Chapter 7: Ryan / Edward

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Prince Ryan is the only son of most powerful witch King & queen. He is pure royal blood witch.

Like all other supernaturals there are only few pure blood witch remains on the earth as most of them were hunted down because of immense power they have compared to half bloods.

Prince Ryan is womanizer and homophobic blonde. He also has one very rare capability of controlling water which he hasn't fully master yet. He tried many times but he somehow can't manage his water powers properly since there are none other witches had this power no one can teach him how to master it. So he started studying ancient witch crafts and black magic from hidden earth library.

He learned ancient power technique to feed from soul during there most vulnerable stage (i.e while at climax). He used his attractive personalities and magical abilities to lure woman into having sex with him. This dark magic has enhance his magical capabilities many fold & he became one of the most powerful witch alive. 

Once his parents find out about this they took away some of his magic & kicked him out of their clan as punishment. 

Once he was thrown out of clan, in order to regain his power he thought of luring woman. But the first woman he tried was werewolf. So her mate figured the odd behavior of his wife and the connection of strangers arrival. He was alpha of his pack. He called his warriors and caught Ryan. They started torturing him. Every morning wolfs go into cellar and bit the shit out of Ryan. They didn't kill him as he was their favorite punching bag for time being. 

The luna whom Ryan lured came one day to visit the cell, she cleaned his wounds and gave him pain relief medicine. She then told him to run out of the pack boundary.
Ryan with shocked eyes: Why are you helping me? After what I tried to do with you.
  Luna: What you did was wrong but what my pack is doing with you for months is also wrong. I believe everyone deserves second chance so I am providing you one.
Ryan wasn't moving and still look confused
Luna cont: Think about what you tried to do with me if same thing someone does with your lover or mother or sister. Will you be okay with it? For you it might be just power hunger or game but for the victim it will kill them. If you have succeeded in doing what you wanted with me I would have killed myself afterwards. As I can't bare the pain of being unfaithful to my mate.

Ryan realized his mistake and started crying.
 Luna: You are lucky to get second chance. Not many get it. Try to be better man. Now go before someone notices.

Ryan nodded and started running.

Once he reached out of pack border, he took deep breath and started walking slowly. He was exhausted and wounded all he was looking for a place to eat and rest. But suddenly he show a vampire (Edward) and when there eyes locked he fainted. 


Edward was roaming around aimlessly for days after leaving Jacob. He was still not ready to go back to his house and answer his family's questions regarding his marriage problems. He just hoped things would sort out once bella comes back.

One day he smelled most addictive blood. He wonder where it is coming from and why it smells so delicious. So out of curiosity he started running in direction of smell. When he reached near the source of smell he saw a badly wounded malnutrition man. When he see towards the man, the man suddenly collapsed. He wanted to taste the blood badly but stopped as he remembered his promise as cullins that he would never drink blood from living human directly. He saw few deer and kill them to satisfy his thrust so that he wont bite man. When he saw man, he found him quite handsome and attractive.

Edward thinks: Whats wrong with me? Since fight with Bella I m meeting wounded man and finding them attractive. Why this is turning me on? Do I have some kind of fantasy for wounded man or what?? I am not gay that's for sure as I have tried sex with a guy before but it never got up. :( So why now..

The man opens eyes.. He is still in some kind of shock state..
Edward: Who are you? Who did this to you?
The man: I can't tell you about anything. Please let me go. 
Edward: I am just trying to help you..
The man: stay away. Did you bite me or taste my blood??
Edward shocked: Noooo... How did you know I am vampire..
The man: Because I am witch. Don't come near me.

The man(Ryan) knew Edward was his mate and he was avoiding Edward to get taste of his blood. Being homophobic he wasn't ready to accept male mate that also a blood sucker. He had enough morality learnt in a day so not ready for this.

(Author's note:-
In all supernaturals whenever two mates see each others in eyes they start feeling mate pull. But the ways to search and identify mate is different in each species..

For werewolves they identify mates through their smell.
For witches they identify their mates through their aura.
For vampires they smell of their mates is more addictive than other blood smells. But it can be only confirmed after vampire tastes mate blood. Since there has been hardly a case when vampire found their true mate so Elders has hidden this knowledge from vampires by saying vampire don't have mates because vampires are immortal. Moreover true mate's blood gives vampire strength of pure blood vampire and rejection by mate can switch off vampires humanity which makes him mindless serial killer. A vampire without sense of guilt inside him (switched off humanity) is as dangerous as pure blood vampire as he just doesn't give a damn shit about anything. Elders wanted to avoid both cases. So Edward didn't knew about mate)

Edward: Hey I won't harm you. Just let me help.
The man used his water power to throw Edward. This is first time Ryan have been able to used his water capabilities fully. Somehow his self recognition of what he was doing wrong, why everyone was angry with him and seeing his mate have unlocked the hurdle that was stopping him.

Suddenly Ryan sees a vision that his father is calling him immediately. So he used his remaining magic and teleport himself at his fathers house.

Edward got up and sees the man left in air.
Edward : well that was something.

Then he decided to go back to home instead of roaming further to avoid this weird occurrences and feelings.

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