Tommy's Origin Stroy

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Henry was sleeping when his water broke so he called out for help as Oliver comes in he says it's about time your finally going to give birth to my mate he calls one of his guardsmen as he says take my husband to the hospital and let me know when my son is born the second one I don't care about the first born he's going to be useless to me he tells him in his ear.

The guardsmen takes his king to the hospital as he says don't worry my king we are here and I'll go get a wheelchair for you he returns with the wheelchair as he opens the car door when they get in the hospital he says the king is in labor that's when Harry comes and tells the nurse to take him and pep him for delivery once they are inside the room Harry says you're majesty i was sent to be your son's protector so once you give birth to your first son I will make it look as if you died and then I will get you out of this world so your son can grow up safe and fine his mate he says Henry says once my you find my son's mate on this other earth and I leave him on the door step that's it for me so please tell have you really found his mate before they can finish the conversation he starts having contractions as Harry says it's time you need to start pushing so Henry does as he's told and about a few hours later Henry gives birth to his son Harry cleans him up as he says the goddess give me the magic I need to stop you from delivering your true omega son after we leave this earth he gives him his son as he says you have five minutes with him.

Henry says I'm so sorry my beautiful baby Tommy Merlyn Queen i don't want to do this but It's what I must do to pay for everything you're father has done I'm just sorry that I have to leave you alone here with your father maybe in time he'll find the will to love maybe the goddess knows this to be true and maybe with your help you're father can find away to love again as he kisses his son on his forehead as he says I'll always love you and be with you in here no matter what.

Then Harry takes the baby to King Oliver as he told him that King Allen and the second son has also died along as King Allen this didn't hurt King Queen about losing Henry but he did cry that he lost his other son but then he said no problem I will have another King so and this King Will give me my true mate Harry walks away and takes King Allen away.

Tommy's two days old and it's hard for someone to be in your heart and with you always when the mere mention of King Allen got your head cropped off so everyone forgot about him and Oliver had remarried His name was King Thawne who was just as evil and ruthless as he was he two had a son cause of a King who took him as he side princes as he was an alpha and took advantage of him and left him to rise a bastard alpha child and then he throws him and the child out but Oliver took him in for the same reason and told him since that King Allen is dead an as long as he married him and listen to his every command no one would ever know Eddie was a bastard child he would change his DNA and make sure that Eddie grows up with Tommy so he did as he was told but the darkone came to him with a plan.

Eddie and Tommy are Three Years old and they lost their dad King Thawne expected Eddie isn't crying as his father raised him as a alpha cause he didn't have an omega mark on him but he was an omega but Thawne only looked out for Eddie which and no one cared for Tommy except his big brother Eddie so when his daddy has died so he's crying and King Oliver told someone to make my son stop crying he's an alpha and alphas don't cry as he says look at Eddie he's not crying that's how an omega acts someone says your majesty he has just lost his father as Oliver did the spell to make everyone only know that Eddie and Tommy are their alpha children King Oliver says and I just lost my husband but as the King and the alpha we don't show emotions and he walks off as he yells and make that kid shut up then he's gone.

Eddie and Tommy are eleven now and the King is always away so it's just Eddie and Tommy and Eddie is coming into his heat as he shares a room with Tommy he's the only one who knows the truth and they share the bed and Tommy wakes up to Eddie giving him head so he says good morning beautiful we have got to stop meeting like this after he's come and drink it all down Tommy changes their positions with his magic and now it's he who is going down on his brother that is when there father chooses to walk into there room as he says this all makes since now as he uses his alpha voice that works and they both stop as Oliver smells the omega scent and he thinks Tommy is the omega as he says this makes more since as he says take Tommy to my room and prepare him for his mates arrival his guards do as he says and they take Tommy to his bedroom as he says if you ever touch my omega again I'll be sure to see you die I don't care if your my son no one touches my omega as he said this in his alpha voice so Eddie knows he means is it he then takes his clothes off as he says now for your punishment turn around and bind over Eddie has no control as his father is using his alpha voice and this is banned though out the kingdom but because he is the evil king he abuses this power most of the time just to have sex with powerful alphas so he can steal some of their power and make everyone alphas or omegas do as he says once Eddie has done what he's asked he enters his huge alpha dick into him as he raps him once it's over and he threatens him again says he also says now turn around and suck your fathers cock Eddie does and then Oliver leaves after he's cum in Eddie's mouth then leaves to go have sex with his mate as he also uses the alpha voice on Tommy and raps him as he says you are to sleep in my room every other night oh and from now on you walk around naked so you are always ready Tommy walks out and hangs his head down as he's crying and naked walking but to his room little did Oliver know that he changed their Dynamics.

Tommy and Eddie are now sixteen and have been having sex ever since they were eleven and that day that changed them Eddie says he shouldn't be treating you like that baby as they are having sex Eddie makes love to him passionately as always as he's comes and knotted him as the King is out of town Eddie says as they are laying in bed talking and cuddling Eddie says let's runaway together and we can be together just us Tommy agrees with him as he says yes let's what they didn't know is that the  King put a camera in their room and seen the whole ting as he's so pissed he comes up with a plan to kill Eddie and he'll do it tomorrow and he will punish Tommy also.

The next day the King stops by there room and says Tommy to day is going to be very special you see this as he's naked my cock is rock hard and ready to go all day for my mate now go prepare yourself he says with his alpha voice so he leaves once Tommy is out of the room he takes off the covers and sees Eddie naked as he says looks like your ready for your father as Eddie turns around Oliver is sliding into him as he says I told you the next time you were touching my stuff what would happen as he's fucking him hard and fast as he says now you will do as I say he pulls out of him Eddie turns around as told and Oliver pulls out his heart and crushed it in his hand as it turns to dust and he falls.

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