11. Date time

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Bradley spoke briefly with Cynthia, then said a formal goodbye to Stefani and drove back to school.

May I help you with that? Is everything alright? Shall we rather go to the hospital?

Anything's fine mom! I- just stumbled and then I fell.

Come here and lie down nicely. I'll cook you a cocoa and get a cooling pad!

Stefani sat comfortably on her sofa and took out her cell phone.

~ Mobile chat ~

Hey! Here is Stef . Thanks again! I'm looking forward to the evening! ❤

I'll get you at 6pm. I'm glad!

She put her cell phone away and leaned back to relax. Her knee burned a little more and reminded her of Irina. Her parents knew nothing of the nasty pranks of the classmates and that was definitely the better way. When her mother returned, the bad thoughts vanished. All she could think of was Bradley. It was good to be in love with a great man who protects her.

Mom, can I go to Bo tonight? We don't do much either, I promise!

No party!

No, I promise!

7 hours later she started getting ready. She limped a little because her knee still hurt a bit, but otherwise she was much better. Cynthia had looked lovlingly after her the whole day, but had driven back to the restaurant with Natali. Stefani was home alone and had 2 hours before Bradley came. She showered and then searched her closet for a suitable outfit. Amazingly, she was done very early, so she took her cell phone again.

Do you pick me up? Please? Maybe even now? I miss you! 😣❤

Now? I thought we wanted to meet later? 😆😍

But I want to see you now! My parents and Natali are not here. PLEASE🥺🙏

Ok, I'll be right there.❤ Give me a few minutes.

Stefani was so excited. She threw herself back in bed and screamed into her pillow.

Ok! Calm down Stefani! It's just a date, with YOUR BOYFRIEND! AHHH!

Ten minutes later the doorbell rang. Her heart jumped automatically. She carefully went down the stairs and opened the door.

Hey princess! Ready for dinner?

Instead of answering him, she kissed him on the mouth. The kiss was very intense and immediately his hands wrapped around her waist. When they broke apart he looked at her body. Bradley was immediately enchanted by her. She looked stunning. He gave her the rose, which he got for her.
Her eyes sparkled with the little gesture.

Many thanks!

She gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

Are you ready to go?


Bradley put his arm around her to support her as she walked. When they were in the car, Stefani just looked at Bradley all the time.

What are we doing now?

It will be a surprise!

She smiled.

As long as you are with me, it will be a great evening!

On the car trip they talked a little bit about music and got to know each other even better.
He kept looking at her. His blue eyes sparkled and looked at her with so much love. Bradley drove to a beautiful house and parked his car in front of the door.

A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now