A Month Later And Getting To Lian Yu And Truning It Into A Werewolf Paradise

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It's been a month since Emma visited Olivarry  and they have been working on the spell to take all werewolf's that want to go to the island as long as they are kind hearted and willing to leave their friends in the human world behind.

While they are getting everything ready for the spell so once everyone is on the island it'll disappear off the map and everyone will forget that werewolves ever lived in the human world as Olivarry is doing that Harry is going around the world and meeting with each werewolf and their soulmate as he tells them all about Lian Yu he has them sign a contact if they can't sign the contact then it means that they have I'll intuitions and they will get left behind as Olivarry has gotten the island ready for the spell and have been gone for a month and while they were gone Damien Darhk unleases his virus's first wave to kill all the females werewolf's and he figures if he kills all the females then the werewolf's won't be able to we reproduce and then he'll get all the male omegas but he's going to save his little brother's male omega last as he wants to watch his little brother lose all hope before he kills him and all other werewolf's and makes the world right again.

Olivarry gets back to the Sterling City once they get back to the mansion Barry falls as he feels all the pain from the death of all the female omega wolves Barry starts crying as Oliver feels what he feels he just holds his baby boy as he rubs his back to comfort him once Barry is ready he says baby bear we have Lian Yu is ready are we have to do is get Harry to send out the laters as Barry says hopefully they will come with us Oliver says they will once they know that they can be happy and safe and live peacefully with there own kind.

Kara comes to visit Oliver and Barry as she says I have some bad news by the sound of her voice he says no as she starts crying Barry breaks down as his best friend is gone Kara say Felicity was adopted by her mother as her sister got rapped by a werewolf and die while giving birth to her so she never told anyone not even Felicity that she was a werewolf baby boy I'm sorry he says I'll talk to Harrison Wells about everything as Harry pops up as he says the wolves will go with you they see the both of you as their Kings since you are both a true alpha and true omega here's the list of names of the wolves and once you move your house everyone who's human will forget about you and everything about your life here Oliver says if it keeps everyone werewolf's and our human friends safe then it's what we must do. Oliver says we will go visit Felicity's gave and then we will start going to save the wolves Barry says no daddy we have to go save our people Felicity would understand as he hugs him Kara says I'm going to miss you even if I don't remember both of you she hugs them then kisses both of them on their cheeks as she leaves the Queen mansion for the last time once the mansion is gone Kara looks at the empty lot as she says this will be the perfect spot to build a home.

Once the Queen Mansion is on the island they go back and their first stop is at David and Killian's once they get back to Sterling City almost every werewolf from the human world was waiting for them on the Queen land as they are all kneeling at the foot of their Kings as Olivarry says please no kneeling we are just doing what is best for both humans and werewolf's to keep them safe as the wolves go though the portal as they walk through to Lian Yu the portal gets rid of their clothes as they won't need them anymore.

Once everyone is though Harry says I'm going to stay in the human world just in case any more wolfs come they will know to find me it's my and job from the goddess besides with that Barry hugs him as he also says thank you for everything you've done for us as Harry says your welcome my prince with that Olivarry walks through the portal and it closes behind them.

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