18. You're cute together

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The next day at school Stefani had an audition for the school band. Like every morning, she'd driven with Bradley to school ,on his bike. He had given her a kiss and wished her good luck. When she was on stage she was a little nervous, but she thought about his words.

'You will steal their breath! Just imagine, we sit together and you sing for me. I believe in you, my angel!'

Only when she thought about him she got butterflies in her stomach. She timidly sat down at the piano and began to sing. Stefani had chosen a very special song, the song she sung last night for Bradley. When she finished the song she heard a loud clapping and cheering from the jury and from Christian.

Stefani your voice is beautiful! You can play the piano and your lyrics are overwhelming, wow!

With her performance she enchanted everyone and was immediately accepted into the band. After receiving confirmation, she wanted to leave, but Christian stopped her.

Stefani! You are- you have- wow!

She was lost a little, her mind was with Bradley.

Ehh, thank you.

Just as she wanted to go, Christian was holding her arm.

Wait, where do you want to go? I actually wanted to ask you- ehh- You wanna come with me after school?

The girl swallowed.

I don't have time after school, I'm sorry! Maybe another time?

How about tomorrow?

She shook her head and just walked away.

At the same time Bradley sat in the teacher's room. The director discussed the latest events and resolved problems.

And how was the last night?

Sam leaned a little towards Bradley. He blushed a little at the question.


When will I meet her?


He was a little too loud, the director stopped talking and looked at him.

Mr. Cooper?! What's so important? You will share the information with us?

Umm, you forgot Miss Shayk's kicking out.

The director still looked at him, but then he nodded.

You're right! For everyone, the student Irina Shayk left the school. The girl had bullied and physically injured other students, especially Stefani Germanotta. There was a parent meeting and the parents agreed with me, to take her from our school.

A few other teachers were happy to hear the news because they didn't like the girl either.

But we have also received strong reinforcements. Miss Miller, would you like to introduce yourself, please?

Would be a pleasure.

The blonde woman stood up and looked around.

My name is Renee Miller, I'm 33 years old and I'm from Texas. I look forward to a good cooperation!

The colleagues clapped and greeted her, all except Bradley. After the meeting was over, he went down the hall to his class.

Wait! Bradley!

He turned and saw Renee running after him. His steps immediately got faster.

Bradley! Please!


A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now