Herny Garrick's Backstroy And The Origin Story Of Barry And Tommy

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On Earth-XX Henry Garrick was born in Central City to King Jay Garrick and Queen Nora Garrick they also had a deal with the neighboring kingdom of Star City the deal was that their kids would get married when they where sixteen to bring the Kingdoms together as King Robert and King Slade had a son named Oliver Queen who was born the same day as Henry you see the kingdoms didn't care if two males or two females where together love is love and their goddess and god of the moon had both male and female lovers that's why the deal was made no matter what the sex of their children was.

The Garrick's and The Queens had always taking turns spending their summers and other holidays in each other kingdoms so that their sons would grow up together and get to know each other the only way they didn't have to get married is if one of their kids found their mates but they would still bring their kingdoms together as the finding your mate is something every werewolf respected and didn't question so Oliver and Henry are sixteen and they got married and where happy for a few years till the humans started the war that took Oliver's parents from this world before there time Oliver took the death hard he cut everyone out of his life he was only with Henry when he wanted sex then the war got worse as all the humans decided to prison all of their women so that the wolves couldn't have anymore children that's when the god and goddess give them the male omegas so that they can continue their family lines but once Oliver found out why their women died he did the same to the human women and then he round up all the male humans it didn't matter if they were kids or adults guilty or innocent he made the adult males sex salves for him and anyone who wanted to buy them as he sold the kids to the vampires as he says he didn't care what they did to them that's when the god and goddess stepped in again and punished all of their children by killing the omegas of the man who did as the king did Henry called out to the god and goddess as he says I'm also king I should have done better to stop my husband and our people so I will take whatever punishment you see fit for me this touched the goddess heart as she comes to him as she says my child since you have taken responsibility for your husband's mistakes this is what will happen when you get pregnant with your twins your youngest son was supposed to be your husband's true omega mate but he will not get his mate your son's guardian will go to other earths and find you youngest son a new true mate as he's to be a true omega and will be more powerful than you Henry says thank you my goddess she says but your oldest son will live his life her with his father and once you're your youngest sons guardian finds his new mate you will take him to that earth but once his new mate finds him you will die and reminded in the Astro plan till his sixteenth birthday with that she leaves him what she doesn't tell him is that whoever is to be his new soulmate will also be his biological father as well no matter what earth he's on as she can reach though any of the earth's and take the right DNA or make it so his true mate is the father of both of Henry's kids which is what she actually does as it's for the best for her new kids of the moon.

What the goddess didn't tell Oliver Queen of earth one or Henry of Earth-XX is that one night when Oliver was sixteen and Henry was twenty two she put them both on the Astro plan so the two can have sex as she knew that the Oliver Queen of Earth one could still be saved as are the Oliver Queen of Earth-XX couldn't because he had turned to the dark god of the moon children for more power and as the dark god of the moon children says all magic comes with a price dearie and that price he payed was his soul which meant he could no longer have a soulmate since he sold his soul as the dark god of the moon children once was good but he got jealous of the goddess having more than just him as her lover so he went to find the dark one and once he found him he killed him and in doing so he not only became the dark one he lost his soul so he also became the dark god of the moon children and started stealing souls to get back at the goddess for her not choosing only him as he knew once their souls are gone their soulmates won't ever come to be an that hurts the goddess more than anything but the goddess made sure that Henry and Oliver's kids were born as she knew that with Barry and Oliver would be her champions as she knew that their love would transcend from father and son to the most powerful magic of all true love and that's how Bartholomew and Tommy came to be.

The goddess and god have been watching and she thinks that she may have to end up showing Oliver Queen the truth as it will only make their love stronger as she knows that in their hearts they wish they were more than just adopted family.

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