Chapter 12: Ryan/ Jacob

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The meeting was about to start, when Jacob smelled the most amazing smell. It instantly clicked his mind that it is his mate. But Jacob can't loose composure of King in front of Alphas. So he didn't go in the direction of smell to further investigate.
Jacob's wolf become furious at this and keep buzzing him in mind. Jacob sighed and tried to calm him down that by end of meeting he will find his mate.

As the meeting started the host alpha welcomed everyone and explained WolfKing's query.

Jacob can not focus on anything as his mind was completely on a man (Ryan) who has wore blue blazer. The smell is becoming unbearable. His wolf is ready to take control anytime and jump on his mate. 

Now Jacob can't take it anymore so he just stood up. And the room become silent.

Jacob: As Alpha has explained you my query, I would like to give you some time alone to think about it. We will continue this meeting in half hour. 
Everyone nodded and stand up to leave the room. 
Jacob through his mind link inquired Alpha (who brought Ryan with him) about his details and told him to leave him in the room. Alpha did as he was instructed.

Jacob: Hello there. I hope you know why I asked you to be alone with me.
Ryan uncomfortably nodded.
Jacob chuckled: Don't be afraid. I am not gonna  jump on you. Please introduce yourself.
Ryan: I am Ryan, pure blood witch.
Jacob: Well I am Jacob black.

Jacob moved his hand forward and grab Ryan's hand. The sparks were there.
The firm hand's were giving Ryan feeling of longing.

Ryan's eyes went wide when realization hit him. He performed ritual to make jacob his mate and now he have to deal with a guy. He was in total panic mode as he isn't ready for any gay stuff but he can't object to wolfking's move.

Jacob can see discomfort in Ryan's eyes.
Jacob: Any problems dear mate?
Ryan: No my King.
Jacob blushed by hearing that. But he is pained that there is something bothering his mate.
Jacob: You know I can feel you are not comfortable with me. If you are already in relation with someone I understand. You can reject me. I won't judge you or punish you just because I am King.
Jacob's wolf whimpered at thought of rejection.
Ryan: It's not that.
Jacob: Then what is it?
Ryan thought this is his chance to say it loud and clear so wolfking won't do any sexual move.
Ryan: I am not gay and not comfortable with idea of it.
Jacob: I understand till now even I believed I am straight, but who am I to object moon goddess decision.
Ryan: You seems nice guy. I would like to give it a try if you promise me to maintain physical distance.
Jacob: I promise I will wait till you want it. Even after spending time together you feel we can't be together I will respect your decision.
Ryan thought what a man. He knows how wolf's are regarding their mates. Jacob is not only keeping himself calm but also promised to respect his decision. This earned respect for Jacob in Ryan's eye.

Ryan just nodded.

Jacob then gave sign to call everyone to restart meeting. After hearing about possible solutions. Jacob selected few ideas. Then discussed it in detail in private meetings.

After everything guests went back to there territories, Ryan is staying with Jacob. 

Jacob: I am sorry but I need to ask you to sleep with me to keep my wolf calm.
Ryan with horror in his eyes: but you promised.
Jacob: No no you are thinking it wrong. I mean you have to sleep in my room. We won't sleep together.
Ryan: oh ok
Ryan and Jacob reached at bedroom.
Ryan: Where should I sleep?
Jacob: On the bed. I will sleep in sofa.
Ryan: No it's fine. We can both sleep in bed. Your bed is very large. But there will be cushion wall between us.
Jacob smiled: Of course dear.

Next morning,
Jacob has the best sleep ever. Being close to his mate was more than enough for him. The little snores of Ryan worked as Lullaby for him whole night. 

Jacob stares at Ryan's sleeping body thinking how can he be so perfect.
Ryan woke up and noticed Jacob is staring him.
Ryan: What?
Jacob blurted out: How can someone be so handsome?
Ryan's face went tomato red. 
Jacob realized what he said so he just said sorry and run towards bathroom.

On the breakfast table Jacob explained Ryan his plan to establish rule of one king over entire werewolf race. Ryan also suggest how can he help by creating portals for travel so things can be complete faster.

In two months period Jacob achieved his goal.

As Ryan started living with Jacob, he started liking Jacob. Ryan can't decide whether he is feeling it because of mate pull or it's his true feelings. But one thing he is sure of that he can trust Jacob with everything.

Jacob: How are you today dear?
Ryan: Fine jack. Stop treating me like princess.
Jacob: But I like to take care of you. Anyways I was thinking that now as I have achieved my goal, I can take some time out for my mate, Would you like to go out on picnic or for dinner.
Ryan: Are you asking for date?
Jacob: well yes.
Ryan: ok
Jacob is quite shocked that Ryan actually agreed: ok???
Ryan: yes that's what i said now go away before I change my mind.
Jacob got big smile on his face.

Their first date went awesome.

Jacob: I hope you liked our time together.
Ryan: I loved it,but how did you find out my likes?
Jacob: I just very good observant.
Ryan just blushed and nodded.
Jacob: Do you want to talk about yourself? I never asked as I wasn't sure. But I would like to know more about you. I have noticed you are good with royal politics so I assume you are part of witch kingdom.
Ryan sighed and thought the time has come.
Ryan: Well that's true I am prince of Witch kingdom. My kingdom was attacked by hunters and we are forced to live in hiding until we are powerful enough to fight them.
Jacob with wide eyes: I heard what happened through my sources. I am so sorry for your mother. So it must be your father who asked for my alliance.
Ryan nodded.
Jacob: I think time has come.
Ryan: what time?
Jacob: To join our forces by accepting alliance request if it's still there.
Ryan: I would very much like it.
With that Ryan tears in his eyes leaned forward and kissed Jacob on forehead.

Jacob froze as this is first time Ryan touched Jacob intentionally not just touched but he kissed. Ryan just chuckled at reaction and left.

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