Oliver Gets A Son

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Oliver Queen is eighteen and he's a powerful witch but his parents died two years before his sixteenth birthday and he had to figure it all out on his own two days after his birthday he gets a late birthday present he wasn't expecting but they say the best things are the one's you don't see coming there is a knock on the Manson door as Oliver goes to answer it no one's there he looks down and sees a baby there is a note he reads the note.

Dear Mr. Queen

Please take care of my son Bartholomew Henry Allen I'm deing and his mother isn't in the picture and I know what happened to your parents and I'm sorry for you're loss and I think that you need my son as much as he needs you the baby starts crying Oliver doesn't want to pick him up as he doesn't want to screw this kid up but he also doesn't want to believe the latter he ends up picking up the baby as he looks into the baby's beautiful green eyes it's like something just snapped in him as he Say's looks like I'm your new daddy and I promise I won't screw it up and you won't go without Barry stops crying after he looks Oliver in the eyes and he smiles at him as Oliver says we have to get you to the doctor he goes inside and calls doctor Wells who Say's he'll come out and bring the needed paper work then hangs up.

Wells examines the baby he says he's healthy he's also a werewolf Oliver says what werewolf's aren't real Harry says there are a lot of things about this world that you don't understand yet but just know your gonna have your hands full with this one not only is he a werewolf he's an omega so he will be able to get pregnant if he is gay Oliver says I don't care if he's gay or straight as long as he's happy and healthy that's all I care about as he's saying this he's talking baby talk as he's looking at Barry who is just smiling and laughing at him Wells fills out the paperwork as he says do want his last name to stay Allen or change it to Queen Oliver says Queen everyone will respect him with my last name as he once again looks at his little baby bear as says and if they don't then they will have to answer to me as he's blowing raspberries on his stomach Wells says sign here and you are now officially his father Oliver signs it as he says I have to go shopping and get the things I need Wells says I'll watch the baby as Oliver looks at him and says be good for Wells then Barry starts crying as soon as Oliver goes to walk out the door as Harry says just what I thought when you looked in his eyes he let's call it bonded with you and if you're out of his sight and or if he doesn't since you around he won't stop till your near or holding him once Oliver takes him he stops crying and is happy again Oliver says let me try something he takes the blanket he was warped in as Harry says he won't take it how do you know so much about werewolf's and omega's? Harry says because I'm an alpha werewolf Oliver says well why won't he take the blanket? It's his cause it doesn't have your sent on it as Oliver asks how do I get my sent on it Harry says nope you have to keep it but he won't use it anymore Oliver poofs his blanket from his room and makes it baby size then warps Barry up with it and just like that baby bear is sleeping Oliver says wow that is just the being isn't it? Harry says you have no idea Oliver says but there isn't anything I wouldn't do for him Harry says just remember that as he grows up Harry says he's sleeping and as long as he has your sent he'll sleep so go get the things you need with that Oliver leaves to go get everything he needs.

Once Oliver is outside he calls his best friend Kara who is also a witch/werewolf he asks her to meet him at the store he has a lot to talk to her about he gets to the store and Kara is waiting for him as she says what's going on with you? Oliver tells her everything she says oh my god you're a daddy he tells her what Harry told him about how his new kid is a werewolf but not just any werewolf apparently he's an omega werewolf Kara says oh my god Oliver you're not only gonna be a daddy but there is a good chance that your going to be more she tells him how male omegas are rare and there hasn't been any male omegas since the war ended years ago she then tells him most omega males when they make eye contact and bond with you it's a good chance that as he gets older you might be his mate Oliver looks at her as he says no that's not true she says yes it is remember I study all about omegas especially male omegas also ask Harry.

Oliver goes home and before Harry leaves he asks him about what Kara told him Harry says yes it's all true and very possible Oliver says well I guess if that happens it wouldn't be horrible Harry says well good thing this earth is full of werewolf's as well as other supernatural creatures and they all get along and they know the law afterwards he leaves after he leaves Barry wakes up crying Oliver picks him up as he says awe poor baby are you hungry Barr looks at him as he cry's Oliver uses his magic to make a bottle once he does he gives him the bottle and he eats as Oliver says you're my beautiful baby bear once he's done eating he burps him and then he says well let's go take a shower little bear with that he gets him to smile as he goes upstairs and he fixes the water so that it won't burn him once they are all clean he goes to his room and puts Barry in his night clothes as he gets in his underwear he puts Barry in the crib as he goes to lays down himself Barry starts crying Oliver picks him up and lays him down gently on his chest and just like that his little bear falls asleep and once he knows that his bear is asleep he falls asleep.

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