8. Don't cry

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It was a relatively quiet and relaxed morning, as the boys were still not there. The bus came and she got in. Stefani sat down and looked out the window. When the bus stopped at a red light, she saw a familiar person beside her. Cooper was with his bike next to her, at the traffic light. It was the first day of school since the weekend. They hadn't spoken a single word yet and were a little more distant. It'd be a strange feeling for both of them to see each other.
When the young girl arrived at school, she was already expected by Bo.

Hey! How are you? How was your weekend? You wasn't at the party.

Stefani didn't look very happy. She was afraid of what would happen now. Last weekend, one of her dreams had come true, but now this happy feeling has been replaced by fear.

He stayed with us.

Stefani grimaced slightly.


Her words softened so that Bo didn't understand them. She noticed that Stefani's attention was no longer with her, but with the person behind her. Bradley was standing right behind Bo.

Ok, then-  see you later! Good luck!

She patted her shoulder a little and disappeared.

Morning Mister Cooper!

She quickly tried to pass him, but he was faster and held her tight.

We have to talk, now!

He took her hand and pulled her into the next classroom.

What do you want?

I want to talk to you!

But I don't want to talk to you! You just left last sunday! You said you'd stay! Even a goodbye was too much for you?! Great to tell me that there is a connection between us and then just disappear! Was it just a game for you? I mean I'm just 17, I know and you are my teacher, but you don't have to treat me like a 5 years old girl!

Stefani calm down!

I don't want t-

Before she could finish her sentence, he kissed her hard, right on the lips. At first she was shocked, but then she returned his kiss. He pushed her against the door.

Are you listen to me now?

Stefani didn't say anything, just looked at him.

I had to go. I said goodbye to you in the morning, but you were still sleeping. You even smiled.

Her features relaxed a little and her anger disappeared.

Why didn't you wake me up?

You looked so cute! I couldn't do it! Besides you dad was already awake.

He stroked a strand of hair from her face.

I am sorry!

Yes, I know.

Her words were like a whisper. Her green eyes stared back into his. Just when she wanted to kiss him, he retired.


What's wrong? just a kiss, it's not like we didn't kiss each other three minutes ago.

She smiled at him and tried to kiss him again, but he took a step back.

No Stefani! That's why I usually wanted to talk. Not here, we can't do that! We have to stop it! At the weekend we crossed a line that shouldn't be crossed.

A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now