3. Just Dance!

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After 20 minutes some students presented their results. He sat down on his desk and listened attentively. Stefanis gaze didn't deviate from the handsome man. While others took part in the lesson, she painted small hearts on her notes and wondered what Mr. Coopers first name was. She was head over heels.
When the bell rang and signaled the end of the english lesson, he once whistled loudly, so that all students who wanted to run out of the room went back to their seats once again.

I wanted to tell you something!
Before you leave the class you should know that I get a lot of information! As my class, I don't expect much from you, just three little things. 1. You pay attention and work in the lessons, because it's about your future, 2. You respect your classmates, listen to their opinion and don't judge someone! You don't talk bad about the others because of their character, work or look and 3. You always listen to Rule 1 and 2 ! Did you understand me?

The whole class looked at him and nodded.

I asked if you have understood me?

Suddenly, all the students started yelling 'yes' and left the room.

Titus and George! Not so fast! Come here!

Stefani looked at him in astonishment. He had promised her that she wouldn't be bullied in his class and amazingly he kept his word. He winked at her and motioned for her to leave. When everyone had left the room, only he and the two boys remained.

What should I do with you two now? I hope you know that your behavior wasn't right! I'll let you skip it this time. Until tomorrow you have to copy the school rules ten times! You better consider a serious apology for Stefani and when I see or hear something like this again, I'll call your parents!

As soon the two boys were out the door they began to blaspheme again.

Wow, the little bitch has petted! This fucking little whore!

When they talked so badly about Stefani, they didn't realized that the door opened behind them.

Follow me! I warned you, but if you don't know where your limits are!

Cooper walked down the hallway with Titus and George. Stefani was leaning against a locker and was watching him. Although the situation was serious, she couldn't stop herself from smiling.
He smiled back and then went to the headmaster room. In the secretarys office, he called the parents of the two boys. They agreed to meet and decided to give them time off. The rest of the week they surfed at home, because the act they had committed to physical coercion.

For Stefani the school day just  continued. She had just finished her biology lessons and went to the gym. Bo had chosen the same subjects, so they were together.

Titus and George had to leave school for today!

Let me guess, your great teacher was responsible for that?

He kept his word.

They went to the ladies changing room. Stefani was the first girl with Bo, who had finished and went down into the hall. Sport had always been her favorite subject with music. Especially the current topic made her a lot of fun. Although the classmates said otherwise, she was able to dance very well. As she was about to enter the gym, she stopped, petrified. Bo ran against her because she hadn't expected it. She stared at her teacher. In front of her stood Mr.Cooper. As planned, she should have a completely different teacher. Bo shook her.

What's happening? Why are you sto-

Bo saw the man staring at Stefani all the time.

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