Chapter 21: New beginning

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It's now one year from Fynn's death, six month's from Jacob's death and three months from Edward's death. Alex came to visit tomb as per Fynn's instruction. First fire erupts from Ed's ashes that burns some soil, then water erupts from Fynn's ashes that goes to burned soil. Finally earth element from jacob's ash goes to the soil and a plant with very big lotus plant come out. Then when the very light that erupted from trio's first bonding goes on the flower, the air element of Jacob covers the rose to open it in the light and there is sound of baby crying.

Alex gasped seeing this, when the light disappears he sees a beautiful child on the palates of lotus. The child has wings of angel. Alex noted he also has claws like werewolf. When child smiled it showed little fangs which means he is Vampire. When Alex hold child, he feels powerful witch aura. Then their was tattoo of four element on his right hand which showed he is all elemental. 
Alex: I will protect your boy Fynn, Edward and Jacob from everything it's promise. He will be our little secret.
With that Alex left the place with the infant in hand. 

From sky three figures watched this whole scene with big smile on his face. Fynn then looked towards his mates.
Both Edward and Jacob said simultaneously : He is gorgeous.
Fynn with smile: This is the reason why I have to give up my life. After researching a lot about the light that happen on our mating night I found out we can give a birth to child. That light was our essence and element in it was our powers but as all three of us are male we can not give birth normal way. I thought about doing some ritual or considering a woman who can do it for us. But our odd combination made it impossible to do so. I took ancestral help and found out sacrificial ritual. As I can not speak about it to anyone I told you about the feelings so you allow me to die. If I speak real reason the ritual will fail so I didn't want to take risk. Also sacrifice should be done willingly.
Jacob: But then why I also had the feeling after your death.
Fynn: My sacrifice was not enough as my core is half demonic and half angelic, so it requires dominant core. I didn't know about it when I started ritual. When I figure out it was too late to step back. Your wolf somehow sensed it, he figure it out but as I told I can not tell anyone so he also can not tell you. So he used same technique that I did of giving you that feeling.
Jacob nodded.
Edward: you said you can't tell but how come Alex told me that Fynn told me this.
Fynn: I never told him anything about ritual except that this is how my story ends and start new one. I also asked him favor to visit my grave on 1 st anniversary as ritual should work at that time.
Edward: Then why he fulfilled my wish and why it has to be at specific time.
Fynn: Alex is fallen angel, he is on earth from many centuaries. He has contacts with many people who can see future. So I guess when I gave him hint, he might have consulted one or two person about what new story. Also I feel that he wanted to make sure ritual doesn't fail, so he agreed to fulfill your wish. It wasn't compulsory but it strengthen the chances.
Edward nodded.
Jacob: So what species is our son?
Fynn: He is tribrid elemental angel. He has all of our powers (Wolfking's abilities and Lion aura ; Dracula's powers and mind reading ; Pure witch powers). He has all of our four element powers. He has full angelic core which can change into full demonic core and vice versa as per he wants. Apart from this he can shift into any species (animals/supernatural) he wants and adopt their powers as well. There are also some more powers which will be discovered as time goes.
Edward: Wow he is like god.
Fynn nodded with smile.
Jacob: Will he have happy life? I wish we had some time with him.
Fynn: Me too. But our time is over. It's his journey now. Right now he is in good hands that's all I know.
With that all three of them vanished in white light to rest in peace.

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