Tommy Goes Back To Earth-XX To A New Timeline

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A/N: So Earth one's timeline has changed a little bit also as Oliver now knows he's Barry's biologic father the goddess told him the truth and Barry knows and she made it so all of earth one knows it but no one knows who Barry's other parent is expected Barry and Oliver they know that his dad was from another earth and that's all that matters cause as far as they are concern Barry's daddy is his soulmate Oliver Queen.

Tommy got free from the cage and he returns to his Earth-XX once he returns he finds his father as to tell him that he's back but when he gets back to his earth his father is gone he finds out that someone else has taken the Thorne when he gets into the Thorne room he finds that sitting in the Thorne is none other then Raymond Palmer what everything that Tommy learned from Earth-One he forgot as his omega husband says did you and archer have a nice run in the Frost my beautiful mate yes we did how is my babies doing as he kisses his omega mate Ray says we are both fine and he's happy to see his father he's kicking Tommy puts his hand on his stomach as he says yes he is what should we call him? My beautiful baby Ray says how about we horror you dad and your lost baby brother by calling him Bartholomew Henry Allen Tommy says I love it and you as he kisses him passionately then Ray says I want to feel you inside of me My King as you wish my king as he says ride me my beautiful as Tommy seats in the throne as Ray starts slowly going down on his husband's huge cock once he's all the way down on his husband's huge cock he kisses him passionately then starts moaning as he's moving up and down on the meat inside of him.

While Tommy was gone the goddess righted her wrong and went to King Jay and told him everything and so he took over as Central is now the Central Star Kingdom and King Oliver was strip of his title and his kingdom and Tommy grow up with his grandfather who never remarried after he lost his Queen but he was able to see her as his wolfs ability was he could go to the Astro plan while he slept and spend time with his ture mate and once she told him what Oliver was doing in Start Kingdom that's when he stepped in and the goddess allowed it and changed their time line and world for the better but his grandson Barry was still meant to go to earth one to save that Oliver Queen and be his other half and Queen Nora watched over her grandson and his father and watched their love grow and seen how Barry and Oliver were made for each other and when King Jay died Tommy was made King and as was his soulmate Raymond Palmer and they ruled the kingdom justly and fair in this new timeline Tommy met his mate Ray when they were five and when he told his grandfather the king moved Ray and his father into the castle where they were Ray's father was given the title of lord and Ray was with his mate and everything was as it should be Tommy and Ray shared everything even a room and where one was so was the other they never did anything without on another.

No one remember past King Garrick's and Tommy's baby brother's death as the King of Central told the people of Star die of a broken heart and that King Queen will be missed and the two kingdoms will be known as Central Star Kingdom and the people lived happily and no knows what really happened to the evil king Back in the throne room Tommy has knotted Ray and he was sleeping peacefully in his lovers arms.

Back on earth one Oliver wakes his beautiful baby bear as he says baby it's time that you go back to school and I get back to work since we are completely as one he says baby bear all you have to do is talk to me though our bond and I'll see you when I pick you up from school as Barry says ok daddy as he's riding his daddy's huge rock hard cock as he's walking downstairs as he says I'm gonna but Barry gets of his dick and starts sucking it as he's making his daddy and his wolf moan and then he feels the heat coming from his daddy's stomach and he knows he's going to cum so he starts licking the slit of his daddy's cock head as Oliver yells out his baby's name as he comes deep in his mouth as his son makes sure to drink all of it down he then kisses him passionately as Oliver says it's time I'll drop you off at school as he opens his baby's door and once he's in he shuts it and then he's inside and starts the car and drives off he stops at the front of Sterling Academy Barry kisses him passionately before he gets out of the car he walks into the school as he sees his friend he says hey Felicity hugs him as she says congratulations he thanks her.

They go to get breakfast in the dining hall as they hear someone being picked on so Barry goes to see what's going on as Felicity is right behind him they see this kid they've never seen before but the girl is Nora Darhk who is picking on him as she says you stupid omega's think just cause you like being naked that you can come to school that why like anybody wants to see your gay nakedness she's about to do a spell when Barry taps her and says stop she looks at him and laughs as she says what are you gonna do about it insest boy you're daddy used to be the most powerful witch in the City then you came and now he's the laughingstock of the City my daddy is the most powerful witch and we are going to start putting the dogs in there place as Barry has done a spell that has the new kid behind him and Felicity as he says my daddy and I are powerful but we don't use that power for bullying and your going to leave my new friend alone and if I don't what are you gonna do about it doggy you shouldn't be in school you and all the other omega sluts should be on your back that's the only thing you're good for is a good fuck the principal comes and says break it up as Nora says they started it Mr. Shue he looks at her as he says I don't care who started it I'm breaking it up she looks at him as she says your human how can you protect those mutts? He says I maybe human but both my parents and my little brother are werewolf's and I respect them and love them and know that there is no stronger love than that of a werewolf and their soulmate no matter who that person is to them.

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