17. Beat

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Stefani pushed him slightly away.

You- should get it.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance when the doorbell rang again. Bradley stood up and quickly put on his pants.

You are waiting here!

He buttoned up his shirt and pulled on his pants as he ran to the door. Stefani decided to go to his bedroom and put on a shirt from him.
When Bradley opened the door, he saw Sam

Hey ... Sam- what are you doing here?

His colleague went past him, straight into the living room. Bradley panicked because just a few seconds earlier Stefani was still on the sofa. He tried to stop him somehow, but that didn't work. Sam stopped, confused by the nervousness that Bradley exuded. The man eyed him and noticed his chaotic demeanor. His hair was disheveled, his lips were smeared with lipstick, the pants weren't right dressed and his shirt wasn't buttoned right either. When he looked next to the sofa he saw black lace panties.

So, I see you have a guest?

Bradley bit his lip nervously.


Do I know her?

No, but if you didn't mind, can we talk another time?

His buddy nodded.

But, it's not Renee, is it? Please don't tell me that you got involved with this bitch again!!

What do you think about me? No, it's not Renee,I would never! But I would be really grateful if you would go now, sorry.

No problem, I actually wanted to make a bike tour with you, but you obviously have other things to do. Don't overdo it! See you tomorrow.

Sam went away laughing. Bradley closed the door and leaned against it. A sharp breath escaped his mouth. He immediately went in search of Stefani.

Stef? Where are-

When he went into the bedroom, he saw her lying on the bed. He immediately pushed his pants off his legs again. She knelt on the bed and suddenly tore the shirt what he was wearing.

No one can interrupt us this time!

He was almost drooling when he found her in his shirt without anything under it. He leaned over her and fell back on the bed with her.

If you don't fu-...

He kissed her lips again and took off his boxers.


Why so greedy?


She blushed a bit. He leaned forward and let her moan loudly.



Stefani put her hand on the back of his neck and kissed his lips. Exhausted, her head fell back onto the pillow and she grinned. Bradley's body was still over her. He leaned on his elbows next to her head, to kiss her again.

In case I haven't told you yet, you're amazing, in every way!

He grinned and pulled her head to his bare chest.

Do you hear that? My heart only beats for you! You are my angel!

She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled closer until she fell asleep.

When Bradley woke up he saw that Stefani was still sleeping. He watched her beautiful body, her flawless face, which looked so peaceful when she was sleeping, and her little hands on his chest. He pulled the blanket higher around her naked body and gently stroked her back.


Hey Beauty! Is everything ok?

She nodded and blinked sleepily. Her green eyes met his blue ones. The magic of love could be felt.

Listen, it's relatively early, do you want to do anything else?

Stefani pressed her body against his.

I just want to be with you.

How about we order pizza? I'm hungry.

Suddenly the girl was wide awake.

Is this a joke? I almost die of hunger!

He laughed and got up from the bed to get dressed. She did the same and put his shirt back on. After ordering the pizza, they sat in the living room.

I forgot something!

He walked out of the room and Stefani looked at him in confusion. A few minutes later he came back with a black bag.

This one.

He put the thing on her lap and pulled the bag away.

I found it recently. It still works.

She looked at the keyboard on her lap. A hand stroked the keys as she raised her head and smiled at him.

And you want me to play something for you?

He looked at her with puppy eyes. Stefani couldn't say "no", just as she was about to start, the doorbell rang.

At some point, I'm going to tear this bell down!

She laughed and tapped him lovingly on the nose.

Take it and come back!

Bradley went to the door and got the ordered pizzas. He went back to the living room and put the box on the table.

Omg! Finally!

She immediately grabbed a slice of pizza and took a huge bite.

Mhhhhh, so delicious!

Bradley also bit into one piece.
When they were halfway through their dinner, they returned their attention to the music. Stefani pressed a few keys. Her eyes were on him when her mouth opened and a beautiful song was created.

That Arizona sky, burning in your eyes-

Her hands hovered over the keys and played a melody.

You look at me and, babe, I wanna catch on fire

Bradley stared at her. How could someone be so perfect? Her green eyes enchanted him.

It's buried in my soul ... like California gold
You found the light in me that I couldn't find.

He didn't dare to move. The fear was too big to miss a second of the moment.

Lovers in the night
Poets trying to write
We don't know how to rhyme
But, damn, we try!

The man in front of her was just speechless.

But all I really know
You're where I want to go.

He put his hand on her leg.

The part of me that's you will never die!

Tears rolled down his cheeks when she stopped playing and hugged him. She pushed the keyboard aside and wrapped her arms tightly around him.

I love you! I love you so damn much! You can't even imagine what I feel for you!

Stefani pulled back a little so that she could take a look at him. Her little fingers wipe the tears from his cheeks and put a smile on his face before she bandaged her lips again.

My heart also just beats for you!

A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now