Barry And Oliver's Turn To Complete The Mating Bond

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It's day four now it's Oliver and Barry's turn to complete the mating bond as the transform back into their human forms Oliver is the first to wake up as he knows that the mating bond and knotting takes more of a toll on the omega as his body is going through the changes it needs to so that he can prepare for his heats as well as his body's changes so he can have kids so he takes his beautiful sleeping beauty inside as he gently picks him up bridal style once he walks inside and takes him to their bedroom he lays him down gently on the bed as he lays down beside his beautiful little baby boy he knows that they have time to complete the mating bond so he kisses his baby boy's forehead as he lays down beside him as his baby boy puts his head on his chest as he cuddles closer to his daddy Oliver falls asleep as he warps his arms and legs around his beautiful soulmate during the middle of the night he wakes up to his beautiful baby bear riding his huge cock as Barry is sucking on his collar bone Oliver says your so beautiful my little baby bear god I love seeing you ride my monster cock as Barry says daddy your cock feels like it's gotten bigger as he says my little baby bear when we became one with our wolves it also enhance your human body's as he says you're cock got bigger also and I can't wait to suck you beautiful monster cock as he starts thrusting his cock up into his beautiful baby bear's hole as he goes down on it as he's moaning Oliver hits his prostate as Barry yells oh yeah daddy right there that feels so good Oliver says don't worry baby daddy is gonna make you feel so good as he lays him on his back and puts his legs on his shoulders so he can go deeper and faster as he hits his baby bear's sweat spot every time this has Barry moaning as he's calling out daddy it feels so good oh my god daddy Oliver says baby bear I'm going to come but just like Arrow I'm also going to knot inside of you but before I can knot you you have to mark me on the mark me as he says bite me my sweet little baby bear he can since he's scared so he says you won't hurt daddy baby boy but you have to mark me baby he says all this as he's thrusting up into him as they both say I'm gonna cum as Oliver says now little baby bear Barry hears Flash as he says daddy is right he says ok as his fangs grow as Flash says now you two won't cum till you mark him with that Barry leans down and bites his daddy's left collar bone as Flash says he needed to make a new mark on daddy as soon as he marks him he tastes his daddy's blood and it's the most amazing thing he's ever tasted aside from his daddy's cum once he marks him as both their dicks explode with so much come Barry's lands on his daddy's chest abs as well as his stomach as Oliver's cock explodes inside his beautiful baby boy's hole as he also feels his knot taking hold and it feels so amazing once he feels his ropes of come full his baby boy's hole once he also feels his knot take hold of his bears tight hole as Barry is closing his mark by licking it shut they both feel their souls as well as their wolves merging into one soul it's beautiful and wonderful.

Oliver can hear his beautiful baby bear's thoughts and his bear can hear his as well as they know know that they have really become one with each other and they will only change the three nights of the full moon Oliver says with their mind leak baby boy we have completed the mating bond we are now one soul what do you think about it baby boy he says with the leak it's wonderful I love you daddy before he say anything Oliver says get some rest baby boy Barry lays on his chest as he falls asleep listening to their heart beat as he moves up so he can put his face in the crook of his daddy's neck cause he's smelling his daddy's sent now and forever mixed with his helps him sleep better but because he moved and Oliver's knotted inside of him they both come Oliver deep inside his baby and his baby comes on his chest.

Before Oliver falls asleep he smells their now mixed sent it's like nothing he's ever smelled before it's still a mouth watering and cock twitching sent that's now and forever mixed with his and his baby bear's sent it's a mixture sent of Ocean an a little Forest as well as his beautiful baby bear's blueberries and strawberries sent he falls asleep as he's still knotted inside his baby boy's hole it's just about to be unknotted till he moves to lay them on their sides as he's so even though he's knotted inside him they are face to face but all this moving makes them both come again it's a good thing cause all of the cum that's inside his beautiful baby bear's body is helping it transform his insides so that he can go through his heats and one day they can have beautiful baby's of their own that's what they both dream as they sleep is their future together something else happens also something that Flash has been waiting for since they were born their magic finally comes to them their dream changes as they are standing in a white room as Barry says were are we? Oliver says i don't know but get behind me I'll protect you baby bear.

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