Oliver/Arrow Finds Tommy

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As Olivarry is sleeping he's unknotted and he's spooning with his baby bear but Arrow is on alert as he hears something coming from outside so he tells Flash to stay inside as they check it out before Ollie changes into Arrow he kisses his little baby bear's forehead the changes and with their bond he can type in into Flash's speed so with the speed and his accuracy and hunting skills he sneaks up on the  intruder as he yells who are you to the grayish wolf on his property the wolf doesn't answer him so Arrow growls as Oliver yells louder as he says I'm only going to ask you one more time and if you don't answer I'm going to attack you the grayish wolf just stares into his eyes before Oliver is about to defend his home and his baby boy as he's about to jump he since's Flash as he says no my puppy stay back he says daddy's don't he's my big brother Oliver says so that's how he got onto our land as he says the spell must not keep out family from any bloodlines even ones from another earth Arrow looks at Flash as he says my beautiful puppy's I trust your judgment so I won't attack him but I want answers Flash says think you daddy's Tommy takes this opportunity to lunge for Arrow but Flash stops him with a freezings spell as he gets excited as he says daddy's did you see that we did our first spell Arrow says yes we are proud of our beautiful little puppy's they take over and next thing Flash knows is his brother is gone as his daddy's say he's not gone we Flash says we know as they are talking though their bondas they walk over and lick them once the threat is gone Flarrow changes back into Olivarry.

As Barry and Oliver are walking back into the house Barry jumps onto it was supposed to be his back but Oliver turns and catches his little baby bear as Barry kisses him passionately once they break for air he says thank you daddy anything for my little baby bear as he carries him bridal style inside of there home as he says I love carrying my baby boy into our home Barry blush's as Oliver says I love when you blush baby boy it makes you so much cuter as he kisses him passionately again once they are inside Oliver says come on baby boy we have a prisoner to interact as he says get on my back baby boy as he puts him down and he gets on his back.

Barry gets rock hard as he says daddy he's not going anywhere is he? No baby boy he's in a cage that's magic proof so he can't get out of it Barry says good how about we go have fun in the pool? Oh baby boy let's go they go to the pool instead as Tommy knew they would once they are outside they jump into the pool as they swim and have fun splashing around and each other then Oliver goes underwater and swims to his baby boy as he gives himself and Barry gills as he says no better way to try what Harry was talking about then having sex underwater little baby bear as he kisses him passionately then moves to kissing down his jawline then his neck as he continues meanwhile Tommy is talking with his father as he says it was as easy as you side your majesty as he says of course it was that Oliver is a fool for love an his feeling instead of learning how to control the power that comes from having a true omega as your soulmate as his daddy says you have failed me you let yourself get captured and now they now you are there so you can stay there and maybe when I come to that earth to get my soulmate that was taken from me and then maybe I'll get you also with that Tommy wines as his father has abandoned him.

Back in the pool Oliver has his baby boy moaning as Barry says I'm gonna Oliver says me to sweet boy now let's try both biting our marks he says ok daddy as they count out in there bond one, two, three then they bite each other's mark and it's just as Harry says once they bite each other it's like their cock heads explodes but this time it's like a volcano as his beautiful baby boy's fills the whole pool and Oliver is surprised that his baby boy's tight hole can actually hold all of the come that explodes from his huge mushroom head as he also knots inside of him Arrow says don't worry both our puppies body's needs this so that their organs can grow and shape how they need to so that they can give birth to our children once they are older and after they start their heat cycles Oliver says ok but Oliver says sleep baby bear he says a spell that transports them to their room it also takes the gills also as the spell lays them down gently on their bed as his baby boy moves so he can put his head in the crook of his neck as he says daddy no come back don't leave me I don't want to live with out you I can't live without you and I don't want to die daddy's Oliver says baby bear wake up my sweet beautiful baby bear wake up as he rubs his back he says though their bond baby boy I'm here you're safe in my arms your just having a bad dream nothing is going to happen to either of us we are going to have a long happy life together and have so many beautiful babies together as I want a big family Barry climbs down as he says me to I want a big family as well he wakes up as he says it was horrible daddy it all felt so real.

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