Chapter 15: Jacob/ Ryan

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Tomorrow is the day of war. All preparations and plans on formations are done. Jacob now sitting with Ryan.

Ryan: Don't stress out my King. Everything will be fine.
Jacob: I know. I am just worried about unnecessary bloodshed.
Ryan: There is something more. I can feel it.
Jacob sigh: Yes there is. I have been thinking about it from many days. I don't know how to say it.
Ryan with curiosity: You can tell me anything. Just say it.
Jacob: I want you to stay in palace and not to join me in war.
Ryan furiously: So you think I am weak now.
Jacob: No it's not that.
Ryan: So how is it then?
Jacob: I don't know. I just have bad feeling that something bad is going to happen in war. I don't know how to explain it.
Ryan sigh: I know you are worried but I am powerful enough to handle any enemy.
Jacob: I know you are love. I have heard of how cunning they are. So if you will be there, they will target you first as you are my mate.

Ryan: I understand what you are trying to say. But in case you forgot I am pure blood powerful witch and Prince. I want to be pillar of your strength not weakness. So please let me be by allowing me to be there.

Jacob with narrow eyes: What if my answer is still no?
Ryan with smile: You know me to well. I won't take no as an answer. I will be there somehow even if you won't allow.
Jacob: ok fine but you have to stay close to me.
Ryan: Always.

With that Jacob tightly hugged Ryan. Ryan melt in the embrace. They had cuddle a bit and then slept.


During the war Red nation had upper hand as war is in their familiar grounds. But somehow the alliance is making momentum in fighting, once the Kings of Red nation sees that they are loosing their army. They announced Plan B which is unleash the hidden titan.

Titan damaged Alliance's army heavily. The hits or magic nothing is working on Titan. It got everyone afraid, but then Ryan used his water powers which destroyed titan. This shocked Jacob as he didn't know Ryan is Elemental. Ryan just smirked when he see Jacob's face. With the final unleash of water strike titan is destroyed. This attack drained Ryan's energy.

Now having titan out of picture alliance is back on front foot. After seeing all this King of Red nation announced plan C. Plan C was last their last strike. Maze formation to divide King from others and then distract him, once distracted attack him from all direction.

Since they are familiar with grounds, formation is easy. Now Jacob is alone in maze fighting with each and every opponent with clear focus. To distract him Red army cunningly captured Ryan. Knowing Ryan will be weak after using his powers, it was easy to trap him. Seeing his mate in that condition Jacob lost his focus and ran towards Ryan. Ryan then see towards his capture he was looking in direction of King who is standing behind pole. Seeing this Ryan understood their plan to kill Jacob. Ryan used his remaining energy to get free from his capture and teleported himself in front of Jacob. The attack took its toll but instead of Jacob Ryan got heavily injured.

Jacob finally lost it and unleashed his air and earth powers to destroy everyone. He was reluctant to use it as it might hurt his own army as well but now he doesn't care.

Jacob attacked Kings while were in shock by sudden powers that destroyed their army. Jacob mercilessly beheaded them and war was over now. Then Jacob looked towards heavily injured Ryan. Now Jacob is holding Ryan.
Ryan: We won.
Jacob with teary eyes & blood in hand: why did you do this?
Ryan: my love you would have done same for me.

Jacob shouted for help & started running with Ryan in his arms. But his power has killed many in his own army as well so there was no one alive in close sight.

Jacob: No no Ryan don't leave me alone. I can't live without you.
Ryan with small smile: You can & you will. Please stop & listen there is something I want to tell you.
Jacob: You can tell me once we reach at tent. Healer will help you.
Ryan: there is no time.
Jacob: please don't say it like that. Nothing will happen to you.
Ryan: it's ok love. Just listen.
Jacob stopped near tree and nodded.
Ryan: There is diary in my drawer with Big R on it. You have to put my blood on it's cover. It will open and tell you what I wanted to say from long time. Please read it till last. Just remember I love you from bottom of my heart Jacob.
Jacob with small smile: I know that and I love you too Ryan.

With that Ryan stopped breathing and Jacob just sat there seeing his love's peaceful body.

After grieving a bit Jacob felt bit confuse as the pain of heartbreak was like human says but was not like most werewolves feel after mate lost. He went back to palace to read diary Ryan mentioned. He thought what it can be that Ryan wanted to say.

The diary says how womanizer, player and homophobic Ryan was before he was given punishment. Jacob laughed thinking at that.
Ryan wrote how he used magic to make mate bond & Jacob being lone wolf. Jacob felt betrayed and angry at that point. He asked his wolf about it, his wolf says he figured this when he didn't feel mate bond with Ryan in his wolf form, but didn't say anything as he can feel Jacob's happiness. His wolf mention it doesn't matter you as Ryan loved him.
Jacob continued reading.
Ryan explained how he starts feeling towards Jacob's love. From irritation to affection how things changed, Jacob can literally see all those moments Ryan mentioned.
Ryan also mentioned what happened with him and Fynn. How he felt jealous.

Ryan has decided to finally mate with Jacob ones the war is over which means today  as his gift to his King.

His biggest fear was how to tell Jacob about mate thing? What if Jacob doesn't want him after he tells truth. He can't loose the person he ever loved, but he will respect Jacob's choice. He always wonder how to prove Jacob his love is genuine and pure?

Jacob thought you did prove it my love in the end. I just wish it our ending was different. No one in whole world will take Ryan's place in Jacob's heart.

Someone knocked on door.
Jacob: I am not hungry leave me alone.
Maid: Sorry to disturb King, I am here to give you this.
Jacob: What is it?
Maid: A message from your second in command.
Jacob: ok put it on table and leave.
Maid: I will send your dinner in a bit. Please eat something for all of us and sorry for your lose.
Jacob and Ryan never treated their staff as slave but as family, so maid was not afraid of saying something out of her service.
Jacob just nodded in acknowledgement

The message says hunters attacked hybrid nation and wiped out entire hybrid nation. Hunters also got heavy casualties in war so they can't attack anyone in near future. But we better start preparing for it.

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