Barry's Three

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Barry's third birthday came and gone and Oliver is happy that Barry is still wearing clothes it's eight o'clock in the morning as Oliver wakes up he sees his little bear is still asleep he kisses his forehead then he goes downstairs to make his little bear his favorite breakfast blueberry and strawberry pancakes Barry comes downstairs and sits at the table when Oliver says here you go little bear blueberry and strawberry pancakes Barry says yay Oliver says little bear where are your clothes? I don't like wearing clothes daddy as he gives him his puppy dog look as he says baby you have to wear clothes Barry looks like he's going to cry so Oliver says fine I know that it's an omega thing he then says eat breakfast while daddy goes and makes a phone call baby boy Barry starts eating as Oliver calls Harry as he starts walking into the other room Barry runs and hugs his leg as he says I love you daddy Oliver kisses his forehead as he says I love you too little bear he then says go finish your breakfast and he goes back to eating Oliver calls Harry as he walks into the other room.

Harry answers as Oliver tells him why he called him cause Barry has decided he doesn't want to wear any clothes Harry says I did say that might happen as Harry says most male omega's are more comfortable being naked Harry says I told you that he would be a handful and don't expect this to get any better most omegas hate clothes but  some omega's either grow out of it or they just never wear clothes again as he says i have seen it where most male omegas never wear clothes again as they like to be more in touch with their wolf side as to where most female omegas get over it and only go naked at home Oliver asks him what do I do? Well most people just go with it some even embrace it and do the same thing so that the kid doesn't feel out of place he says so you want me to go around naked? Harry says that's up to you Oliver says fine I'm not gonna let my son be alone in this I meant it when I said that I would do whatever it takes to make him happy and if it means going around naked so my son isn't the only one so be it before he hangs up Harry tells him he will need not to worry since you're son is more comfortable naked than you can do it to even outside of your house he then hangs up.

Oliver calls Barry into the living room as he says i want you to know that since you don't want to wear clothes anymore I'll also run around naked Barry says yay naked daddy Oliver just smiles as he takes his underwear off as he didn't get dressed yet so he took them off and throws them in the dirty clothes basket Oliver says well little man we have got to go you have day care and I have to go to work go grab your blanket so we can go Barry runs upstairs and grabs his blanket that has his and his daddy's sent all over it see Barry has his own room but he never sleeps in it he's always sleeping in his daddy's room and his daddy's bed cause before Barry got comfortable being naked the only time they were naked was when they slept Oliver thinks this will save me from having to buy clothes ever again as he also has the thought of think god I'm hang like a horse Barry comes running down the stairs as Oliver says be careful little bear on the last step Barry jumps into Oliver's arms as he says carry me daddy as Oliver catches him then puts him on his shoulders as he says duck as they walk out to the car.

Once they get to QC Oliver drops Barry off at daycare as he says be good the teacher says so the day finally came to were he doesn't want to wear clothes anymore Oliver says yep and so he doesn't feel like he's the only one I'm doing it to she says you really are the best dad I don't know many parents that would do the same for their kids Oliver says well I'll do anything to keep my little bear happy and make sure he knows that being who he is is ok as the teacher says I don't think anyone has a problem with Oliver Queen walking around naked he just laughs as she says even though you're gay your still nice to look at he thanks her then leaves to go to his office as he feels everyone's eyes on him but not just him he's caught everybody checking him out and looking at his huge cock even though he's soft it's still ten inches and he's proud to let everyone see all of him as he's stood in most places a little longer than he should have he also feels people checking out his nice little bubble butt.

Once he gets to his office his secretary says good morning boss then he looks up and he's eye level with his cock as he says good morning Slade before he can go into his office Slade says yes huge cock I mean it really is a good morning you see Slade is human as Oliver now knows from what he learned in history class is that some humans have learned to live in peace with the supernatural community and their ways after the war were both sides lost a lot of people that's one of the reasons male omegas aren't around anymore is because they even fought in the war and most where wiped out that's why Barry is the only one that this town knows of since his real father died.

Oliver is about to asks Slade a question when he feels his dick is wet he looks down and sees that it's in Slades mouth as he thinks he hasn't had sex since before he took his son in and it feels good having a blow job so he says get on your desk as Slade does as he's told Oliver pulls out of his mouth and enters his tight hole as he says oh god you're so tight Slade starts moving so Oliver pulls all most all the way out of him then slams back into him as he's doing this he says I want to see you ride my cock so he pulls out of him and sits in his chair as Slade pushes down on his cock after a few more hours and thrusts Oliver says he's going to cum so he pulls out of him as he says suck my cock Slade sucks him as he blows his load all down his throat afterwards he says that was amazing Slade says thank you and then he gets back to work. Oliver looks at the time as he says oh shit it's all most lunch time I have to go get my son and take him to lunch with that he leaves and goes to the daycare on the fifth floor once he gets there Barry notices right away.

Barry asks him as he says daddy way do you smell funny and not like me Oliver says what do you mean buddy? Oliver knows his son isn't stupid even at his age he may not know what sex is but he can smell it on him the whole way walking to big belly burger Barry is mad and doesn't even ask Oliver to carry him or talk to him.

~ Time Jump~

Later that night Barry is still so pissed at him that he actually sleeps in his own bedroom that night even though his room is right next door he's never slept in it he's always slept in Oliver bed with him ever since he was two weeks old Oliver found out that without his little bear it was hard to sleep through the night but he finally falls sleep but he wakes up again Oliver is laying in bed and realizes he didn't know how much he would miss his little bear and cuddle buddy till tonight Oliver is almost asleep again when he feels someone climbing on the bed and then he feels his little bear's head on his chest and he knows it's his little bear who apparently sleeps better with his daddy's chest as a pillow he says out loud to his little man I'm sorry baby bear I promise from now on the only sent that will be on me is yours and I'm sorry that I hurt you I love you and it won't ever happen again they both sleep peacefully sometime during the middle of the night Barry's Wolf decided to mark him as his it's only a small bite but his wolf knew exactly where to bite him as Barry marks him as he sleeps he has a dream in this dream Henry comes to him as he says thank you for taking care of my son and your mate I'm sorry that you have to wait so long but Barry loves you more than he knows as he touches him Oliver sees everything how he's Barry's mate and how he's not only hurt Barry but his beautiful wolf also as Oliver says wow my baby is beautiful and his wolf is beautiful also as he tells Henry I didn't know that I was his mate I never would have done that if I had known Henry just smiles as he says it's in our nature to want sex and you couldn't have known cause not all male omegas end up with their fathers he says tomorrow Barry will be back to his normal self like none of this happened except that he marked you he'll want to be around you more then the alarm goes off and Oliver wakes up with a better understanding of why his bear was pissed Barry wakes up also as he hugs him and kisses his cheek Oliver says come on baby bear let's get in the shower before we go to work and after the shower I'm making your favorite breakfast baby bear Barry starts yelling as he says yay pancakes.

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