Welcome to the Foot Clan

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(The music is a song I thought could go along with the story, it is optional enjoy!)

"Hey, you ready for your big night?" Karai asked Leo as she put her arm on his shoulder.

"Yeah," Leo said as a grin crept across his face.

Leonardo's bandana, once blue now black brings out his icy blue eyes as he looks at Karai.

"You know with that ugly blue mask I could not tell you had blue eyes but this mask, it shows me that so well," she said as a smile crept across her face before putting her hand on his cheek, staring into his icy blue eyes.

"Yeah," he laughed before looking and pulling away before continuing, "I was a fool for thinking Ralph, Donnie, and Mikey were actually there for me. They all hated me from the day I was chosen as a leader. They are lost without me!"

"Indeed they are," she said before standing up, "now you are the leader of a bigger and better army! Soldiers who follow your command and actually listen to you. By the way, how are your soldiers doing anyways?"

"They are good, I sent them to go capture my brothers alive so I can finish what I should have finished long ago," he said with a sigh as he stared down at the city lights.

"You will be joining them soon huh?" she asked as she walked over next to him staring at the city lights too.

"Yes, what are you wanting to come?" he laughed as he looked over at her.

"Yes." she simply said without even looking at him.

Leonardo stopped laughing, when he stood up the height difference between them was significant as he had to look down at her. He looked at her, curiosity in his eyes as he pondered on why she would want to go on such a dangerous mission. Leo was the only person who truly knows what his brothers are capable of, especially Ralph and his anger.

"Well let us go then, do not want them to get away," he said before heading to the door.

"Indeed," she said before following him.

Leonardo took Karai and their army down to his old home... his old lair. They tore the place upside down but in the end, they did not find the three brothers.

Leo in anger, yelled as he punched the wall before stating, "they should have been here! How could they know my plans to come attack today?!"

"There must be a spy somewhere," Karai sighed as she kicked one of the rocks into the tv making the screen shattered completely.

"Hey, you know what the April girl is unique is she not?" Karai asked as she faced him and walked over to where he was.

"Yeah, Hamoto Yoshi always bragged about how she was more advanced than us in less amount of time," Leo answered, sounding a bit bitter before proceeding to ask. "Why do you ask such a question?"

"Well if she is as strong as many say she is, then maybe taking her out first will make it easier to pinpoint where your brothers are. After all, Donatello was in love with her, was he not?" Karia stated as an evil grin crept across her face.

"You are right we could use her as leverage." Leo said as he turned to her, "you are amazing!"

"I know, I know!" Karai exclaimed as they went back to their lair in Shredder's empire.

Two figures hiding in the shadows saw the whole incident.

"We should warn April or this incident," figure one said.

"Yeah I will tell the others to be on high alert," figure two said.

The two figures nodded at each other, one went deeper into the sewers and the other one went towards the surface. Figure one appeared in April's back alleyway, knocks a secret code on the back door.

April heard the knock then looked at the three boys in a panic, "stay here I will be right back!"

The boys looked at her, slightly confused. She hurried downstairs and opened the back door.

"Venus come on in," April said as she opened it up enough to let her in then close it behind her.

"Thanks, April," Venus said as she leaned against the wall.

"What brings you here?" April questioned in concern because she new Venus only came when something was wrong.

"Leonardo destroyed the boys' lair just moments ago, now he and Karai are searching for you to use as leverage to lure the boys out," Venus explained bluntly.

"Omg, this is insane!" April said as she placed back and forth.

April contemplated to herself about the situation before stopping.

"What are we going to do about the boys?" April asked before adding, "if they take me the boys will come for me. If they come for me then they will be in Leo's trap. If they end up in Leo's trap then all of this would have been for nothing!"

"Hey calm down I am sure the girls and I can find a way to keep you all safe, my sisters are increasing patrol watch over your house," Venus explained as she pointed out the window.

Outside were two familiar faces to April and Venus, the figures waved before going into the shadows.

"Good," April sighed in relief for now.

"For now we have to find a way to figure out what on earth is going inside Leonardo's head. To see what he is planning," Venus said as she pondered about it.

"Why would he do this to his brothers?" asked April as she folded her arms.

"I do not know..." Venus said before continuing, "I thought Leo loved his brothers."

"He did!" April cried before adding on, "this thing is not Leo!"

"April I did not know Leonardo well enough, even when we were kids I only saw him when mother allowed it. But after Larota and Ralph got into that huge fight giving Ralph a scar above his lips and Larota a scar on her right cheek mother and Splinter thought it was best we never met again." Venus explained as she looked back at the memories of her sisters and the boys.

"Yeah..." April said in slight defeat as she sat down.

"I must go rest now I will have the day shift, meanwhile Larota and Talena have the night shift," Venus said as she headed to the door before adding, "oh by the way the one who has a crush on you was eavesdropping."

April looked at the door separating the kitchen and living room before saying, "ugh Donnie! Well thanks--," when April turned around to the door going outside she saw Venus was already gone.

"Guess you already left..." April said without saying another word.

April went into the living room, anger in her eyes as she looked at the boys, "Donnie, Ralph, Mikey!"

Donnie and Mikey gulped as all three of them were ready to take on their lecture for eavesdropping.

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