4. Thank you

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Quietly he sneaked into the room and closed the door behind him. As the sounds softened and she stopped singing, a clap filled the room. She was startled and flinched because she didn't know there was anyone else in the room. Stefani quickly turned to the person who made the sound. It was him.

I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you!

Nervously, she slipped on the piano stool.

You are really crazy! Your voice- wow!

Thank you-

He came closer until he stood beside her.

La vie en rose?

Yes, but it isn't very good.

You're kidding! The song is beautiful! I wish I had such a talent and could play the piano and my voice would be better!

Playing the piano is easy!

He put his bag on the table beside him.

Please, play another song!

Ehmm, yes, why not? Now that you have heard me sing, what should I play?

How about Midnight special? Do you know that song?

She slipped to one side and patted the empty seat next to her. A little hesitantly, he sat down on the other half of the stool. After picking her notes on her phone, she started to play. Her delicate fingers hopped over the keys. Stefani opened her mouth and started to sing. Cooper also sang softly. When she heard his voice, she stopped and turned around.

Your voice is amazing!

Thanks, but I'm not as good as you are.

At first, the gap between them was very large, but gradually it became smaller, so that there was no gap anymore. Bit by bit his arm slipped around her waist as they sang Midnight Special. They sat close together and Stefanis head rested on his chest. Both had their eyes closed and were absorbed in the moment.
The song was over when Stefani took her hand off the keys and unconsciously put on his. At the touch, they stared at each other. His ocean blue eyes met her brown- green. Between them flowed an indescribable magic. Their faces came closer and closer. They could already feel the breath from the other on their cheeks. The lips were only a few inches apart. A kiss seemed inevitable, but suddenly there was a knock on the door, which made both of them apart. Stefani was a little disappointed with the disturbance. She stayed in position, watching the man who had stolen her heart.

Bradley, are you in there?

Yes, I'm coming immediately!

He got up from the stool and looked in her eyes one last time.

I am sorry!

With these words he opened the door and disappeared.


The two colleagues strolled through the park and enjoyed their break.

Hey, what did you do in the music room?

I got a little private concert, from Stefani.

Ouh man, the little girl has really done it to you!

He playfully slapped Sam on the shoulder.

I heard her sing. I swear to you, she has the voice of an angel!

A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now