2. Does it hurt?

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Today was Tuesday.
It was 6 o'clock in the morning. Stefani just woke up and stood in the bathroom in front of the mirror. She made her Make-up and thought about today. Today would be a long day of school. In the first two hours they had english, in the third sport, fourth biology and in the last hours the music group. Since she attended the Italian course, she had two additional hours. Actually, she would only have her favorite subjects, but she saw Mister Cooper today, which was less good.
She brushed her teeth and got dressed, while her thoughts were by Cooper. On the one hand she wanted to look very beautiful and try to catch his attention, but on the other hand she didn't want to see him anymore. She was scared because of her feelings.

Nat, are you ready?

Yes, ready!

The two sisters went to their bus stop, where they boarded every morning. Natalis bus stopped. Stefani kissed her little sister on the head and waved to her as she got in the bus. Her little sister was gone and now the young woman was standing alone at the bus stop. She heard voices behind her and immediately recognized them. These voices came from Titus and George, two boys from her class. Her hands on her backpack tightened. The light of the bus was already visible as one of the two boys ripped off her backpack, turned it around and threw it into the nearest bush. Titus pushed her and George shoved her to the floor.

Look at the little baby here! Couldn't even give pleasure to Taylor!

Diden't even want to sleep with him, hahaha! A little baby Germ!

The girl lay there and took a sharp breath. The boys were already gone, when Stefani got up quickly and started running, trying to pick up her things as quickly as possible to get the bus. However, the boys had scattered her belongings so much in the area that she wasn't fast enough, so that the bus driver closed the door and drove away. She sat down on the side of the road with her messy bag and papers in her hand and began to cry. Some of her notes got ripped, her songs and poeams, things that meant everything to her. Her knees hurt and bleed a little. Fortunately, her pants already had some holes, so the new crack didn't stand out. This was her daily life. This was the reason she had some scars on her wrist.

He drove his motorcycle through the streets when he suddenly saw a person sitting on the side of the road, crying. It was obvious that this person wasn't ok. Slowly, he pulled to the side, got off the bike and put his helmet off. He saw a blond-haired, beautiful girl sitting there. She had buried her head between her knees and didn't even notice that the man was coming toward her. He put his hand on the back from the girl to calm her down.

Is everything ok, with-

The girl raised her head and looked into his eyes. He couldn't believe it. It was Stefani.

Hey, is everything alright?

He sat next to her. Without thinking, she rested her head on his shoulders. Tears were still running down her face.

What happened?

Titus and George took my things and threw them around. Now I have missed my bus and can't go to school. My parents have to work and the next bus leaves in an hour.

And what happened to your knees?

They have put a leg on me, so I fell down.

Stefani calmed down a bit and wiped the tears from her face. Only now, she realized what she was doing. She had just really cried infront of her teacher and even smeared his shirt with her mascara and her lipstick.

Ohh, I'm sorry!

Panicked she rubbed around his shirt collar.

Everything is ok!

A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now