family. When you gave your body to my soul willingly it also break the curse that was put on my soul. So I am giving you something that my family to protected with their life. The wisdom of realms and our power to control air.   

Wolf king: With each power there comes a responsibility. You have to go claim your rightful place as werewolf King. So you can stop unwarranted fights between packs and can prepare them for ultimate fight.

Jacob: wait what fight?

Wolfking smile: You will know when the time comes.

And with finally each soul went to light and the circle vanished. Jacob started feeling pain in body and suddenly fall on the ground unconscious.   

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