Getting To The Truth

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Oliver opens the door before David could knock as he walks in while he's still inside his sleeping hook as he comes deep inside of with every step he takes which causes him to wear his beautiful Hooks come as Oliver says I think someone has put a spell on us so that we don't unknot from our son's and made it that when they are awake the are hornier than normal as there body's need the come he says as David asks how can you be sure? Oliver says because every spell leaves a trace of the witch who casts it and since we are both magical and are magic is combined it'll be easier to find out who cast this spell but it's mostly to see if I'm right cause I have a feeling I know who did this as he cast the spell he says yes I was right it was the Drahks that's why he was mumbling as he walked away you see he was my father's best friend he also is the one that thought me how to control my magic cause my parents died two days before my sixteenth birthday and when I brought my son home he was happy which means he probably couldn't kill me.

Oliver explains to David his theory You see I learned that if I die he gets the company and now I'm being to wonder if my parents death was really and accident cause we were supposed to all be going to dinner together that night but I think my magic knew something cause I felt sick that night and told them to go to dinner with out me we could do it on my birthday and that night on there way back they were in a bad accident and they had to use dental records to tell who it was Oliver say as he says let's see if I can fix this issue before our kids wake up again.

Once he fixes it his baby boy wakes up as he says I'm hungry Oliver pulls out of him as his baby wines he says I'll fix us something to eat he kisses him passionately before he walks into the kitchen once in the kitchen he starts fixing dinner as he says I have to get Darhk to tell the truth as he also thinks we need a spell that can give werewolf's a safe home so they can live in peace as he's tried of most humans looking down on them as he's fixing dinner he feels his beautiful baby bear tongue licking his cock up and down he says don't worry baby bear we will fine a place big enough for any wolves that want to truly live in peace and not in fear of the humans who want us gone as he is moaning as his boy is now sucking his huge meat as he starts sucking on his balls as he moans Barry says daddy can I see what it's like? Oliver looks at him as he says can I make love to you Oliver says I would love to feel my beautiful baby boy's huge cock inside of me as Barry gets up and kisses him passionately then goes to licking and sucking on his his ass as Oliver dose a spell to have the food cook it's self they move to the dining room table as Oliver lays down on it his baby bear then licks his hole again as his tongue goes into it he moans loudly as he hears David moaning also as he looks over and sees Hook doing the same to his daddy once Barry starts leaking his natural lube he lines up his huge cock with his daddy's hole as Oliver says baby boy you're so beautiful as he Barry slides into his tight hole as he he's all the way inside of him Barry says daddy your so tight and it feels so good before he starts moving Hook carries his daddy's over to the table as he lays him down gently on the table they both start slowly pushing into their daddy then they start moving faster as their daddy's are moaning then all of a sudden both boys are laying on their backs as they see their daddy's riding their huge meaty cocks as they push up into them as their daddy's are going down on their cocks Hook and Barry sit up so that they can go deeper into their daddy's as they also start kissing them once they feel their daddy's yelling their names as they come all over their chest and stomachs it's like they can't stop coming as Barry feels his daddy's beautiful tight hole tighten around his huge meaty monster he yells daddy as he comes deep inside of him it's like fireworks going off as his mushroom head keeps shooting his hot seed into his daddy's tight hole it's so much that he feels it running out of his daddy's hole and back on his dick as Hook yells daddy as his head spits out his hot liquid seed onto his daddy's hole once his daddy's hole is so full it starts raining down on his huge meaty meat once the daddy's feels their son's heads stop exploding inside of them and feeing it run out of them they get of their cocks and then they both start sucking on their son's cocks as they lick them clean with their tongues both boys are moaning as their daddy's tongues are cleaning their sensitive cocks they come again then they kisses them as their daddy's say that was amazing we are going to have to do that again Barry asks his daddy did I do good Oliver says baby boy you're cock is the best ride I've ever been on next time daddy is going to ride you like the hung horse between your legs as David says same goes for you Hook.

That night while Oliver and Barry are sleeping the goddess of light comes to them as she says my dear Olivarry when they look up they see some women in a beautiful white light as she says don't be frightened my children it's alright  I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to tell you truth about your parents and your brother Oliver looks at her with disbelief as Barry looks at his daddy as he says daddy you have a brother? Before Oliver can answer the goddess says my name is Emma Swan and I'm the goddess of all light magic and you are the youngest of your parents children as you are a twin you see when you and your brother where born your parents were so happy and proud but they looked into your brothers eyes and what they saw scared them as they saw the darkest soul in him and they came to me for help but with all things there is light and dark inside each of us and when I looked into your brothers eyes I saw nothing but darkness inside of him and when they asked me for help I tried but nothing worked so they tried to rise him but when you were both two years old you're brother was jealous of how you and thought your parents favored you more and that night when you slept he tried to kill you but you're magic protected you so they did what was necessary and I helped them by wiping his memory of who his parents and brother was it was the hardest thing they had to do and I put a protective spell over the Queen land and over Queen Consolidated but he found out the truth about his past and he killed your parents because he wanted to get to you and steal your powers before you knew about them but when they wouldn't give him what he wanted he killed them and he found you and he helped you learn how to use your magic as he figured if he helped you he could turn you but you were to strong with the light magic so he made you forget and he wormed his way in to Queen Consolidated to keep an eye on you and when he found out you had a kid he planned to steal both of your powers but when he looked into the future and saw that Barry was your truest soulmate he tried temping you with Slade.

but when that didn't work all it did was help you see the truth about yours and your sons path and then he summoned the blood red moon knowing that you and Barry would have sex and he tried using its powers to destroy your son so before you died he could steal your combined magic Oliver says I thought there was something familiar about him as she says now he has created a virus capable of destroying the children of the moon and with that he could destroy not only the werewolf's but the whole world so when you wake up you will find the spell that will help you turn the island off the north China sea into your island for all werewolf's and once you cast the spell it'll disappear off the map and only wolfs will be able to find it as well as the few close humans you trust to live there with that she says blessed be my children with that she's gone and Olivarry wakes up.

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