13. Help!

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A little warning ... not because of dirt, but because of a serious issue (sh). A topic that had a lot to do with myself/ my life/my friends. Everyone needs that one person to catch you before it's too late! I hope you still like this story and don't have to fight with things like that. No matter who you are, what you are or what you want to be, you're beautiful! Smile and don't be sad! There is always a person who loves you, just remember that!

You shouldn't have put a leg on me!

Irina came closer and grabbed her hair. Bo was held by another girl and could only watch.

Listen Germ! We both know there's something going on between you and Cooper! You disgusting bitch! Whore! Fucking our teacher!

Stefani grimaced in pain from being pulled so hard on her hair. Bo wanted to break free and help her, but she couldn't.

Aahhh! I have done nothing to you! Leave me alone! Why are you doing this? Ouch!

With her grip, Irina had the total control about the girl. She pulled her hair again, this time even harder and then pushed her towards the boys.

You have done a lot! Throw her away!

The boys grabbed Stefani roughly and threw her into the next garbage can that stood by the wayside. Some other students saw her and laughed about it, even some people who she usually was hanging around with. She landed between rubbish corners and stinking plant remains.

That's where you belong to! Dirt to dirt. If you really thought someone could love something like you. You're so ugly, so disgusting. Just take a look at you. I'd cry if I'm you. Too fat, terrible nose, no talent and not even able to statisfy a boy. Bit embarrassing, you don't think so? Ouh, and I'll give you a hint, stay away from Cooper, otherwise I may talk a bit with our headmaster? Better listen to me you ugly piece of shit! You're just a bitch for everyone! See how they all are laughing about you?

The clique left. They pushed Bo to the floor and disappeared. Stefani had started to cry a long time ago. The smell was disgusting and her head hurt. Bo had gotten up and immediately ran to her.

Everything ok? Stefi, come here, I'll help you!

She reached for her hand and tried to pull her out of the container. Stefani was filthy. All of her clothes were dirty and everything smelled disgusting, like garbage. Crying, she fell around her friends neck.

Thank you!

Oh Stefi, are you okay? Apart from the whole situation, did they hurt you?

She rubbed her forehead and looked down at herself. Bradleys shirt was stained, her pants were torn and even had some holes.

I don't think so, what should I do now? When I go home, my parents will notice what happened.

Then tell them. It can't go on like this anymore! What happens today and what happens next? Shall they stand in front of you with a knife so that you will tell them?

I know you're right. I'm just afraid it will get worse after that!

It can't get any worse! Trust me! It's over next year.

Bo wiped the tears from her face. Stefani nodded.

Many thanks for everything! I think we should go to the bus stop now.

They tried to get their things and went to the stop together. The bus ride was quiet. Both still had to process the situation.
When Stefani arrived home, nobody was there. She threw her backpack in the corner and went into the bathroom. Tears started running down her cheeks again. She quickly took off her clothes and went to take a shower. When the warm water rained down her body, she thought about everything. Her thoughts brought everything up again. Memories came up. She pushed the positive things out and only thought about the negative ones. Full of anger and sadness, she turned off the water and looked at herself in the mirror. There was always this fight with herself and only now she seemed to lose more and more.

A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now