Chapter 17: Jacob / Edward / Fynn

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The hunters were both worried and happy at current scenario. Happy because now they can take down all supernatural world together in one war instead of fighting individual species and preparing for months for next attack. Worried because it's hard to stand against such united front with so many powerful and trained worriers. They figured Vampires are still not part of Allies so they thought of using them to join them in war against allies. Once war completes kill the victors of war. Since Victor will be weak by damages it bear from opposite side. By this way they can eliminate entire supernatural world in one go. But there was biggest hurdle to their plan the king himself Dracula Edward.

They found their are few people in vampire court who knows how to use king's weaknesses (switched off humanity, ego, protective instinct toward cullins and affection towards violence) in their favor. Hunters decided to figure out how to deal with these people instead of approaching King directly. 

Hunters started playing their games. They used werewolves who sided them to attack on these people's families. They used money power and other weaknesses of these influential vampire court people to finally make them do what they wanted. In vampire court these people proved to king that Allies are planning on attacking vampire kingdom. They have started entering in our borders every now & then to kill innocent families and also they killed Emette. By hearing that Edward lost it as no other things matter. He declared war against Allies.

When Jacob got the message, he tried to pursue vampires by sending peace messenger of discussing things instead of war. Jacob knew this sudden war might have something to do with hunters so he clearly wanted to avoid it. But the messenger was beheaded before he reach to court by vampire who was with hunters. When Jacob and allies received head, he lost it and agreed for war.

They started preparing for it as this was the final war. They have confidential information that hunters will side vampires. Their goal was clear to eliminate the merciless Dracula, all of his minions and hunters.

Jacob said Fynn strictly that he can't participate in war under any circumstances. He is now leaving for war field and stopped just to say few things to Alex.

Jacob: Alex I want you to guard Fynn. Don't let him leave the palace. I am also assigning few of my Royal guards to help you. I know he will try to enter in war, but I can't allow it. He is too precious for me to loose in battle field. Please take care of it.
Alex: I will try my best to keep him here.
Jacob nodded.
Alex: Good luck. I wish I could have done something to help you in war.
Jacob: You are doing it by keeping Fynn safe.
Alex nodded.
Jacob: Alex one more thing, if by any chance war doesn't turns out in our favor, just leave with Fynn and as many people as you can save. Take them to somewhere safe.
Alex didn't say a word just nodded understanding the critical situation.   

Jacob is now ready to battle this war.


The war starts between vampires and allies. The hunters were not seen on field. Both sides were causing equal damage to others.

Now Vampire king Edward got bored seeing this, so he jumped in field and start using his fire powers and strengths to wipe out field. When Jacob noticed the immense power he also jumped in the field using his own powers of earth and air to cause double damage. Hunters from there hidden location were waiting for right moment to strike. When Wolfking confronted Dracula, Jacob got shocked. He can't believe vampire king is no other than Edward. He was just utterly shocked seeing how can Edward do such bloodshed. Cullins were not even into human blood and Edward was doing something that Cullins were against. Hunters show this and took it as a sign, they joined war and started killing every supernatural. The leader of Hunters started to run towards Jacob to attack him. Jacob has all this questions in mind that he didn't see Hunter coming towards him. Hunter strike Jacob in heart with silver causing Jacob to shout in pain.

Fynn felt Jacob scream in his room. He can't hold back now. He created his illusion to keep everyone think he is in room then create portal to reach Jacob. When he reach war field, he sees Jacob not moving and he loose it. He used his magical powers to clear field so he can reach Jacob. But instead of magic water wiped out fields. There he realized he got Ryan's power. When he was running towards Jacob, his eyes stopped seeing another pair of eyes.

On seeing Fynn's eyes, Edward's humanity restored. Edward got confuse for a moment why he is in middle of war. But then he remember everything that happen after his humanity switched off. As he was standing still, Hunters thought it is chance to kill distracted Dracula. But as they reach near Edward noticed it and attacked them. With these Edward passed message to every vampire to stop attacking allies and instead attack hunters as they are the real traitors. Allies also noticed vampires stopped attacking them and attacked hunters, so they started attacking hunters as well.

Fynn was crying holding Jacob in lap. He removed sword from Jacob's heart but Jacob was not showing any sign of living. Edward rush towards Fynn. Fynn noticed his aura and immediately the word mate clicked his mind.

Edward: How did you restore my humanity and Why Jacob isn't moving.
Fynn: You know him? 

Edward nodded and check if Jacob is still alive then he pumped Jacob's heart and gave him CPR.

Jacob coughed a bit but was still unconscious. Edward and Fynn smiled feeling relived Jacob is alive.

Then Fynn told Edward thank you and asked him to bite him. Edward got confuse why Fynn wants him to bite him. Fynn said bite and you will know your answer. As soon as Edward bit Fynn, he tasted the sweetest blood he ever tasted and that means Fynn is his mate.

Fynn said your humanity got restored because you have seen your true mate. I believe it got lost because of lose of your other mate. Fynn felt guilty as he know it was Ryan and how he cut down mate bond with true mate. Fynn also felt pain knowing Ryan was his mate also.

Edward thought Fynn was talking about Bella so he just nodded.  

War was over now with all hunters got killed. Fynn and Edward took Jacob to healer. Edward declared vampire nation's alliance with allies, so no further unnecessary wars between any species of supernatural world. Terms of alliance will be same as what all allies had among them selves till Wolfking wakes up.

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