It's The Big Day Barry Truns Sixteen

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It's the day that both Oliver and Arrow have been waiting for and Barry knows something is up as he's hard as a rock and is now the one teasing his daddy not the Flash who knows that his time is tonight with Arrow as Barry is bending over as he looks in the refrigerator Oliver and Arrow both smell his lovely mouth watering cock twitching sent and it smells like blueberries mixed with strawberry Oliver
keeps looking at the hole he then decided two can play this game as he goes and starts licking and sucking on his baby bears hole that tastes just like blueberries and strawberries as he makes him Moan he goes even further as he sticks his tongue into his hole then pulls out and licks it as he knows Barry can't control his cock so he's leaking so much precum Oliver then goes and licks the slit of his son's rock hard cock that makes him a moaning mess as he says daddy please I want to feel you inside of me I've wanted it since before I knew what sex was Oliver says I know my beautiful baby bear I know and it was so hard when you give me blow jobs or woke up leaking your lovely teasing precum but we have to wait for tonight under the full moon the wolves have to become one before we do it's tradition as Barry says then way are you torturing me by doing what your doing with that lovely tongue of yours Oliver licks his baby's cock up and down like his favorite lollipop that he doesn't want to eat all of it's worse as he puts the head of Barry's cock in his mouth and warps his tongue around it and then licks the slit as his precum as well as what little bit of cum leaks out of his bears cock taste just like his sent which if Oliver and Arrow are being honest is their new favorite sent and they have a newly found favorite taste afterwards he says just teasing you like you've been teasing me all day baby boy as he kisses him passionately and licks his bottom lip so he can gain access to his mouth and explore his mouth with his tongue even though his tongue has mapped out his mouth a million times he learns that every part of his baby boy's body tastes just like his sent Oliver also loves when he try's fighting for dominance and then gives up and let's his daddy explore his mouth and suck on his tongue Barry has cum so much just by everything Oliver has done he then licks every inch of cum off of his son's abs stomach and chest as he makes sure to have him lay down so his cum gets on him and doesn't go to waste as they are watching tv Barry says I'm scared daddy as he looks him in the eyes Oliver asks why baby boy? Cause the change and what if you're wolf doesn't like my wolf or me? Oliver says baby bear my wolf loves you just as much as I do believe me it was hard for both of us and we will both love your wolf Barry smiles as he hears his daddy tell him this as Oliver says don't worry about the change it doesn't hurt that's why you're wolf bite me so that way I could help you with the change he kisses his forehead as Barry lays his head back on his chest as they are laying on the couch watching tv till it's time Oliver told him that their wolves would have all of the Queen land to run around on he also told him that Harry Wells will be there in his wolf form as a witness since this hasn't happened in years but when it happened back then their was always someone there to witness it Oliver asks him you do know once we do this our wolfs and when we change back to our human form it will mean our souls will be whole again but it also means that we will be married Barry looks up at him with a huge smile as he says really? Oliver says yes wolves mate for life and there's no one else I would want to spend the rest of my life with baby bear after he says this Barry kisses him passionately after they break for air Barry says after we are mated and married will you still call me by my nicknames Oliver looks at him with a questioning look as Barr says baby bear or baby boy or little baby bear as he then says I've dreamed of being with you all my life daddy this makes Oliver smile as his baby lays back down on his chest also Oliver says my beautiful baby bear I after we are mated and married I will still call you my baby boy as well as my little baby bear no matter what you will always be my beautiful little baby bear as Barry says and don't worry I'll still call you daddy he then moves down and starts sucking on his daddy's huge rock hard cock as Oliver is moaning as it feels so good and so much better than that one time he was with Slade once he comes Barry drinks it all down as he says you taste so good daddy then puts his head back on his daddy's chest as he lays there listening to his heartbeat till he falls asleep Oliver just smiles as he lays there watching tv.

Midnight Oliver wakes up his sleeping beauty as he says baby it's time he gets up and follows Oliver out to the back yard as Oliver says baby just let the wolf take over as he kisses his forehead afterwards Oliver has changed he looks over and sees his beautiful baby boy's wolf as he says you're beautiful so are you Flash as both Barry and Flash ducks his head as Barry says daddy your wolf is so amazing Oliver's wolf is a mix of black and emerald green as Barry's is a mixture of white and scarlet as they hear some one coming as Harry says it's just me now before you're wolves mate you have two hours to run and have fun and get to know your wolfs Barry walks over to his daddy and licks his snout then before Arrow can lick him back Flash says catch me then starts running as he runs into the woods Oliver and Arrow aren't worried as the Queen land is huge and also protected by the magic barrier Oliver's family casted over this land when they built the Queen mansion here all those years ago so Barry can't leave the land by accident and no one can get on there land uninvited.

Flash is hiding behind a big old oak tree as Arrow and Oliver are as one they have picked up his sent and sneak behind him once he says found you baby Flash takes off like lightning but he comes back around as he once again licks his daddy snout then he's gone again both Oliver and Arrow have already bonded they are both proud of them as most newly shifted wolfs and their human side take longer to bond but since Barry is a born werewolf as well as a true omega they've bonded faster than Oliver and Arrow did but Arrow is a great tracker and has deadly focus and aim for lack of better words.

This time both of them decided not to say anything when they sneak up on them they get behind him and instead of saying something Arrow sees Flash and sees that he's not paying attention so he licks his cute ass that gets his attention as he says you found me then the wolfs really take over as Arrow says come on puppy let's go get dinner as the woods have wild life living in them with that Arrow says puppy let me show you how it's done with that they go hunting and Arrow catches a bunny and gives it to Flash as he says here my beautiful puppy this is your dinner Flash thanks him by licking him then eats while Arrow goes and catches his dinner then takes it back to where Flash is and eats with his little mate afterwards they go back to where Harry was only to be met by a big black wolf as Arrow and Oliver have never seen this wolf before so they are on high alert as Arrow tells Flash to stay behind me I'll protect you from him my sweet mate the wolf says I mean you no harm it's me my human from is Harry Wells with this Arrow claims down before Arrow can say anything Harry says I thought since I had to witness the ceremony it would be better to do in my wolf from as he says it's time when Arrow looks over he sees Flash is ready as he has his ass in the air as his front half is laying down Arrow sees this as his cock is starting to come out Oliver sees that it's bigger than when he's human as Arrow says don't worry in your human form it'll be the same size he says it's twelve inches as human say Oliver says wow and Arrow says yes our mate in both forms can take it and he'll love it Arrow walks over and starts licking his puppy's ass as he hears Flash's wines of pleasure as Arrow's licking his ass once Arrow feels his Flash is ready he says puppy you ready Flash says please I need to feel you inside of me Arrow as he says mount me Arrow dose as he's asked he gets on his hind legs as he slowly starts mounting his beautiful Flash he then starts slowly pushing into his tight hole Arrow says my beautiful pup your so tight once he's all the way inside of him he waits as he hears his beautiful puppy whine he starts moving inside of him as he's mounting him he's pounding into his tight hole after a few more thrusts and hours Arrow says my beautiful puppy I'm gonna not only cum inside of you I'm also going to knot inside of you which means we our wolves will be bounded as one and once you and Oliver do your part to bond our souls as one we know no bounds but it also means I have to stay inside of you till we are unknotted Flash says ok daddy Arrow I'm ready and can't wait to feel you knotted inside of me with that both wolves howl together as Flash's cock has been out and he's cum all over the ground as Arrow has cum and knotted inside of his beautiful mate who lays down gently on the ground but because he's moving he's coming as Arrow says it'll stop once you get comfortable and once I lay down with you Arrow lays down gently next to his puppy and hears him sleeping peacefully as Arrow licks him then says I love you my beautiful mate and both Oliver and myself will protect both of you then he falls asleep peacefully as Harry says and I now pronounce you both as mates and once Oliver and Barry have completed their part of the mating bond you're souls will be whole and your be married.

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