Chapter 4: Jacob

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The old lady was holding knife in her hand. She seemed frighted seeing jacob.

Old lady: Who are you? What are you doing on my property.
Jacob didn't want to hurt old lady so instead of taking defensive or aggressive stand Jacob showed his hands up to convey surrender sign. His wolf on the other side keep nagging about run now...
Jacob: I am Jacob. I mean no harm. I was just passing by. I thought no one lives here. So just stayed here for night. 

Old lady put the knife down.
Old lady: Sorry young man. I have never seen anyone in this part of forest. Forest is dangerous you shouldn't come here.
Jacob: Yes you are right. I guess I should leave.
Old lady: Please sit for a cup of tea. It's been while I have guest. I hope you don't mind to have couple of more minutes with this old lady.
Jacob's wolf was against the idea as he didn't like the confusing Aura coming from lady.. But Jacob went against his feeling as he thought there is no harm in accepting polite request.

Jacob: Ok but let me help you. Show me where all ingredients are, i will bring them for you.
Old lady: wow such a polite young man you are Jacob. 
She showed him things around.

Jacob accepted tea from fiona as he drink it he felt dizzy. When he woke up he found himself bound to chair with silver chains. Jacob got confuse by his situation.

When he shouted there comes a beautiful young lady.

Jacob: Who are you? And why am i cuffed?
Lady with maniac laugh: well I am Fiona & you are going to be part of my collection.
Jacob got shocked: what does that mean? & Where is the old lady? 
the lady changed her form & Jacob's eye got wide with shock as the young lady turned into old woman
Jacob growl: You witch.. What do you want?? Let me go..  
Old lady: well no need to become aggressive. You will need all energy you have..

With that she started chanting some words.. And jacob felt sharp pain in his body which made him unconscious.

When jacob open his eyes he sees his wolf was standing next to him in sky. He got confused how it is possible.

A Lion king and A wolf king stand in front of him.
Lion King: So we are having new guest today.
Wolf King: Hope he is worth it unlike last time.
Jacob: Where am I? What is this place? 
Jacob got wide eyes: Ok then explain. But first what are you??
Lion King: Bunny tell him about this realm.
An albino bunny appears from somewhere.
Bunny: Don't interrupt until i complete my explanation as i hate it.
Kings chuckle at that. Jacob just nodded. 

Bunny:  You see boy. This is realm of beasts. Each time the witch fiona captures any creature. It's soul is send here. Since you are werewolf you have human & wolf soul. Now you have three hours to pass test of soul. If you don't pass you will be stuck here forever. Everything clear till now?
Jacob: So you are saying it's just my souls here.. So What about my real body? 
Bunny: Smart question. It's there in circle. After 3 hours your body will start melting. You will feel it. & It will turn into ashes. That's why it's 3 hour test.
Jacob: So if I pass test I will be able to go?
Bunny: Yes but that's very unlikely to happen. You see we are more than million creature here captured from ages. & neither we age nor we die as our souls are stuck here.
Jacob: So you are saying no one has passed the test.
Lion King: Only me and wolf king passed it.
Jacob: So why are you still here?
Wolf King: Well that's something we can't reveal.
Jacob frown.
Jacob: But why in the first place the witch is capturing our souls.
Bunny: Because with each soul she gets their age. Also if the soul is very powerful she gets their power.
Jacob: so why this taste?
Bunny: Fiona is using dark witch craft to put us here. As per rule of this each soul should get chance to defend itself that is why taste. So are you ready as time is already started.
Figures started fading with that
Jacob: Hey what's this taste is about?
Wolf king while fading: Just follow your instincts.
Lion King while fading: Go north.

Jacob started walking north direction with his wolf.

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