Goodbye Dear Friend

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Leo jolted up or rather Darkness did as he made Leo's eyes go black. Darkness looked around being silent and he heard unfamiliar footsteps in the living room. Darkness cautiously looked into the living room seeing an army of foot bots. Darkness hid behind the pillar as he thought of a plan and quickly. Darkness looked again seeing that there were ten of the foot bots.

Leo began to wake up inside but saw Darkness was in control.

What is going on?? Leo asked.

Hush and look for yourself, Darkness hissed.

Leo took control for a second and saw the army before his eyes went back to black giving Darkness control.

So what is the plan? Leo asked worriedly.

I have no idea yet, Darkness whispered.

Oh no, this is not going to end too well, Leo said as he sighed.

With that Darkness went into the shadows and got above the soldiers, he used a rope and grabbed the two back soldiers and pulled them up to him as he knocked them out swiftly. The leader spun around seeing two of her guards were missing.

"We are not alone," she breathed quietly.

"You messed with the wrong turtle," Darkness growled quietly as he dropped down and pulled his katanas out.

Darkness landed on two of the foot soldiers knocking them to the ground.

"Get him! We need that curse alive!" She yelled quietly.

How does she know who you are?! Leo yelled.

I did not know of this... we are in huge trouble Leonardo, Darkness breathed.

What are we going to do? Leo asked worriedly.

I am going to do what I need to protect you all even if it means sacrificing myself, Darkness growled.

Darkness, do not do this... we need you... Leo breathed as tears formed in his eyes.

Goodbye Leonardo, Darkness whispered one last time as he left Leo taking his form.

Leonardo was on his knees staring at the turtle before him. The turtle he knew as Darkness standing before him... Darkness kept Leo's form but instead of a blue mask, he had a black mask. Darkness reached behind his back and grabbed his katanas his black eyes glistening in the low lighting.

"Leonardo get your brothers to safety!" Darkness yelled as he pulled the katanas out ready to charge into battle.

"Not without you!" Leo yelled as he struggled to his feet.

"That was an order! Now go!" Darkness yelled as he charged at the leader locking swords with her.

"I will have your cursed soul," she growled as she held her own to this skilled warrior.

The yelling woke Splinter up as he stared in confusion seeing two Leonardo's one in blue in tears and one in black locked in battle with a woman.

Leo ran back to the bedrooms and woke his brothers grabbing them all and taking them to Splinter as Karai stood beside him worried. Leo looked at Darkness but back at Splinter as he grabbed his hand and Karai's before running.

"Splinter we need to go now! I will explain later!" Leo yelled as they ran to the subway tunnels.

"Do not let them escape!" The woman commanded.

"I will not let you hurt them!" Darkness yelled as he kicked the foot soldiers into the wall.

Darkness breathed heavily as he looked at his hand which began to fade. The connection of his spirit to the world was weakening but he needed to keep the connection strong enough for Leo and his family to escape. Leo looked back at Darkness and could not help but feel like he was leaving a brother behind. Leo looked at Mikey, Donnie, and Raph, he sighed as he led them to the girls' lair. The boys ran in all breathing heavily. Thus waking the girls as they ran to them.

"Are you all okay?" Venus asked worriedly as she went to Leo's side.

"T-There were two Leo's!" Mikey yelled as he stared at his brother in confusion.

"Leo... Did Darkness separate from you?" Talena asked worriedly as she stared at Leo fear in her eyes for she knew the consequences of these actions.

"Yes..." Leo whispered as he stared at the ground.

"But he can not live on his own for long..." Amoly breathed.

"He did it to protect us..." Leo breathed softly.

"Who is this Darkness?" Splinter demanded.

"Darkness was a cursed soul... he connected with me since he needed a host to survive... he tried Raph, Mikey, and Donnie but they were all too much for him..." Leo whispered.

"Darkness was a soldier skilled in combat hundreds of years ago but when he failed to protect his princess that he was sworn to protect he became a cursed soul..." Talena explained.

"To lift the curse he had to fight to protect a family or one person... even if it meant giving his own life for them," Leo whispered.

"So that night we were attacked..." Venus whispered.

"I told Darkness to get you home quickly and safely... and he did I would have never been able to get us back unharmed," Leo explained.

"They were after Darkness... the only question now is why they wanted him and how they know of him..." Splinter asked.

"I have no idea... but if he does not find a host he will be gone before they even make it back," Leo explained.

Darkness looked at the chains on his wrist forcing him to not fade from existence, "Leonardo I am sorry I failed you... they captured me and I have no idea what they will do to me... if we ever face each other I just hope you have the strength to stop me... stay safe Leonardo... and goodbye my dear friend."

Darkness stared at the night sky through the cage bars in the van and for the first time in hundreds of years a tear slipped down his cheek. This would be the last thing he would see in this mental state... for the future does not seem pleasant for Leonardo or Darkness. Leonardo leaned his head against the wall hoping that his dear friend Darkness was able to escape or finally rest in peace. But little did they know what the future had in store for both of them.

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