6. Dinner instead of Party

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It was Cooper. Her teacher stood drunk in front of her and stared in her eyes.

What are you do-


She got goosbumps, as his finger touched her lips. He had been drinking the whole evening, picking one glass after the other. He wanted to forget her and lose the frustration he got, when he saw her with Christian. Stefani wanted to get out of the bath, but he grapped her hand.

Not. So. Fast!

What do you want from me?


Without another word he wanted to kiss her lips. His lips came closer. He was rough and pushed her against the wall. First she tried to push him away, but then her fingers tangled in his hair and pulled him closer. A small groan came out of his mouth, when he felt her pelvis against his. The hands explored her body. She pulled him even closer to kiss him finally, but then she realized what she was doing. Immediately she let him go and walked two steps sidewards. Cooper fell against the wall. As fast as she could, she ran out of the toilet, back to Christian.

Hey! Anything is fine? I just saw Mister Cooper, he looked pretty drunk.

Christian laughed, but Stefani didn't find it funny at all.

Ehh, yes nice! I think we should go now. It's late, already 10 pm..

No problem! I'll drive you home!


During the car trip they didn't speak a word. As the car parked in the driveway, the boy looked at Stefani.

Thank you for giving me a chance! It was a wonderful evening! I just want to tell you again that you're really pretty and perfect, no matter what the others say!

Stefani had to cry. The last time someone said that to her, it came from Bradleys mouth. She didn't even know why she was crying, maybe it was because Cooper almost kissed her or because she loved him so much, but one thing she knew, she needed to forget him. At the moment it was just too much for her and she had to relieve pressure. She kissed Christian on the lips. Her tongue slid into his mouth. Quickly she climbed over the circuit of the car, directly on his lap. His hands ran over her body. He was a little surprised by her sudden decision. Before he could go any further, she broke the kiss, opened the door and got out. No matter what she did, her thoughts were with her teacher.

I'm sorry!

Christian did not let them go so quickly. He opened the car door and went after her.

Stefani! Wait, please!

She was trembling slightly and didn't want to, but stopped anyway.

What was that just now? Did I say something wrong?


Carefully he tried to take her hand, she let him and surprised him a little.

What's wrong, huh? I miss your smile.

You don't understand. I can't. I've tried, Chris. I'm sorry! I- my heart belongs to someone else and no matter what I do, I can't change that. I'm sorry!

It's ok, not the words I wanted to hear, but I understand. Just know, I'll be always here for you!

With a sad smile he went in his car and drove away.

It was finally Friday. Cooper went through the corridors of the school. He had a terrible headache from yesterday and all he could remember was the almost kiss with Stefani. He was ashamed of his behavior and was visibly uncomfortable when he saw her. She didn't know how to act, but she couldn't help but think about last night. She was a complete mess. On the one hand, she was glad that they almost kissed, on the other hand she was scared. Her thoughts were a mess. She gave him a sad smile. He tried to ignore her, went to the cupboard where all the dictionaries were in and dragged out a stack. Bo had already gone to her class, so Stefani was the only one in the hallway.

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