16. I'm back

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Oh my god! What? That didn't happen!

Bo, calm down! Not so loud!

Her friend came closer and leaned over to her ear. Even though she tried to be quiet, her whisper was still loud. Stefani

You did it? Ok, I'll ignore the fact that he is our class teacher ... so, how was it?


What amazing? You tell me every damn detail now!

~Few days later~

Just as Stefani wanted to talk with Bo, the headmaster's office door opened. Irina and her parents came out of the room with a few sheets in their hands. Shayk just rolled her eyes. The two girls' eyes crossed. Stefani backed away a little from refelx. The last attack had left his mark.

Oh hey Stefani.

The headmaster turned to her and apologized for the whole thing again. Just a few days ago she had the conversation with the director and Bradley. She told everything and showed the director her injuries. He was deeply shocked and immediately convinced that Irina had to leave the school.

Maybe when you are already here, Miss Shayk this is Stefani.

Irina's mother went to Stefani and shook her hand.

I am so sorry! We want to apologize for everything our daughter did to you! I know we can't change what happened, but we hope you are alright. If we would have known, I know that what she did is not forgivable, but-

It's- it's ok! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

I can promise you that Irina will never bother you again! She'll be leaving school!

The woman turned to her daughter and gave her a cold look.

We are sorry! Good luck! We hope everything will be fine!

The family disappeared and the director went back to his office.

Stefani was still standing in the hallway with wide eyes and couldn't believe it. Her worst enemy was finally gone. The bullying and all the insults finally came to an end, at least most of it. She had no words and fell around her friend's neck.

She's gone! She's finally gone! All the years and now it's all over!

I'm proud of you Stef! You were so brave!

Bo! I have to tell Bradley, it's just because of him!


Meanwhile, Bradley packed his bag and wiped the board when he suddenly felt two hands on his waist. These weren't Stefani's hands. He would reconize her hands anywhere.


He turned and a blonde woman stood in front of him.

Renee what are you doing here?

The woman came closer and stroked his chest.

I'm back! Did you miss me?

He carefully took a step back and removed her hands from his body.

Everything ok? Aren't you happy to see me again?

Bradley didn't have words.

Honestly, I don't know what to say. It's been 8 years and you just come here as if nothing has happened! What do you actually think of?

Her hands went under his t-shirt and stroked his muscles.

Renee don't touch me!

Why did you get so boring?

A Love Is Born - Teacher X Student (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now