Barry Meets Another Male Omega

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Barry looks at the kid as he asks are you okay? The kid says thank you as he hugs him Barry says I'm Barry Queen and this is my friend Felicity Smoak the boy says I'm Killian Nolan but my friends call me hook at least my old friends did as Barry says well now you have two new friends my mate and I just moved here cause he got a job at QC.

Barry looks and sees he's naked as he asks are you an omega? Hook looks at him as he says yes I am Barry gets super excited as he says I've never met another male omega before I thought I was the only one hook says same here mate as Barry says so who's your soulmate? Mine is my daddy Oliver Queen hook says mine is my daddy David Nolan it just hits hook as he says you're dad is Oliver Queen? Yes he's also my truest soulmates Hook looks at him as he asks dose that mean Barry says yes we are married and we are already as one it's the most beautiful thing.

Meanwhile Oliver is getting off of the elevator and is about to head to his office when he sees a man crying as someone is yelling at him as he walks over he asks what's going on here Mr. Darhk? David doesn't you up as Darhk says this guy is trying to leave as he climbs he knows is son is in trouble but he refuses to tell me how he knows and he also came to work naked Oliver say that'll be all Damien I'll take it from here he's about to protest but Oliver says I've got it and Darhk walks off mumbling about something as Oliver leans down he says hey it's ok you can tell me David looks up as he says your Olivarry as soon as he hears that he says is your son your mate also? David asks how did you know as he says only werewolf's who has a special connection with their child would know our conbonded name as most people just call me Oliver he says as he smiles at him he says I'm sorry Mr. Olivarry I will get back to work Oliver says no come to my office and talk it'll help you and I'm pretty sure my baby boy is helping your son Hook is that his name? David says it's his nickname cause his cock kind of hooks to the left so I give him that nickname after we connected cause even as a baby it always hooked to the left an I thought it was cute Oliver says that's so sweet but trust me your son will be safe my little baby bear and his friends will may sure your son feels at home and by the time he gets home he'll tell you how he made some new friends and if I know my son he'll invite him over for dinner so you should come over and have dinner with us David looks at him as he says your not firing me? Oliver says no in fact how would you like to be my new secretary mine old one is moving out of state and Darhk isn't exactly the best boss for werewolf's he hates any of them that can have their son as a soulmate he's just one of those humans who hates what he doesn't understand but I can't fire him for that alone but I can make you my new secretary if you want and I'll give you a pay rise David says thanks Mr. Queen Oliver says no problem oh and I'll have someone get your things and bring them up here he says I didn't bring anything I wasn't sure Oliver says well tomorrow I want to see some pictures of you and your mate on your desk don't be ashamed of your love David thanks him as he goes to his office with him and they talk about there mates as Oliver says we are already married my baby bear is very special he was a gift from our goddess if it wasn't for him I don't know where I would be as he tells him about the dark place he was in before his beautiful baby bear came into his life.

David tells him how he got his son my best friend and I went to a party and got drunk and she was beautiful but I knew she was just my best friend but alcohol and apparently fate decided otherwise as we had sex and then nine months later we have a son but her family didn't agree with her having a baby with a werewolf so they shipped her off to an all girl school and they told me to come get my bastard child and never come back or they would tell everyone that I rapped their daughter you see the town I grow up in is mostly humans it was hard hiding being a werewolf from the town but my mom knew a powerful witch who helped us hide the truth but Snow wasn't like most people she loved me for who I was wolf and all.

David says and when I looked into my little Hook's eyes I knew he was my soulmate and I'm glad I found this job cause it means we can finally stay in on place because before no one wanted to hire a single father and then when Killian started the no clothes thing I tired to make him keep them on for a year but I lost more jobs cause I had to go pick up my son from school cause he was naked and every place we lived hated us cause of who we are as he looks down Oliver says don't worry about that here most of the town are werewolf's and the ones that aren't respect our laws and let us be us.

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