The Truth Of Darkness

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Well, I am sure you are wondering when I came into Leonardo's life, now how I became a cursed soul is true that I did not lie to Leonardo about... but back when he first joined the foot clan Shredder had forced him to be my host. It went a little like this...

It was a normal day for me staying in a container waiting for my host to come into my cursed life. That was when Karai walked into the room with a wicked smile which I knew was not a good thing for me.

"We found a host, Leonardo Yoshi, son of Hamato Yoshi. He is a leader and very 'goody two shoes' and I need you to keep him dark and to not turn his back on us, understand?" Karai asked with a sinister grin.

"And if I do not?" I growled wishing to just vanish away and rest in peace.

"Then we will just torture you with more experiments," Karai said confidently.

"Fine then..." I growled.

That was when I first joined Leonardo and it was not bad at all... I thought I was going to hate it but he was reasonable and caring nothing like what I experienced during my time here. I did not have to do much to keep Leo dark but I hated every second of it. But even then when Leonardo escaped my memories of the mission to keep him dark were wiped from my memories which were why I could not remember who Karai was during the battle. During this confusion, a part of my mind stayed blank and when I was letting Leonardo live his life I would try to recall those memories but failed until they had me handcuffed. Now I lay here underneath a bright light... I know what was coming and I could only hope that Leonardo was ready to face me once again... just not the face he was hoping to see. I was exhausted from the battle and fighting to break the handcuffs. That was when everything went dark... really dark... I felt cold and numb. When my eyes fluttered open they were lifeless, cold, and black. I could not feel anything... could not feel love... pain... sympathy... nothing. This was it... this was the end of what felt like a piece of life. My new mission was... kill Hamato Leonardo...

I was sitting on the couch worried as Venus rubbed my arm. Talena and Donnie were hard at work trying to find a way to track Darkness. That was when we heard the clanking metal being dragged against the ground. I and the boys stood in defense as we held our weapons ready to battle. Then the light shone on his black mask... and my body froze. I could feel his cold dark presence as he stepped into the light.

"Hamato Leonardo, son of Hamato Yoshi. Prepare to feel my wrath," Darkness hissed as he grabbed his katanas and took a stance.

Everyone was in shock... the turtle who helped them escaped was now in the flesh and ready to fight them.

"Darkness this is not you," Leo breathed as a tear slid down his cheek.

"This is me Leonardo and prepare to die!" Darkness yelled as he charged at Leonardo.

The girls all took a stance around Leonardo and his brothers prepared for a fight.

Leonardo forgive me... Darkness whispered.

Darkness please do not do this... this is not you... Leo whispered.

That was when they heard a loud explosion and Darkness was on the ground in pain.

"Come on let us go!" April yelled as she motioned everyone to the van.

"Woah just in time April!" Mikey yelled as he and Amoly ran to the van.

Casey was in the driver seat ready to floor it once everyone was in. Splinter, Karai, Raph, Larota, and Donnie all got in the van.

"Leo, Talena, Venus come on!" April yelled as she was ready to blast Darkness again.

"Come on Leo that is not the Darkness you once knew," Talena begged as she and Venus got Leo to the van.

April slammed the door shut as she jumped in and Casey floored it driving to the surface.

"Okay, so what the hell is going on?!" Raph yelled.

"So what we have gathered is that curse soul, or as you all call him Darkness is indeed a cursed soul. But Shredder forced him into Leonardo to turn him dark and kill anyone who stood in his way. When Leo broke free it set Darkness free too, but Shredder captured him again and has now ordered him to kill Leonardo," April explained.

"He would never though..." Leo breathed.

"He would not but he was brainwashed by Shredder, only you can stop him, Leo," April explained.

"I can not... you all do not understand he was there for me and we talked about everything we were like brothers," Leo explained.

"I know... but it is either you kill him or he kills you," April explained.

That was when they heard a thud on the van roof and a katana stabbed through inches away from April's face.

"I got this," Raph growled.

"No... I got this," Leo said as he made his way to the van roof.

"Leonardo oh how I have waited for this moment," Darkness growled.

"I thought you were better than this... I thought you were stronger than this! I thought you were like a brother!" Leo yelled.

"Well Leonardo or much rather I should say Lame-o-nardo, you have been nothing but a nuisance and it has been more than long enough for me to cut you down and destroy you," Darkness growled.

"You are wrong... this is not you... you are better than this," Leo growled.

Leonardo cut it out or you will get yourself killed, Darkness growled to himself.

"Come back when the real you is back," Leo commanded as he side kicked Darkness and sent him flying to a building near by.

Good job Leo... Darkness smiled to himself as he watched his old friend disappear into the distant sunset.

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