15. She will leave

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Hmmm B.

I love you Stef!

She turned around. Her eyes never parted. She kissed his rosy lips and a tingling sensation spread through her body. His hands ran carefully over her soft skin.

I love you too, since the first day I saw you.

He smiled at her. For the first time, his eyes left her face and admired her body.

You're an angel! My angel! You are something special!

You too. No one has ever did something for me, like that! No one has ever believed in me and protected me like that or was there for me, like you did!

Bradley wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to his body. He kissed her.


Her lips never parted. He pushed her a little against the wall.

I want you.

He gasped a little at her comment.

Are you sure? We don't have to. I don't want you to think that this was my intention, especially after what you told me today. I will love you anyway, nothing can stop me from this.

Yes I want you! I've never been so sure like now!

He raised her leg and wrapped it around his waist.

Are you really sure?

Yes B!

Bradley was a little unsettled. He picked her up, turned off the shower, and carried her to the bedroom. She held onto him, smelled his scent and was enchanted by him. It wasn't the physical contact that made her feel like this, but her deep feelings for this man. It was just perfect. The deep love was breathtaking and wonderful. Bradley was also only guided by his feelings for her.
He put her on the bed and reached into his drawer. A few drops of water roll over her cheeks. He brushed a strand of wet hair from her face. She smiled, but then saw his worried look.

Is everything ok? Am I doing anything wrong?

I don't wanna hurt you! I love you and the last thing I want is to cause you pain! Please stop thinking that you do something wrong. You are the definition of perfection, really!

That's cute! You won't hurt me, I know that!

She grabbed his hair and pulled his lips to hers. Between kisses and fierce breath, she managed to get a few words out.

I want to be your girlfriend! So make me yours! Love me, please!

Bradley leaned on his elbows, next to her head, and stroked her cheek.

You know I only need you to be happy! Do you really want that?

You are the first and the last! I want that! Yes I am, for gods sake, I'm sure!

He looked at her with so much love and kissed her again. When the moment happened, both moaned a little. Stefani enjoyed the feeling as much as he did. They felt so incredibly high because of their connection. Her hands ran through his hair and her lips became a smile.

Are you alright?

Hmmm yes. That feels so good! You feel good! I love you!

Her head was on his chest. Her legs were tangled together and his arm was wrapped protectively around her. Bradley rubbed light circles over her back.

You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my whole life, in character and body. I can't describe how much I love you! You're a Goddess. My love.

A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now