Chapter 16: Fynn / Jacob

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After a month of war, Fynn come to Palace to see Jacob ones he found out about Ryan's death.

Fynn: Hi how are you doing?
Jacob with sad smile: I am good.
Fynn: I am so sorry.
Jacob: So am I.
Fynn: I just found out about Ryan, otherwise I would have come before or on funeral.
Jacob: It's ok. I know.
Fynn: So how are you coping up with things lately?
Jacob seriously wanting to change topic: Lets talk about something else.
Fynn: Sure what you want to talk about?
Jacob: Like where have you been? & Why you left?
Fynn nervously: You already know that I didn't like it here & I was with Alex on our vacation home. We have seen this....
Jacob can see how Fynn is avoiding eye contact & trying to cheer him up by talks.
Jacob: Fynn I know.
Fynn with confused look: What you know?
Jacob: Everything.
Fynn: What you mean?
Jacob: Like mate ritual.
Fynn with shock in his eyes: I am sorry Jacob, I didn't know you are wolfking. Otherwise I wouldn't have agreed for it. At that situation we have no other option. Also I don't know what you feel but Ryan really loved you.
Jacob: I loved him too. But I am just sad that my best friend didn't tell me.
Fynn: I am so sorry Jake. Things were complicated.
Jacob: hmm.. is there anything else that I should know? That you hide from me.
Fynn realized where this is going.
Fynn: I think I should leave.
Jacob: okay fine just run like you always did.
Fynn froze for a moment: I am sorry.
Jacob: I don't want your sorry. I want to know your truth like why you had fight with Ryan.
Fynn: You already know.
Jacob sigh: Yes I know. But I want to hear it from you.
Fynn can't hold it anymore started crying but somewhere he knew he can't reveal his true feelings yet. He knew his Jake is going through a lot. He can't add on it. Fynn didn't know how much of his truth Jake knew so he choose best way of using partial truth.

Fynn: There is seriously nothing to say. Hmm how to say this??
Jacob: Please whatever it is, just say it.
Fynn: ok Ryan kicked me out because of his jealousy of our friendship. Well I guess he took our closeness wrongly. I admit I used to have big crush on you in high school. But that was just stupid high school crush and it was long time ago. Ryan didn't give me chance to explain and his rage hurt my ego I guess. So I never came back or tried to explain things.

Jacob blinked in surprise. He read about this jealousy stuff from Ryan's book but he had no idea of Fynn had crush on him.

Jacob: well there was certainly no reason for Ryan to lash out on you. I wish if he had told any of us what he was feeling, we might have explain things to him. But you know he was feeling so sorry for the way he acted, he tried to contact you but you were no where to find.
Fynn with small smile: It's okay.  I forgot about it and you should also let it go.

Trying to change subject Jacob with smile: So you used to have crush on me. How come I never noticed it?

Fynn felt embarrassed that he revealed his secret: Well you never paid attention. Moreover I never mentioned it directly to you.
Jacob thought about it: Hey don't tell me it was reason why you disappeared suddenly.
Fynn: Well don't boost your ego because that's not reason. You know how things are complicated with my powers so I have to keep changing places.
Jacob: one last thing then I will drop this topic forever. Why you never mentioned about it to me?  
Fynn sighed: Because I was still unsure of what I felt. We were young and I didn't want my stupid emotion create rift between our friendship. When you started talking about girls, I felt jealous. That's when I figured I am having crush on you. I wanted to talk about it to you but then you told me your big bat girl crush and how you were getting close to it. So that's when I dropped that subject forever. Then circumstances led me to somewhere else and things changed. I never thought we would ever meet so meeting you as Ryan's boyfriend was shock to me. But then I was happy. I guess I was to blinded in emotions that I got my best friend back in my life that I forgot that Ryan might not understand it. He might see it differently.

Jacob just nodded.

Fynn: So how are you taking things about Ryan's truth
Jacob sighed: Lot have happen lately you know. First I lost love of my life who gave up his life to save me, then I found out that he betrayed and manipulated me. Should I be happy that my wolf is not in pain of mate loss? or should be sad that I lost love of my life? or Should I be angry at his cunning spell? or should I be angry at my self that why I am feeling all this even when he sacrificed himself for me? I don't know what to feel anymore. Now I am not even sure that whether I loved him or not? I am disgusted by myself for thinking that. I just want to die.
Fynn: hey ...hey don't think like that.
Jacob with sad eyes: I just don't know what to do.
Fynn: I can stay here as much as you want me to.
Fynn still loves Jacob from bottom of his heart. It doesn't matter how hard he tries, Jacob will always remain his only happiness. Seeing tears in his jack's eye is something Fynn can't tolerate.

Jacob: Thank you I would like that. I need my friend now more than ever. I know I am being selfish by keeping you here, but I can't be like this especially hunters are still there preparing to take us down. I need to be strong for my people. 
Fynn: Jake you are not selfish. I am more than willing to stay here and to be your strength. I know you are strong. You will get over this and I am here to make sure of that. Now let's go eat something.

After that Fynn & Jacob started spending time together. Jacob finally become his old self. Now Jacob starting to feel connection with Fynn. Sometimes he wonder Ryan and Fynn are so much different. Ryan was total spoiled brat while fynn is completely innocent. Jacob felt like he was falling for Fynn. But he can't tell him that knowing Fynn doesn't feel that way about him now. Moreover it's just awkward to date your boyfriend's twin. He thought about revealing his feelings to Fynn. But he was not ready to take risk of putting Fynn as prime target in war if Fynn accepts his feelings. Also he was not ready for rejection. So instead of thinking about all negative things, he decide to just enjoy his time with Fynn.

There haven't been any attack from hunters. But they can't let their guards down. So Wolfking & his allies continued preparing themselves for any possible threats or war. 

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