Barry & Oliver Find Out The Truth

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Barry's behind Oliver as Oliver has his hand around his baby boy as he and Arrow are ready to do whatever they must to protect their mates when the figure says I mean the two of you no harm Oliver as well as Arrow knows that voice they've heard it before but they are still protecting their mates.

The man comes into the light as Oliver says you're Barry's dad Barry looks at Oliver as he says you're my daddy both him and Flash are confused as the only man they've known as their daddy Oliver says though their bond yes baby bear I'm your daddy but the man in front of us is the man that brought you into this world he's your father Oliver hears the wolves and next thing he knows is that his and Barry's wolves are also here as Flash is behind Arrow then he sees a brown and white wolf as Henry says this is the Astro plan it exists between the world of the living and the of the dead I've been here watching over both of you I am so happy that you and my son are true soulmates but there is a lot we have to talk about and I know that the two of you have bonded so it won't do any good to try to shield my son from this plus I know even if I could you and your wolf would tell the both of them as there are no secrets between you two as it should be my name is Henry Allen  you see myself and my son aren't from this earth we are from Earth-XX where a ruthless dictator rules you see I'm not just an omega I'm also a very powerful witch and I hid that from my husband cause if he knew what I could do he would have tried to use my powers to control more earths than just ours you see my mate was the Oliver Queen of my earth and he was also a powerful witch but not as powerful as me but he went down a dark path after he lost his parents he shut everyone out of his life even me you see I wasn't meant to be his true mate I was just suppose to help bring his true mate into the world and I got pregnant with my sons but before I give birth to our  kids I had seen the future that my youngest son the true omega who was to be his daddy's mate would not have the future that he has with you if I stayed on that earth so the elders sent me Harry and he was to find another earth one where my true omega son would be happy but the elders said that I couldn't take both of my kids and that I wouldn't survive after Harry found my son's true soulmate also that Tommy had to stay with his father and Barry's other fathers my Oliver.

So you must teach Barry how to control and use his magic and once you have done that it like the two of you will become one with your magic and together the both of you will accomplish great things he says now that I have told you everything take care of each other and good bye my sweet baby boy before he goes he says Harry will be there to answer any questions you have when you wake up then with that he and his wolf can finally cross over to find peace Barry is crying Oliver since's this as he says it's ok my little baby bear you will see him again one day and Arrow and I will always be there for you both and protect you both with every fiber in our being and till our dining breaths Barry says I know daddy's and we both love you as he kisses him passionately then they wake up.

Barry says daddy I'm striving Oliver kisses him passionately as he says well let's go to the kitchen and I'll make us breakfast as he says yes pancakes Barry kisses him passionately again then he is about to ask as Oliver says hop on baby bear daddy will carry you he says the leak plus I know my baby bear and you know I can never tell you no as he smiles as Barry says it goes both ways daddy Oliver kisses him passionately then they go downstairs as Oliver smells Harry's sent the first worlds out of his mouth is hello Olivarry they both look confused as Harry says once true soulmates find each other their names become one like the rest of your soul you can either go by that or go by your birth names they both say Olivarry at the same time as Harry says I figured as much so it's already done the world now knows the both of you as Olivarry as he smiles he then says everything Henry told you is true and you must teach your son how to learn and control his magic so that you're magic can become as one like the rest of you Oliver says tomorrow I'll start training him but you're gonna tell us everything after we have breakfast Harry says I will tell you everything Oliver cooks their breakfast they eat and true to Harry's world he starts his story to tell them everything.

Once they sit in the living room Barry sits on his daddy's lap as they learn everything Harry starts at the beginning my name is Harrison Wells and I'm from earth-XX my job was to guard Henry and his mate but no one except his truest soulmate turning down the path of evil when that happened and Henry got pregnant my boss' the elders give me  the power to send me around the multiverse to find our young prince his true mate the idea was for him to find someone to grow up with but none of the possible mates I found for him when I looked to see what his future maybe it wasn't right for him I was about to give up hope when I came to this earth and found you when you were eleven years old and I watched you but I couldn't read you so I became your doctor and then I could read you without your parents being worried and it turned out that you were the perfect match for the prince as you are the double of his father the evil king of our earth and it's more likely that a member of the same bloodline of their double from any earth makes more of a connection and you where the soul my omega prince needed so he could become the wonderful man he was meant to be and after your parents death you cut yourself off from the world but I foreseen that when little Barry came into your life he would be the one to help you heal and be the man your parents knew you would be Oliver says but the note said that Barry's mother wasn't in the picture Harry says we normally don't tell people about the multiverses we let the ones that know find out about it for themselves also on our earth the female omega's went extinct after our war with the humans on our earth as they thought if they got rid of our women that would stop the male werewolf's from having kids but sadly all they did was kill them and we won the war at at a horrible cost but the god and goddess of our kind created the male omegas but they couldn't bring back the females on our earth that was their deepest regret that we lost so much afterwards the King Oliver when we won the war kept the human man alive and he decided to kill the human women also and keep some of the man as our sex slaves he also give some to the vampires for that same purpose and then he sold the others to them as blood banks.

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