9. I Love you, really!

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Nothing really happened, Sam! I swear! You are my buddy, my best friend, you would know if I had feelings for her.

You raved about her the other day! Bradle, I'm just giving you advice, just be careful! If someone catches you, then ...

It isn't like what you think! I'm sorry for her because the other classmates just bully her. I only protected her. I just wanted to make her feel good, like a best friend.

Bradley, even that's too much! The girl has hopes!

Bradley looked to the ground, ashamed to look his buddy into the eyes.

You didn't kiss her or something, right?

It was an adventure, which is over now! I promise! She just should feel like a normal teenager. Nothing will ever happen between her and me again!

Ouh man, Bradley. You're lucky that I like you. Just forget her, at least try it! It's better for everyone!

Yes. Don't worry, I really don't have feelings for her.

Stefani had to hear all these words. After having the little argument this morning, she thought he was serious, but she was disappointed. He had only lied to her. Everything was just a little 'adventure'. Well, if he can play this game, she could too. Christian was chatting to a few friends in front of the main entrance to the school. Stefani waited for Bradley to leave school and went to the boy. Without warning, she pressed her lips against his and fumbled in his hair. When Cooper was about to go to his car, he saw what Stefani was doing, his Stefani. He couldn't believe it. His mouth was open and he stared at her and the boy. This morning he was still worried that he would have broken her heart, but now he was the victim. Now he had a broken heart. With a blink of an eye, she saw Bradley watching her. She immediately intensified the kiss. He couldn't take the picture anymore and got into his car.
Even though it was only early afternoon, he went to a bar. He ordered beer after beer until he was completely drunk. He just wanted to forget her. In the evening, the bar became more crowded, but that did not bother him, because he continued drinking. Thoughts were flying through his head. What did he do wrong? Did he overdo it with 'I Love you'? Was it just revange for their fight this morning? The picture of her kissing this guy came back into his mind, when the door of the bar suddenly opened and exactly the woman he was thinking about entered. As luck would have it, she came to the bar with some friends. Bo, Brandon, Sarah, Tim and two others he didn't know. Bradley had moved to a corner where he couldn't be seen and remained undetected.
After about an hour, Stefani went to the toilets. That was his chance to talk to her. He immediately jumped up and followed her. Because he drank so much, he stumbled a little while walking. Bradley came just in time so that she ran straight into his arms.

What are you doing here?

I should rather ask you this question!

He didn't want to be so cold, but he couldn't help himself. When he opened his mouth, she could smell his strong alcohol breath.

How many did you drink?

Ahhh! Is the little girl worried again? By the way, where is your new friend? Can he kiss as well as I do? Or maybe even better than me? Come on, why did you throw yourself around his neck now? What does he have that I don't have?

He definitely has a better character!

Tell me! Can he fuck better? Oh wait, it never happened between us! Or did it?

Bradley, stop it. Sober up, you're drunk!

First you want to sleep with your teacher and now jump from man to man!

A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now