10. Bloody knee

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~ Tuesday, English lessons ~

Ok, here you have your texts again. I've underlined misspellings.

There is no grade here!

I know Irina.

Then how should we know how good we are? Well, everyone is definitely better than you, right Germ?

She pointed with her long fingernails to the blonde girl.

Even if you may not believe it, Stefani has the best text in class. Maybe you can learn something from her in this regard? I would rather take care of my stuff than complain about others!

After Bradley lay down her text, Irina was calm. She stopped commenting and was a little offended. She had been exposed in front of the whole class and she was very embarrassed.

Stefani, would you like to read your text out? If you want to.

Uncertainly she nodded. Actually, she didn't want to, but he gave her strength and security, so she decided to step forward and read out her text. When she was halfway through, the door of the classroom opened and another teacher looked in.

I'm sorry, but I need help with this real quick. Won't be long.

Bradley rolled his eyes and then nodded.

Okay, I'll help for a minute. You guys behave yourselves and Stefani, you can continue reading. I'll be right back.

He looked at her and smiled. With quick steps he disappeared and went out of the room. She did what he had told her, but noticed how less and less listened to her, until a boy spoke up. Smiling, she nodded at him, taking his turn.

Why are you still reading? Nobody wants to listen to you anyway!

At that moment, something inside her broke and she couldn't help but burst into tears. Most people didn't even mind, some laughed. It was quiet for a moment before Mister Cooper came back. As fast as she could she wiped her tears away, luckily she wasn't wearing mascara. When he came back, she tried to smile and sat down in her seat.



The bell rang and signaled the break.

Is everything alright with you? You looks so- sad?

He spoke to her when no one else was in the room.

It is not so important.

Tell me, Stef.

Nervously, she chewed on her lower lip.

It doesn't matter what I do, you know. I really put so much effort, time and love into this essay, but no one listened to me. They're right about what they always say, no one wants to listen to me.

I want to listen to you. I am listening to you. I could never get tired of the things you say!

A gentle smile crossed her face. With her hand she caressed his cheek and gave him a gentle kiss.

Thank you! You're cute.

Maybe you'll just go to your locker and then- very maybe I'll put that adorable smile on your face again.

What did you do?

Take a look.

He grinned as Stefani went to her locker. When she opened the door, two letters fell towards her. One was from Christian, the other from Bradley. She immediately opened the envelope. The letter smelled like Bradley and it was in a beautiful handwriting.

A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now