Chapter 04 : Uncovered

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Hajime's LED calmed down little by little, going from dangerous red to concerning yellow to a neutral cyan.

He scooped out some of the powdered detergent and dumped it into the washing machine. He turned the machine on as it whirred to life, washing the clothes inside it.

After a while, Hajime found himself cleaning one of the rooms of the couple, starting with Junko's bedroom.

One thing he could confirm about Junko just by looking at her room: she was obsessed with despair.

The room was painted in a dull pink, with posters in black pasted on the walls, each one either quoting something related to despair or it just had the word itself on it. He began making the bed, rearranging her insane amounts of pillows- and fluffing each one because he had time on his hands- and putting a black and white bear back onto the bed as it had been laying on the ground for whatever reason.

He placed things on her nightstand into the drawer, most of them comprising of woman stuff.

Unused tampons, a hand mirror, random sticky notes.

... And a gun.

Hajime's brow lifted in a concerning manner, with his LED briefly flashing yellow before it went back to normal. He shook it off and placed the weapon inside the drawer.

He proceeded to Nagito's room, which- unlike Junko's- looked way cleaner and well-kept. That is, if you ignore the scattered papers on his desk, where Hajime went over to clean up. The papers comprised mainly of overdue bills, credit payment cheques with "OVERDUE" stamped in bold red letters, and medical bills with an amount of ¥45 000 due.

The medical bill caught his attention in particular, and held up said bill in his hands to inspect it further.

Hope's Peak Hospital
Lymphoma treatment       ........    ¥ 47 000
Interest ( 5% ) ........................ ¥1 410


Total Due ______ ¥ 48 410

'Nagito had lymphoma,' Hajime thought as he set down the paper.

He probably had his lymphoma cured by now, since he didn't show any visible signs of having it. So the only logical conclusion Hajime could draw from what he knew so far was that Nagito is struggling to pay off the remaining of his medical bill, as well as the other ones.

And from the way Junko talked and acted, it seemed like Nagito was in an abusive relationship with her.

Hajime tore his attention away from the bills and quickly arranged them up together into a neat pile on the desk. He continued and did the same thing as he did in Junko's room.

Make the bed.
Ventilate the room.
Clean the floor.

As Hajime was cleaning the floor underneath the bed, he saw something shiny under there.

He reached as far as his arm could out underneath the bed, in hopes of grabbing whatever that shiny thing was. The touch sensors on his fingertips felt a smooth metallic feel on the item, prying it off from assuming it to be off the bed-frame.

It was a key. But for what?

Hajime stood up from the bed and noticed a box that seemed to be locked shut on the nightstand. He examined the key and the shape of the keyhole, deducing that this is what the key was meant for.

He slipped the key into the keyhole curiously, causing a click sound. He turned the key clockwise, earning another click. The box was unlocked, and Hajime lifted the lid open.

Inside the box was a bunch of aged photos of Nagito when he was a child and when he was in his teenage years. There was also a book with a faux leather cover that seemed like a diary, considering it was locked inside a box with its key hidden somewhere in the room.

Hajime took it out, internally debating whether or not he should read it or not.

Androids normally don't "feel" emotions, as a lack of emotion meant more work done efficiently without complaints. It was so androids could fulfill their main purpose as obedient machines, and to follow orders precisely.

But then again, the AX400 was... different.

And besides, it's not like he was specifically ordered not to look into someone's diary without their permission. And so, giving in to the "urge" to fulfill his curiosity, he flipped the leather book open to the latest entry Nagito had written.


Nothing special happened today. Got yelled at Junko again for trying to cuddle with her. Maybe she's just irritated about something I don't know. She doesn't hate me. I just need to have hope...

Hajime flipped through more pages of Nagito's diary, each entry mostly describing roughly the same thing. Though, some entries mentioned Junko physically abusing him and others mentioned a mix of both physical and verbal.

Hajime's LED flickered to concerning yellow as he read through each page.

He stopped on a particular page which was a diary entry written exactly two weeks ago, on the day he was broken.

Junko and I got into a huge fight. I told her I would be leaving her after all the shit she's done to me. I regretted it. She started throwing things at me, even though I kept begging her to stop. And then, Hajime... tried to protect me.

He tried getting Junko to stop, but it didn't work. Junko broke him after hitting him hardly many times.

I'm so stupid... Why did I even say I'd break up with her? She's been helping to pay my lymphoma treatment... I'm an ungrateful shit... I'm hopeless. I'm hopeless. I'm hopeless.

It was at that moment, that Hajime's LED turned red.

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